Veritas Preparatory Charter School

Board Meeting

Zoom Meeting
Published on February 23, 2021 at 5:04 PM EST

Date and Time

Thursday February 25, 2021 at 4:30 PM EST


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I. Opening Items
  A. Record Attendance
  B. Call the Meeting to Order
  C. Approve minutes from January 28, 2021
II. Academic Achievement
  A. Student Assessment System
Rebecca will share an update from the committees around the school's approach to assessment of students and the new MAP assessment which the school is piloting this year.
III. Finance
  A. January Financials
  B. Investment RFP
Matt will give a brief update on investment RFP
  C. Student Information System - change to Power School
With the development of the high school, the school has been considering a change to its Student Information System (SIS).  Consideration of a SIS change has been happening for over one year and included many team members (board, school leadership, operations team, technology consultants, etc.) and this request is prompted by the findings as summarized below.


Currently Veritas uses SchoolBrains as its SIS, but SchoolBrains needs to be used in conjunction with other software programs to be an effective tool.  It has been determined that additional software programs would need to be added in order for SchoolBrains to be an effective tool for the high school.


PowerSchool is also a DESE compliant SIS system and includes the necessary modules to support a high school program.  PowerSchool would replace SchoolBrains, EDIS, ESped, and Docusign programs in FY22 (these equal $25k annually) and overtime PowerSchool will have the potential of replacing other programs currently in use (i.e. DeansList, JumpRope, POSSIP, Edulastic, etc.) which are approximately $20k annually.


PowerSchool is more widely used in the high school programs because its system has:
  • a more robust class scheduling module that includes a student interface
  • a course credit tracking and graduation requirement tracking module, and
  • a family friendly portal that makes real-time information more relevant all in one place (i.e. attendance, grades, credits, IEP progress, etc.).
Planning and negotiation has been happening since Spring 2020 and included the following:
  • state-wide surveys
  • other software considerations (i.e. Rediker, Canvas)
  • monthly meetings with leadership to review and discuss research
  • PowerSchool presentation to leadership (video available for anyone who would like to review)
  • stakeholder input:
    • Robbie Martin onboard
    • Lily onboard
    • Operations Team onboard
    • Leadership onboard with SIS change only for FY22
    • Jonathan onboard with SpEducation
  • Reference check with Springfield Public Schools, Brooke Charter School (who went through similar SB to PS change due to high school), Phoenix Charter School
  • Price negotiation:
    • Implementation plus year one costs started at $123k and ended at $93k 
    • Annual fees started at $48k (annual uplift 5%) and ended at $35k (annual uplift 3% max)
    • For a total 5 year savings of over $70k (from the starting proposal from PS)
We are requesting the board vote to authorize Rachel to execute the contract with PowerSchool.



IV. Governance Committee Report
  A. Board Composition
David will provide an update on governance committee work around planning for next year. 
  B. Board Survey Results
The governance committee will be reviewing the dashboard provided by the Mass Charter School Association and hopes to build in time for discussion with full board at next meeting. 
V. Executive Director Report
  A. Return to in-person instruction update
1. prioritizing students struggling remotely - currently 60 back in person 
2. MCAS administration for all in person - March/April/May
3. Hybrid model post MCAS
  B. Update on operation of Veritas Prep Holyoke
Rachel will share an update on the Holyoke Public School's RFP process for the selection of the operator of VPH.
  C. High School Planning
Rachel will share an update on high school planning
VI. Closing Items
  A. Adjourn Meeting