Coral Academy of Science Las Vegas


Special Board Meeting

Date and Time

Monday June 12, 2023 at 4:30 PM


8965 S. Eastern Avenue, Suite 280 

Las Vegas, NV 89123

Posting of Agenda: This agenda has been posted at the following locations: 

Coral Academy of Science Las Vegas (“CASLV”) Central Office, CASLV website at, and Nevada Public Notice website at

Format / Procedures / Rules: This is a notice of a public meeting held pursuant to NRS Chapter 241. Members of the public are invited to be present.

Certain items may be removed from open/public consideration if permitted or required by Nevada law. The Board may also (i) take agenda items out of order; (ii) combine two or more items for consideration; (iii) separate one item into multiple items; (iv) table an agenda item to a future meeting; and/or (v) remove an agenda item.

Reasonable efforts will be made to assist and accommodate persons with physical disabilities desiring to attend the meeting. Please contact Ms. Shepard at at least 48 hours before the time of the meeting, if possible, so that reasonable arrangements may conveniently be made. 

Please also contact Ms. Shepard if you would like a copy of the agenda and any public reference materials relating to agenda items. Those materials will also be available at the meeting location. Those materials would provide you with greater context and clarity as to the matters under discussion.

By law, no one may willfully disrupt the meeting to the extent that its orderly conduct becomes impractical.

All items are action or possible action items if denoted as such.

Directors Present

Arlene Hayman (remote), Brin Gibson (remote), Chan Lengsavath (remote), Dr. Carryn Warren, Elizabeth Kazelskis, Feyzi Tandogan (remote)

Directors Absent

Ann Diggins

Guests Present

Andrea Shepard, CASLV Executive Assistant, Bridget Peevy, CASLV HR Director , Ercan Aydogdu, Mark Gardberg, CASLV Legal Counsel (remote), Nick Sarisahin

I. Opening Items


Call the Meeting to Order

Elizabeth Kazelskis called a meeting of the board of directors of Coral Academy of Science Las Vegas to order on Monday Jun 12, 2023 at 4:32 PM.


Public Comment

There were no public comments.

II. Information/Discussion Items


Teacher Salary Scale Amendment (For Possible Action)

Ms. Peevy and Mr. Ercan explained the amendment to the salary scale in detail and gave various updates to the detailed changes while answering questions from the board. It was discussed that for athletic head coaches, and academic team coaches, similar to the licensed staff salary scale, an analysis was done and salary increases were discussed with the board. There was also added verbiage for grant-funded positions that are not eligible. The board asked about the debate, robotics, and A-stem coaches. Mr. Ercan explained there is a plan to revisit curricular and extracurricular positions with the possibility of such as increasing the PTO days. We will add this to the discussion for the next board meeting. 


It was mentioned that this is a historical increase in salaries by this much; with this proposed amendment the licensed teacher salaries are increasing by anywhere from 12 to 22%.

Dr. Carryn Warren made a motion to approve the new salary scales for the Nellis campus and all other campuses.
Elizabeth Kazelskis seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.


Approval of the Charter School Growth Fund Grant Agreement (For Possible Action)

Mr. Ercan said he is happy to announce that CASLV has been awarded the Charter School Growth Fund Grant (CSGF), and thanked the team for all their hard work. Their legal team will draft the agreement within the next two weeks and it will be time sensitive. Mr. Ercan requested the board give authority to Mr. Gardberg and Mr. Ercan to finalize the agreement after their review, and for Mr. Ercan to sign. Mr. Ercan gave a thorough explanation of the funding process. It was also discussed that the CSGF may possibly help us find sources of funds from other donors.

Arlene Hayman made a motion to approve the Charter School Growth Fund grant agreement conditional pending Mr. Gardberg and Mr. Ercan's negotiation of the final agreement.
Dr. Carryn Warren seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.


Executive Director's Contract Renewal (For Possible Action)

Ms. Peevy explained we do not have an evaluation at this meeting as it will be separate from the contract renewal. The evaluation will be in the fall. It was discussed that the average increase for central office staff, campus administration, and all other staff was 10%. Some were a little higher only because their base was lower. Ms. Kazelskis asked about the salary comparisons to Mr. Ercan's position and if Mr. Gardberg has the chart prepared for the board to review. The board reviewed the chart with Mr. Gardberg. Ms. Kazelskis added we cannot for a fact lose Mr. Ercan, he works double time year-round, and much more. Ms. Hayman added she thinks it is equitable to give a small raise of 10% - 12% at a minimum and she is more than happy to do that but if more can be afforded she thinks he is worth more than that. Mr. Nick said there are some unknowns, meeting enrollment, per-pupil funding, and security fees. Mr. Lengsavath asked about a 10% increase to keep it along with staff, not that Mr. Ercan does not deserve more. Mr. Gibson said 12% is fine, if we are going to suggest anything above 12% we need to consider the budget and other staff salaries. Mr. Tandogan and the rest of the board agree with 10%. Mr. Ercan said he appreciates the kind words and that 10% is more than enough for him as anything higher could affect morale. 

Arlene Hayman made a motion to approve Mr. Ercan's contract renewal with a raise of 10% with the indication that we can revisit this in six months if there is additional funding available.
Brin Gibson seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.

III. Public Comments (Information)


Public Comments

There were no public comments. 

IV. Closing Items


Adjourn Meeting

Dr. Carryn Warren made a motion to adjourn the meeting.
Elizabeth Kazelskis seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 5:32 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
Andrea Shepard, CASLV Executive Assistant