Coral Academy of Science Las Vegas


Finance and Facilities Subcommittee Meeting

Date and Time

Tuesday December 6, 2022 at 4:00 PM


8965 S. Eastern Avenue, Suite 280 

Las Vegas, NV 89123

Posting of Agenda: This agenda has been posted at the following locations: 

Coral Academy of Science Las Vegas (“CASLV”), Green Valley Library, Enterprise Library, James Gibson Library, Paseo Verde Library. Whitney Library, CASLV website at, and Nevada Public Notice website at

Format / Procedures / Rules: This is a notice of a public meeting held pursuant to NRS Chapter 241. Members of the public are invited to be present.

Certain items may be removed from open/public consideration if permitted or required by Nevada law. The Board may also (i) take agenda items out of order; (ii) combine two or more items for consideration; (iii) separate one item into multiple items; (iv) table an agenda item to a future meeting; and/or (v) remove an agenda item.

Reasonable efforts will be made to assist and accommodate persons with physical disabilities desiring to attend the meeting. Please contact Ms. Shepard at at least 48 hours before the time of the meeting, if possible, so that reasonable arrangements may conveniently be made. 

Please also contact Ms. Shepard if you would like a copy of the agenda and any public reference materials relating to agenda items. Those materials will also be available at the meeting location. Those materials would provide you with greater context and clarity as to the matters under discussion.

By law, no one may willfully disrupt the meeting to the extent that its orderly conduct becomes impractical.

All items are action or possible action items if denoted as such.

Directors Present

Ann Diggins (remote), Brin Gibson, Chan Lengsavath

Directors Absent


Guests Present

Andrea Shepard, CASLV Executive Assistant, Anthony Vu, CASLV Director of Operations, Ercan Aydogdu, Jorge Alarcon, Senior Project Manager CORE Construction (remote), Mark Gardberg, CASLV Legal Counsel, Mark McGinty, KNIT Architecture Principal (remote), Nick Sarisahin

I. Opening Items


Call the Meeting to Order

Chan Lengsavath called a meeting of the board of directors of Coral Academy of Science Las Vegas to order on Tuesday Dec 6, 2022 at 4:05 PM.


Public Comment

There were no public comments. 

II. Discussion/Possible Action Items-Finance/Facility


Cadence Campus Construction Change Orders (For Possible Action)

Mr. Gardberg gave a detailed background of the construction change orders while answering various questions from the subcommittee members. Mr. Alarcon with CORE Construction and Mr. McGinty with Knit Architecture gave more information regarding the change orders and timeline while answering questions from Mr. Gardberg and the subcommittee. 


Mr. Ercan also gave more details regarding this and explained it was a miracle the project was completed in 11 months. There was a lot of work from many individuals that helped with the City of Henderson and various challenges along the way. Mr. Ercan thanked Mr. Alarcon and Mr. McGinity for their hard work in completing the project on time. 


Ms. Diggins requested more detail from Mr. Alarcon and he confirmed he will share the daily work logs. 

Brin Gibson made a motion to empower Ms. Diggins to make a final determination regarding the school's position on the $206,200 item which is CMAR Contingency number 5.
Chan Lengsavath seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.

III. Information/Discussion Items


Review of Communication Protocols (Information and Discussion)

Mr. Ercan explained the protocols presented today were revised internally with staff members as well as family stakeholders. In our personnel handbook, we also have communication expectations for staff and teachers regarding communication with parents. Each campus has its own different tools to communicate, Class Dojo, newsletters, emails, etc. 


It was discussed that CASLV would like to have one communication protocol as well as a prepared communication regarding emergencies, school closures, and what parents need to do in those situations. Mr. Ercan indicated Mr. Vu prepared two documents that have been provided to Mr. Gardberg for review and explained we do not need approval on this today. It will be added to a future board meeting agenda for approval. 

IV. Closing Items


Adjourn Meeting

There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 4:56 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
Andrea Shepard, CASLV Executive Assistant