Veritas Preparatory Charter School
Academic Achievement Committee Meeting
Date and Time
Thursday October 12, 2017 at 8:00 AM
Veritas Prep Charter School 1st Floor Conference Room or Dial-In Number: 866-848-2216, Conference Code: 7783935205
Committee Members Present
E. Baecher, G. Moody, M. Sweet, R. Romano, R. Sela
Committee Members Absent
D. Janes
Committee Members who arrived after the meeting opened
R. Sela
Guests Present
A. Martin, G. Liquori
I. Opening Items
Record Attendance and Guests
Call the Meeting to Order
R. Romano called a meeting of the Academic Achievement Committee of Veritas Preparatory Charter School to order on Thursday Oct 12, 2017 at 8:05 AM.
Approve Minutes
M. Sweet made a motion to approve minutes from the Academic Achievement Committee Meeting on 09-14-17 Academic Achievement Committee Meeting on 09-14-17.
G. Moody seconded the motion.
The committee VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
II. Academic Achievement
Common Criteria
Dashboard Data
Emily began the meeting by discussing the suspension data. Rachel explained to the board why the school moved from Excel gradebooks to implementing SchoolRunner, such as increased reliability and reporting capabilities. Conversation moved onto suspension data and what would be flagged by the state based on the history of the data.
Michael pointed out the grades from T1 progress reports, asking how they might affect test scores. Emily also explained that the implementation of the new system affected the recording of the grades, reaffirmed by Ashley. The school leadership team takes full responsibility for how that implementation was handled.
Michael pointed out the grades from T1 progress reports, asking how they might affect test scores. Emily also explained that the implementation of the new system affected the recording of the grades, reaffirmed by Ashley. The school leadership team takes full responsibility for how that implementation was handled.
R. Sela arrived.
The committee discussed how parent/teacher interactions might be handled regarding concerns over grades. It was noted that new teachers might have struggles effectively explaining how the system works to parents.
Ashley pointed out that struggles in 7th and 8th grade can be affected by culture struggles in both grades. Rue has a plan in place with those teachers. 8th grade was noted to be in a transition phase from middle school and high school and that the beginning of the year is usually the case and by the end of the year, the culture is great.
Emily then explained the suspension and reflection data. Ashley also noted some other changes that may affect culture and management, such as role transitions in the leadership. There was a new Dean of Culture, as of last year, and the assistant principle is on maternity leave. Rachel explained that 7th grade is usually the most challenging years and there is an action plan in place.
Rebecca asked if the gap was any bigger between the suspension rates between Special Ed and Gen Ed. Rachel explained that the school is still working on lowering the variance but there has been significant improvement in that area. She then went on to name a few examples, without naming specifics, that were tracked in the data.
Rebecca pointed out that there was significant difference in 6th grade between male & female reflection rates. Emily explained that as being likely inflated by a single or small group of students. One idea was floated to have a boys club or similar intervention concept implemented. Rachel explained that there should be conversations had with the culture team to help develop a plan to address behaviors in the classroom and enrichment classes.
Ashley pointed out that struggles in 7th and 8th grade can be affected by culture struggles in both grades. Rue has a plan in place with those teachers. 8th grade was noted to be in a transition phase from middle school and high school and that the beginning of the year is usually the case and by the end of the year, the culture is great.
Emily then explained the suspension and reflection data. Ashley also noted some other changes that may affect culture and management, such as role transitions in the leadership. There was a new Dean of Culture, as of last year, and the assistant principle is on maternity leave. Rachel explained that 7th grade is usually the most challenging years and there is an action plan in place.
Rebecca asked if the gap was any bigger between the suspension rates between Special Ed and Gen Ed. Rachel explained that the school is still working on lowering the variance but there has been significant improvement in that area. She then went on to name a few examples, without naming specifics, that were tracked in the data.
Rebecca pointed out that there was significant difference in 6th grade between male & female reflection rates. Emily explained that as being likely inflated by a single or small group of students. One idea was floated to have a boys club or similar intervention concept implemented. Rachel explained that there should be conversations had with the culture team to help develop a plan to address behaviors in the classroom and enrichment classes.
III. Closing Items
Adjourn Meeting
There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 9:05 AM.
Respectfully Submitted,
M. Sweet
Rebecca moved onto discussing Mission and Key Design elements. She asked the committee to quickly read through them. She then asked to focus on criteria #3 and moved onto the key design elements. The document provided was outdated, as they had been recently condensed down to 3. Rachel explained what they were, challenging herself to name them off the top of her head (she was successful).
The committee discussed the best way to present this data to the board, focusing on how to be efficient with time.