Veritas Preparatory Charter School

Board Meeting

Zoom Meeting
Published on May 25, 2021 at 10:04 AM EDT

Date and Time

Thursday May 27, 2021 at 4:30 PM EDT


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I. Opening Items
  A. Record Attendance
  B. Call the Meeting to Order
  C. Approve minutes
    Approve minutes for Board Meeting on April 22, 2021
II. Executive Director Report
  A. Charter Renewal Process
  • Network team and Principal working on application, aiming for draft ready at June meeting but may need to vote in July
  • Orientation call with DESE CSO
  B. Dissemination: MOU with Holyoke Public Schools
  • Fully executed MOU with HPS
  • Finance Committee will share FY22 Space and Services agreement for board approval
  • Offer out to Principal with succession plan in place
  C. VPCS High School Update
  • Graduate Profile guiding program recommendations
  • Early College Model and meetings with IHEs
  • Principal Hiring Process, timeline extended
  • Barr Foundation - preparing to submit FY22-FY23 proposal
  D. Succession Plan Guide for Executive Director
  • Rachel will invite trustees to discuss the document, offer feedback and move to adopt as a guide for future use
  • Document intended to:
    • Be used as a guide for various scenarios
    • Stand the test of time, not need revision
    • Keep Trustees in position to choose, decide based on context at time of transition
    • Adopt as a guide with specific succession recommendation to be shared with the Board of Trustees annually in June by Executive Director  

III. Finance
  A. FY22 Space & Services Agreement Fee
Denise will present the FY22 Space and Services Agreement between Veritas Prep Charter School and the Friends of VPCS and ask the board of trustees for approval.
  B. FY22 Operating Budget
Denise will present the FY22 budget and invite questions from the board prior to asking for a motion to approve the FY22 budget.
  C. Investment RFP
Matt will provide an overview of the process and the choice of investment firm and will ask the board to authorize Rachel to engage the firm and move forward with the creation of an investment policy.
  D. April Financials
IV. Academic Achievement
  A. committee report
V. Governance
  A. committee report
VI. Closing Items
  A. Adjourn Meeting