Veritas Preparatory Charter School


Academic Achievement Committee Meeting

Date and Time

Thursday December 10, 2020 at 8:00 AM


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Committee Members Present

A. Clark (remote), A. Errichetti (remote), A. Martin (remote), D. Janes (remote), L. Doherty (remote), R. Romano (remote), R. Sela (remote)

Committee Members Absent

G. Moody, J. Crowell

I. Opening Items


Record Attendance


Call the Meeting to Order

R. Sela called a meeting of the Academic Achievement Committee of Veritas Preparatory Charter School to order on Thursday Dec 10, 2020 at 8:00 AM.


Approve October and November Minutes

D. Janes made a motion to approve the minutes from November Academic Achievement Committee Meeting on 11-12-20.
A. Errichetti seconded the motion.
The committee VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
Roll Call
L. Doherty
A. Martin
D. Janes
A. Clark
R. Romano
A. Errichetti
J. Crowell
G. Moody
R. Sela
D. Janes made a motion to approve the minutes from Academic Achievement Committee Meeting on 10-10-19.
A. Errichetti seconded the motion.
The committee VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call
R. Romano
G. Moody
R. Sela
J. Crowell
A. Errichetti
L. Doherty
D. Janes
A. Martin
A. Clark

II. Academic Achievement


Quick Recap of Committee Goals

Rebecca Sela reviewed the committee's goals and invited committee members to ask questions about the goals. She then explained that we would be looking at student progress toward goals today and next month we will dig into special education sub-group data.


Key Academic Goals Report

Amy Clark, Principal, shared out progress toward attendance goals. 

The second goal Amy shared about is student grades. The team uses 1.75 as a cut off for a C- and looks at anything above that mark as the passing grade. Amy and her team is looking at student grades across 5-8 and shared averages for each grade with the committee. She reminded the board that students have the same teacher for math/science and ELA/Social Studies. Two major hypothesis are that current 6th graders struggled to engage in remote learning last year as 5th graders, had lowest attendance and struggled with technology and independent work. So the lower averages in 6th grade make sense given their performance as 5th graders last year. We are observing these classes more and focused on how to support these teachers to address these gaps. These averages are lower than last year and we are focused on this. Amy talked about the different ways this data can be looked at (i.e.; by student, by class, by grade). She talked about reteaching key standards that students did not learn from either the spring or early in the year when some teachers and students were struggling to adapt to technology and learning remotely.

Next, Amy shared the ANet data and talked about how it reconciled with the student grades and how it compared to data from last year at this time. Overall, the data shows that 5th and 6th grade are struggling more than they did last year at this time but 7th and 8th grade are doing better.Three main things these teachers are doing is showing student work, communicating with parents and holding kids accountable. 


Remote Learning/Hybrid Planning Updates

Rachel and Ashley shared an update on the team's planning around bringing students back to school in person. One challenge is around transportation, hybrid means getting all students into the building throughout the course of the week and logistical coordination around transportation is a challenge. Another challenge is teachers who are home with kids whose districts are remote. Moving to a hybrid model will be a huge logistical lift and we have just gotten settled and in the groove with our remote learning model. We do not want the team to feel anxiety and stress but we have communicated that a change in model may be happening in the new year and we outlined the steps we are taking to inform this decision. We will be surveying parents, looking at student performance data compared to last year same time and continuing to track the metrics in our community. 


Knowledge Building about High School Accountability System from ESE

This item will be moved to next month.


Student Opportunity Act Plan (Addendum to Annual Report)

The state requires a plan for how increases in chapter 70 funding will be used to improve programing for students. We will ask the board to vote on the plan which is due later this month. Three priorities for Student Opportunity Act funds are:

1. Literacy instruction for special education students. Literacy gap in absolute achievement and general ed students.
2. Chronic absenteeism and improving supports for students who are chronically absent.
3. Science achievement - improving curriculum and instruction 

These goals were informed by historical analysis of student achievement data and input from stakeholders. 

III. Closing Items


Adjourn Meeting

R. Sela made a motion to Adjourn the meeting.
D. Janes seconded the motion.
The committee VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call
G. Moody
R. Sela
A. Errichetti
L. Doherty
A. Martin
D. Janes
A. Clark
J. Crowell
R. Romano
There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 9:00 AM.

Respectfully Submitted,
R. Romano