Veritas Preparatory Charter School


Board of Trustees Meeting

Strategic Planning Session

Date and Time

Thursday October 28, 2021 at 11:00 AM


South End Community Center, Room #205
99 Marble Street
Springfield, MA 01105

Trustees Present

A. Errichetti, A. Mendelson, D. Ford, D. Fuller, D. Janes, J. Crowell, L. Doherty, M. Landon, R. Martin (remote), R. Sela, T. Maxey, X. Delobato

Trustees Absent

T. Gabinetti

Guests Present

A. Clark, J. Swan, N. Gauthier, R. Romano

I. Opening Items


Record Attendance


Call the Meeting to Order

D. Janes called a meeting of the board of trustees of Veritas Preparatory Charter School to order on Thursday Oct 28, 2021 at 11:08 AM.


Approve Minutes

L. Doherty made a motion to approve the minutes from Board of Trustees Meeting on 09-23-21.
D. Fuller seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.


Approval of Annual Audit

D. Janes made a motion to Approve Annual Audit.
D. Ford seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.

II. Introduction: Rachel Romano



Rachel framed Agenda and reminded group of norms and proposed norms were discussed. 


Rachel introduced new Director of Special Projects, Nicole Gauthier and re-introduced Director of School Supports, Jonathan Swan.



III. Session 1: Anti Racism


Discussion of Pre-Read: "Awake to Woke"

Rachel introduced 3 general prompts to guide discussion:
1. Reactions
2. What questions does this raise for you about our work?
3. What role can/should the board play in this work?


Denise thought it was a bit academic and a bit warm and fuzzy.  A lot of words but action steps were generic. It was interesting and valid but didn't help with forming a concrete strategy and a plan.


Lisa liked how they broke it into people, culture and process. Representation is just a basic first step. It does assume that everyone/s in the same place believing that systemic racism exists.


Denise mentioned affirmative action, how do you implement these steps without getting caught up in affirmative actions. 


Ann thought emphasizing race equity over diversity was interesting. How does this relate to Veritas?


Rachel responded that the decision they made with Veritas in 18-19 to term their work "anti-racism work" was very intentional. We made an effort to learn the difference between diversity, equity and inclusion. Veritas decided to term their work as "anti-racism" as opposed to DEI so that the topic of systemic racism was the focus at Veritas. If Veritas was not an educational institution serving mostly students of color, they may have chosen to focus more broadly on DEI.


Jonathan added that engaging in anti-racism work means you absolutely have to work against oppression in other ways like LGBTQIA+ work.  This intersectionality allows us to address issues across groups.


Robbie saw they difference as that over the years DEI is trying to meet a quota and that's not what we're trying to do. Meeting a quota vs. building equity.


Rachel believes this work is what has made Veritas more viable and better overall so that employees want to work there, feel valued, appreciated, seen and heard.


Matt's reaction was let's be bold, let's be brave. Veritas has had a great impact so far so it would be awesome to bring this initiative to a new level. Now is the time to go for it. 


Lisa asked about the demographics of the student body and what percentage identified as white. Rachel responded aproximatey 70% are hispanic/Latinx, 20% African American, 4% white, balance is multi-race, native and asian.


Lisa was wondering how to apply this concept to students.


Rachel responded that it all trickles down from policies and practices e.g. how staff interact and talk to students, what curriculum re we choosing, how are we teaching things like history, how are we disciplining students, etc. 


Dale had a similar reaction to Ann and also thought about dominant culture.  Assimilation more prominent than integration in dominant culture so to Lisa's point you have a student base or your customers are 75-80% BIPOC so is the dominant culture still relevant here?


Jonathan responded that dominant culture within the context of the school is not the student body but rather what influences on how the school operates and functions and who determines the policies and practices.


Dale went back to assimilation vs. integration he is trying to understand it better and there are various layers that we are trying to figure out what is the right culture to be operating in. 


Rachel responded there's not one right way or one strategy to implement. What we decide is going to be "our" way. 


Matt said this is where his head was going as he looks around this room, he sees a lot of white faces. Do we have enough people of color here to pull it forward? Rachel said that is part of the problem and she grateful for voices like Robbie's, we will continue to work on building diversity on the Board. The governance committee set a goal to increase diversity a few years ago and has been actively doing that with each new trustee. We've made and will continue to make progress. 


Rachel explains that she started Veritas with a desire to help students achieve in high school and beyond and now we are well positioned to make moves related to race equity. It will be a long journey and we will always do this work. Recognizing where you are in your own development related to this work and committing to learning and growing related to it is important work.


