Veritas Preparatory Charter School
Board Meeting
Date and Time
Friday December 20, 2019 at 8:15 AM
370 Pine Street or by phone: 866-848-2216, code: 7783935205
Trustees Present
A. Errichetti, A. Mendelson, D. Ford, D. Fuller, D. Janes, L. Doherty, M. Landon, R. Martin, R. Sela, T. Gabinetti (remote)
Trustees Absent
Guests Present
R. Romano
I. Opening Items
Record Attendance and Guests
Call the Meeting to Order
D. Janes called a meeting of the board of trustees of Veritas Preparatory Charter School to order on Friday Dec 20, 2019 at 8:15 AM.
Approve Minutes
R. Sela made a motion to approve the minutes from Board Meeting on 11-22-19.
D. Fuller seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
II. Staff Spotlight
Lincoln Smith, VPCS Music Director
Lincoln presented the various music/arts/health and wellness opportunities that Veritas Prep students engage in on a regular basis. He started with introductions and a team building activity. He shared a slideshow of various events which was followed by questions and discussion about the music program at Veritas. A next step is to send the board a calendar of events so that any member can attend any of the events moving forward.
III. Finance
Monthly Financials
Trustees reviewed the November financial summary. There are savings and more revenue as has been discussed in previous meetings but everything is tracking as planned. Management is working on revising the approved FY20 budget to reflect these changes and this will come to the board for approval.
Development - update
The board has made great progress toward the matching grant goal of raising $75k. The "team competition" to raise $15k in short order has been a great success and we have met the goal. We will continue to track progress and report out. We need to determine future plans to raise the remainder.
IV. Executive Director Report
High School Expansion Request
Rachel shared that we've prepared and submitted a response to the Superintendent Warwick's letter of objection to the request. Dale read and provided feedback along the way. We also prepared and submitted multiple enrollment scenarios that reduced the seats requested by 29 seats. Each scenario assumes backfilling all vacant seats through 8th grade and different levels of attrition in the upper high school grades with incremental shifts at the middle school grades to stay at the maximum enrollment. We can make each of them work though there are implications to finance projections as we shift to enroll more kids in high school and fewer in middle school. Facility is still an unanswered question which will impact budget. We are hopeful that tuition will be higher than we've assumed and we think we have been conservative.
V. Closing Items
Adjourn Meeting
There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 9:30 AM.
Respectfully Submitted,
R. Romano