Dale said when he hears what Rachel says it sounds negative. The way she set up the school worked but it evolved, it sounds like they are saying they didn't achieve what they set out to achieve.
Rachel explained she doesn't think it was negative but she knows it can be better. That's why they built out a very inclusive design team for the High School that could really make recommendations that were inclusive. We are doing better all the time. 


Aaron wanted to say that he agrees with Denise that it was a bit academic but one of the key things he found was how is race equity culture being applied to the students, faculty, and board.  In terms of the Board, he found difficulty with the statement that it is not a pipeline problem but rather a structural problem. So, in thinking about Board members, he comes from very white community and has worked with mostly white people. So, he's asking how people like him can extend themselves into the greater community so that they can work more with people of color. 


Rachel mentioned that what Aaron pointed out in the article is exactly what they issue is, it's structural and he has done a great job over the years of reaching beyond his own community when looking for leaders. 


Dale responded that Aaron hit on some really important points. We need to talk about what the Board's responsibilities are related to this and a lot of the work we do today will be centered around this conversation and this work.


What role can/should the Board play in this work?:
Rachel said this article and this work is a state of mind and a lens to continue to look at our work and the decisions we are making, goals we are setting, etc. 


Lisa asks which is it race equity and anti-racism or is there a difference? Lisa's questions led to History of our work at Veritas.


History of Our Work at VPCS

Rachel explained about what Veritas has done since 18-19 to become an anti-racist institution. Harvard professor came and conducted a audit where she gathered information, held focus groups, etc. She then provided next steps.  They also hired an organization called "Beyond Diversity" and from these experiences, decided to become an anti-racist organization.  A Change Team was then created that can be inclusive and provide guidance to leadership. The team was first charges with creating anti-racist standards which they did. They requested continued professional development opportunities for staff and the Network Team.  One result of the Change Team was also the appointing of Fellows at both schools that serve as liaisons between the Team and leadership as well as developing and prioritizing professional development related to this work.


Xiomara explained how important it is for us to recognize our own privileges so we can then use that information to break down barriers and identify new opportunities. She also emphasized that this work takes time.


Questions were raised about the Standards that the Change Team set. Rachel will hand them out before lunch for people to review. Denise emphasized that plans need to be executed effectively because too often we lose sight of our goals or other outside factors set us off course. Rachel emphasized that was part of the purpose of the Change Team so that a certain body was specifically charged with this task.


Discussion: Implications for the Board of Trustees

Dale thinks that every meeting we should add a Change Team report to Board meetings, just like we have committee reports. 


Dale asks who does the team respond to?


Jonathan mentioned that Rachel talked about how the team was initially selected.  It was diverse in terms of race and also role within the school. Last year, a lot of the work was to establish clarity around roles, responsibilities, etc. of the team.  


Dale asked if the Change Team understands the Board's role? He thinks we should get everybody on the same level about how we integrate these ideas. Rachel believes that a refresher for the Change Team would be helpful.


Denise wondered if DESE is aware of charter schools and their work around these issue. Rachel explained that DESE has been encouraging charter schools to focus on culturally responsive practices and what Veritas is doing is aligned with DESE criteria for performance. 


Lisa has thoughts on role of Board. First, catch some Board members up (more educated) on where some of the others are in terms of this work.  Also, include this work within our committee work. For example, asking these questions within committee meetings. 


Denise responded that in the Finance committee they can look at what they are spending money on and how that related to issues of race equity. 


Matt asked Rachel if she envisioned bringing this work into our vision and who we are. 


Dale said that falls on all of us, not just Rachel. 


Rachel said they have been discussing how to add this work into our vision and they have added some content into the vision and now we need to take that content an incorporate it into our communications about who and what we are as an institution. A great goal to set for moving forward as we consider rebranding veritas and our marketing materials to better represent who we are now. 


IV. Session 2: High School


Presentation of Vision and Plan for Launch

Lily Newman, Director of High School Design, presenting:


What are 1 or 2 things you all are excited about related to the HS:


Matt is excited that it's all systems go for the HS.


Aaron asked how many current 8th graders will be matriculating?


Lily said we'll get that answer soon!


SY 21-22 Goals and Highlights:
20 spots for the HS for lottery.
12 student leadership council.


1. Develop and document academic programs details that are ready to launch with detailed plans for scaling up over 4 years.
a. 2 high potential early college partners (Worcester State and SCCC) ready to move to contract negotiations.
b. Launching curriculum teams to adapt great curriculum in Hist/SS, ELA, Biology, adopting illustrative math.


2. Develop a program aligned staffing model and development system to support a successful launch and exceptional team at VPHS.
a. Special Projects Coordinator: Hired DOO: 2 excellent finalists.
b. Principal and founding teacher postings - Nov. (vision/profile of a graduate influenced our criteria for principal)
c. Edgility Firm for Principal Search


3. Establish the foundations for an exceptional school culture with at least 80% of VPCS 8th graders selecting VPHS.
a. Annual survey: 88% plan to attend VPHS (52 total respondents).
b. Parent info session 9/30 mailer to all 8th grade families. 
c. Student Leadership Council created.


Denise says contacting families individually rather than sending surveys may be necessary.


4. Establish and document full operational details of the school for Year 1 with all foundations in place for expansion into Year 2 and to full enrollment. 
Highlights: Facility: Sound & comms; student space
a. Schedule drafts ready for EC partner & detailed updates.
b. Programs at cutting edge of DESE direction, funder support & whole school impact grant. 




Denise asked what about kids that may not want to go to college and how we would support them to pursue the best pathway. 


Lily responded that we want to be having the career-based questions/conversations that lead students to make the appropriate decisions for their own lives/futures. A lot of these conversations will take place in their seminar class. All college classes aligned to a career pathway (Humanities, STEM). Also looking at partnerships with places like Propel America. We also want to make internships a reality, that's where the Board can be helpful.


Aaron understands the need for career-focus but what about the kids who have no idea what they want to do.


Lily says students need a general idea of what they want to do if they want to take specialized courses and there are pathways to help students also explore and discover what their interests may be. 


Dale wants to know about Advanced Placement and whether our courses would prepare them to pass the AP test. 


Lily says yes they will be prepare to take the test but at VPHS, they will be able to get the actual credit for college level Biology rather than take the AP Bio test and hope that they score high enough on the AP test to have it count for college credit. 


Xiomara says that we need to be careful with wording related to classes/final transcript so they don't get passed over by college admissions.


Lily shared a sample progression of classes for a Business pathway.


Denise asked what about important skills like writing?


Lily said they will be utilizing and approach with writing practices that cut across multiple domains (English, History, etc.).


Denise asks what if students aren't coming from Veritas middle school and don't have these tools?


Lily says that they are building in supports for accelerated learning like a Writing Center that can offer personalized supports for students struggling in certain areas. 


Lily has learned that mentoring is so important in HS, so having mentors/TAs will also provide support for students who need more specialized help in certain areas. 


Lisa asked how do logistics work for college professors teaching HS students?


Lily said they Worcester State said they'll do hybrid, they'll come here, find local folks to teach classes, they'll do some remote. etc. There are a variety of options the colleges have offered. 


Rachel said they are also ready to engage other local college partners. This is a mission for them, they are open to the goal and the mission. 


Rachel said we would like to build out an industry advisory board and want people who know our industries and our pathways.  We want people who can keep kids on a 4-year trajectory, so how do we secure funding opportunities for students, etc. Rachel and Lily will follow up with the board once they've outlined a clear vision for the advisory board and will enlist trustee support to identify and recruit the best individuals to serve on it. 


Aaron asked if there will be enough counselors to help support students?


Rachel says we currently have 5 counselors in the plan (4 college and career, 1 adjustment).


Rebecca says that's a better ratio than most high schools.


Xiomara asked will there be a college and career center?


Rachel said it will be embedded into the curriculum.


Xiomara says some of the most successful schools/impressive students she's visited have had strong industry expertise and center's dedicated to college and career preparation.


Rachel would love examples. Xiomara will share a list of HSs she has seen do an excellent job so the team can connect with them and learn more about those models of support. 


Matt wants to bring it back to race equity and wondered if we are encouraging our students to aim for top tier colleges and universities. 


Rachel responded that we will have robust counseling teams and the right resources to determine who the right student is to apply to schools like Harvard.  We don't want students to get into a school where they can't succeed and then leave early with debt. That said, we want to ensure our students have access to all of those options and support to pursue them and succeed there. 


Dale asks what is the marketing plan to attract students to the new HS?


Rachel responded we have a great group of 8th graders who we are working to get excited about the HS. The Student Leadership team is helping, info sessions, t-shirts. Marketing plan is to retain 80% of student body we currently have.  Next is direct mailing to Springfield families and she thinks we will end up with a waiting list.


Rebecca added that there are families that are interested already just because of Veritas' reputation.


David suggested tours of the new facility. Rachel explained we aren't really in a position to do that until we begin leasing the space. We may be able to take some groups but we do not yet have control of the space. Xiomara wonders will that cause pause for parents who can't see the space?


Rachel thinks our marketing materials cover the space and what it will have pretty well but anything new like this is a challenge for some people and we will do our best to reassure them.


Aaron inquires about the potential early college partners and how they align with our goals on DEI?


Rachel shares her thoughts on each and states that this is an important part of our decision and we want a partner who will take actions aligned with our beliefs around providing equitable access to all students. 


Ann asks when you announce the partner will other local colleges feel slighted? Rachel doesn't think so because they've had conversations with all of these colleges over the past year. Ann suggests communicating thoughtfully with each and closing the loop before announcing, 


Xiomara asks if there will be a public press release? Rachel says when we have a partner and more concrete design then we would love to do a press release. 


Lisa asks when is the lottery? Rachel responds mid-March, 2022.


Xiomara wants to know why 8th grade families may have already decided why they won't go to VPHS.


Rachel says most kids are very excited and most kids plan to go.  There hasn't been an official ask for yes or no. They wanted to take the time to excite the kids and get them interested in going.  We are just at the point where we are ready to send a mailing that asks for decisions.  We do plan on having follow up conversations with families who say "no" so we can find out their reasoning. She thinks that "nos" won't be due to academic rigor but rather extra curriculars. 


Lisa wants to know what the commitment will be for the Industry Advisory group. Rachel says she need to get more clear on the role of the group and will circle back to this with trustees when ready.


Jonathan said if you look up National Family Foundation there are some rules related to advisory boards of this type. 




Discussion: Implications for the Board of Trustees

V. Session 3:Accelerated Learning


Presentation of Plan, Progress and Funding

Update on Accelerated Learning presented by Springfield Principal, Amy Clark


Accelerated Learning Plans:
All students receive consistent access to grade-level work with targeted, just-in-time scaffolds to make it accessible. 


Strategic use of math lab (second block) to teach pre-requisite skills
Strategic tutoring groups at the school level.


Decoding (HD Word) in all grades
More independent Reading time


Overall MCAS Headlines
We knew we had significant gaps to make up.  Biggest learning loss was in Math.


Rebecca noted that the data was state-wide not just Veritas.


Dale wondered if any schools had no or little learning loss during the pandemic.  


Rachel said some suburban schools did.


ELA Data:


All grades are improving towards meeting standards. 


Lisa wondered why 7th and 8th graders are improving more quickly. 


Amy says she thinks those students have more coping skills and better habits, skills, and executive functioning in ELA. 


Dale asks how granular is your data?


Amy says we track data by teacher, so we do know where each teacher stacks up. 


Dale asks if you are a more tenured teacher, do you get better and better?


Amy says yes, at Veritas, not necessarily everywhere.


David asks how do you assess quality of teacher?


Amy says observations and data. 


Math Data:


All grades are improving their averages except 8th grade. 8th graders are having the hardest time making up the learning loss in math. 


Amy notes that in the Math team they have 3 new teachers and ELA they are all returning except 1 new teacher who is exceptional.




This year is still not "normal" like we planned for:


1. New reading intervention challenge for teachers to master.
2. Student quarantines in September. (8th grade hit hard)
3. Mental health/executive functioning needs of our students due to remote learning.
4. Staff challenges and turnover. (we are fairing pretty well compared to other schools she believes)


Dale asks under accelerated learning are teachers teaching different ways?


Amy says it is out of the ordinary to ask middle school teachers to implement this new reading intervention. 






Discussion: Implications for the Board of Trustees

Rachel shared a handout about how we are using ESSER funding. 


Dale asks what reporting responsibilities do we have related to this money?


Denise says we had to add it to the audit and now Lynne is managing multiple grants and we need to keep a close eye on how we are utilizing funds and have good processes in place for successful reporting. 


Rachel said they had their first Federal audit this year and they got good results and feedback on what they need to do moving forward. We are well positioned regarding our management and reporting of the funds. We are also ready to amend them as needed.
Board will see funds for EESER come through in the budget every year.


Dale says the Board should be informed on a regular basis about what these funds are being used for because we have this responsibility for federal funds. Rachel explains that finance committee sees monthly grant reports and can share more frequently with full board.


Rebecca says the Board should wonder what is the balance of investments we're making and staffing because it is concerning about what we do in three years when all this money goes away. 


Dale emphasized that this money is good but we just need to make sure that we are reporting, tracking, and overseeing this money appropriately. 


Lisa wonders if we have to spend this money, should we putting toward our mortgage?


Rachel says that we will be looking more closely at these types of decisions with the finance committee and then bringing them back to the board. She also addressed Rebecca's question and said we are thinking about what do we want to keep as a result of these funds and what do we not need. 


Matt clarified that the "usage time" on these funds are longer than 2024. 


Lisa asked if we have received all these funds?


Rachel says not yet but we know what's coming. 


David wonders if we need to hire a grant manager?


Rachel says maybe more of someone to manage the implementation of these grants which is not the job of a Business Manager.  She has definitely seen the need for a role around this.


Lisa asks Amy about the demographic of teacher retention.


Amy says over the last two years we've lost so many of our teachers and even teachers who were new last year are really new this year due to the pandemic. Many teachers are still green. The goal is to not have as many new first year teachers moving forward. 


Ann asks where are the teachers going who leave?


Amy says last year most moved or left teaching.  Some have left to advance their position, change grade level, or mental health issues.


Matt asks what else can we do to support our teachers and hopefully retain them?


Rachel highlighted many things that Amy and her leadership team are doing to promote staff "joy".


Denise asked if there are any childcare concerns?


Amy says not really, she is offering flexible scheduling ideas. They have explored an onsite childcare option but not enough people are interested in committing to that.


Amy also noted that some sort of stipend/bonus in the winter and spring would be a good idea.


Rachel mentioned that there may be a compensation conversation that we bring to the Board. 


Lisa planted a seed related to teacher retention. We should talk to Market Mentors about marketing all the great work we're doing to help with recruiting efforts. 


Matt says as we weave race equity into our brand it can attract donors and help with all areas of development, advocacy, and support. 


VI. Priorities and Goals


Review/Discuss Previously Established Strategic Priorities of the Board

1. Building a Viable and Sustainable Organization
a. Facility acquisition – takes place FY15
b. Procuring alternative funding streams for long term viability
-  Foundation grants and private donors
-  Appeals/Events
-  Development: growing friends/supporters/cultivation/stewardship
c. Charter Renewal  for another 5-year term – takes place FY16
d. Compensation and  other structures for faculty/staff sustainability


2. Providing Visionary Governance and Leadership
a. Developing the Board of Trustees
-  Building knowledge in the charter movement nationally and in MA – policy and practice
-  Where do we fit? How do we compete with other charter operators/networks?
-  Exploring growth opportunities, models to scale our impact
b. Creating sustainable governance structures
-  Recruiting and retaining top talent for the Board
-  Systems and structures to ensure success of program and top performance of school leadership
c. Recruiting, growing and retaining top talent for the school
-  Ensure structures to develop teachers
-  Ensure structures to develop teachers as leaders within the organization


3. Establishing Veritas Prep as a Regional Leader and Influencer on Urban Education Reform
a. Document aspects of the program that can be disseminated and identify opportunities to disseminate/share practices
b. Marketing and public relations to position Veritas Prep as regional leader, promoting key aspects of program
c. Engaging strategic partners with the school for the purposes of student recruitment, support/retention, and alumni opportunities
d. Building a track record of results


Questions to Consider:
1. How did we do?
2. Are these still the priorities?
3. What should the Board do to work toward these priorities?1. 


Discussion: Current Priorities, Needs, and Opportunities

Lisa provided some context for the previous goals and that these priorities should shift because these were designed when we were a start up, now we are an established school. 


Dale wants goals that do not fall solely on Rachel and her team's shoulders. How, for example, do we work in accelerated learning to the Board's overall work? We do need to have benchmarks and priorities that are clearly understood by Rachel. 


David asks if we are looking for short or long terms goals?


Dale says through SY 2024 with the understanding that the Board can change them at any time if a shift in focus is needed. Rachel agrees 3-5 years. 


Aaron agrees with 3-5 but also thinks we need to think about long term 5-7 years. 


Rachel decides 5 years, through the next charter year that we can work within and breakdown however we'd like. 


Lisa says she agrees as long as we treat it as a living and breathing document that we revisit on a regular basis. She also thinks we could build goals around the three topics that were presented on today.


Denise says the #1 goal from the previous goals is important: Building a viable and sustainable organization. 


Dale thinks one priority should be: "Achieving Academic Success" and that many things like opening VPHS, will fall under this priority. 


Rebecca thinks what Dale is saying could fall under the previous goal #3: 
Establishing Veritas Prep as a Regional Leader and Influencer on Urban Education Reform.


Rachel says there are three embedded accountability areas for charters schools set forth by DESE and there are specific metrics that we are evaluated on through annual site visits and charter renewals. One of those is academic success, so maybe the Board can focus on other areas where we aren't so stringently assessed already. She is know envisioning a vision statement with goals underneath. 


Dale thinks we need to commit numbers to diversity of the Board itself.


Ann supports that academic achievement needs to be a goal. 


David is concerned about teacher turnover and the high number of new teachers and that should be factored into the conversation about goals. 


Dale says that teacher retention can be related to the sustainability and viability of the organization. He adds that the Board needs to educate themselves more on the academic programs at the MS and HS. 


Lisa wants goals to be more aspirational. 


Rachel talked about the Accountability Plan and the common criteria that DESE holds us accountable for. Therefore, one goal for the Board should be playing a role in creating the new accountability plan for all grades 5-12. 


Lisa says maybe we can kill two birds with one stone by saying we will help in formulating AND overseeing the successful implementation of that new accountability plan.


3 key design elements from : 
1. Accelerate learning
2. We will teach/coach scholars around habits it takes to be successful in college and beyond. 
3. We will develop teachers and teachers strategic gain in student development. 


Dale's personal goals were a succession plan from Rachel and the right network or the right people in the right places and that they are being compensated appropriately. He views this as a critical element for the Board.


Rachel clarified there are the things that relate to our already established accountability plan and then the Board's goals are how do we go above and beyond or expand our impact. 


Dale thinks it the Boards job to do what they need to do to support Rachel so that she can be successful in her role. He wants Rachel to have the right people in the right roles.


Denise thinks that goes under sustainability and viability.


Lisa still feels like that is part of the accountability plan. 


Rachel hears as an emerging Board goal to develop a staffing and financial plan for the next 5 years. 


Dale thinks it's more of a bullet point than an individual goal. 


Denise is still thinking about Friends of VPCS and defining their funds and true function.  Should we be developing a capital fund to for example, buying the new HS. 


Dale thinks we should save those goals for another meeting and we are looking at higher level goals. 


Denise agrees and says her proposed goals should be bullet points underneath building a viable and sustainable organization. 


Rachel talked about development goals, who do we want to be involved short term and long term. Less about fundraising and more about "friend-raising". 


Aaron thinks of strategic planning in a way that's different from what we're talking about.  We are talking about goals and he thinks in 6-7 years all these things, with a capable staff and Board, will be achieved, then what?


Lisa thinks that over the past several years, many successes have come from our partnerships. This is a place where we shine and bring value.  One of our goals can be how to we utilize our strategic partnerships to leverage future success/growth. 


Rebecca is reading an article on Board on Track about creating Board goals. She shared key points. 


The Board discussed aspirational goals vs. operational goals. 


Rachel explained how DESE defines dissemination. 


Rachel thinks the goal could be that we oversee the acceleration plan with an eye toward dissemination.


Aaron talked about Sabbis who places ads in local newspapers about their scholars.  What if we did that with our scholars to promote Veritas so we can get more recognition and potentially help with future dissemination. 


Matt says this gets back to the event idea to host a large event to promote visibility and garner partnerships. He also referred to Dale's previous comment about getting closer to the academic process. A goal may be how can the Board become a better Board and some of these things we've discussed could fall under that goal.


Rachel and Matt discussed the possibility of a consultant to help with race and equity work and to help the Board increase its knowledge in this area and learn tools related to utilizing race and equity as a lens through which decisions are made and priorities are set or assessed in the future. 


Terry brought up the importance of looking at the impact Veritas has on the community. 



Develop Goals

Operational Goal(s):


Monitoring Accountability 


Aspirational Goal(s):


Working toward a race equity culture on the Board


Rachel reviewed the goals or ideas she heard throughout the discussion.


Dale recommended that the Board processes all of this discussion and then he and others who are interested in participating narrow down two to three goals and then the Board can propose those in November.


Rachel would like Board members who didn't get to share their thoughts as much to email her their ideas around goals and priorities. 


Matt mentioned there may be some space on the board for new members as old member exit. 

VII. Closing Items


Adjourn Meeting

There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 5:59 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
N. Gauthier
Documents used during the meeting
  • BoT Group Norms.docx
  • Awake to Woke Article.pdf
  • Change Team Letter to Admin (2).pdf
  • Racial Equity Lens.docx
  • Federal Relief Funding One Pager (1).pdf
  • Strategic Priorities FY15-FY17.docx