Community School for Creative Education


April 18th 2023 Board Meeting

Date and Time

Tuesday April 18, 2023 at 5:00 PM


2111 International Blvd, Oakland CA 94606


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22241 S garden Ave Hayward CA 94541



300 Estudillo Ave, San Leandro, CA 94577



20952 Birch Street Hayward CA 94541

Dr. Allegra
1430 north street Sacramento CA 95814      

Rudolf Steiner, Motto of Social Ethics, 1920 (at end of first full year of first Waldorf School founded 1919)

The healing social life is found when in the mirror of each human being the whole community finds its reflection, and when in the community the strength of each one is living.

La vida social saludable se encuentra cuando en el espejo de cada ser humano la comunidad entera se encuentra reflejada y en la comunidad vive la virtud de cada uno.

尋找到健康之社交生活, 就是當每個人對著鏡子 能從整個社區的影像中找 到自己的反映, 這樣在社區內每人都能活 出精彩。

Heilsam ist nur, wenn Im Spiegel der Menschenseele sich bildet die ganze Gemeinscaft Und in der Gemeinschaft Lebet der Einzel Seele Kraft


Objective and 5 BIG GOALS


CSCE annual objective is reaching 80% proficiency in ELA and Math for all student groups grades 3-8 measured by NWEA MAP. 


To achieve this school-wide objective over the next two years,   


Goal #1: Develop Waldorf-inspired, Common Core-aligned and equity-focused curriculum;
Goal #2: Test and document Waldorf-inspired, Common Core-aligned practices as measured in student and adult learning outcomes;
Goal #3: Maintain a well-operated school environment in Operations, HR and Budget;
Goal #4: Maintain effective community outreach (including parents, community partners, policy and research community); and
Goal #5: Launch long-term fundraising strategy for scale-up with financial stability

Directors Present

A. Alessandri, A. Barnes, A. Prentiss, G. Pang, M. Candido

Directors Absent

L. Morones

Guests Present

K. Palmore, P. Gedeon

I. Opening Items


Record Attendance


Call the Meeting to Order

G. Pang called a meeting of the board of directors of Community School for Creative Education to order on Tuesday Apr 18, 2023 at 6:02 PM.

II. Consent Agenda


Approve Minutes - Tuesday, March 7 2023

A. Prentiss made a motion to Remove item.
G. Pang seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.


March Check Register

M. Candido made a motion to Pass March Check Register.
A. Barnes seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.


990 Tax Return

M. Candido made a motion to Pass 990 Tax Return.
A. Barnes seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.

III. Academic Excellence


Head of School Update

Mr Gedeon highlighted upcoming school events for May 2023 including the closing head of school chat, first in person Festival of Communities, Teacher Workday, Kindergarten and 8th grader ceremonies. There will be further conversations regarding plans for fifth grade graduation.


Parents in Action is celebrating A-G and achievement gap accomplishments with the community.


Mr Gedeon shared some field trip highlights including the Aquarium of Science highlights where students got to dissect ocean organisms and use professional equipment to create memories for the yearbook. Parents were involved as chaperones and staff coordinated an exciting experiential trip. 


The Alameda County Office of Education presentation placed CSCE with comparative charters and gave CSCE the opportunity to share our impact proposition and retention barriers. Mr Gedeon referenced challenges facing our students especially the growing transient population and the toll it takes on commuting families when making re-enrollment decisions. Mr Gedeon advocated for transportation as a funding priority. The ACOE unanimously amended our enrollment proposal.



Mr Gedeon informed the board on the G1 measure guidelines and expenditure proposal. The proposal includes allocation for a Therapeutic Movement & Visual Art teacher , a Spanish World Language Teacher and emotional support/ school culture staff. 


Mr Gedeon is working with Ms. Yolanda to make contact and/or gave tours with every potential student for Enrollment 23. 216 out of 225 students are slated to enroll. Feedback from families of interest echo the effectiveness of word of mouth. 





Spring Board Contact

M. Candido made a motion to Authorize Spring Board Contract.
A. Barnes seconded the motion.

Mr Gedeon clarifies by passing this motion, CSCE will be able to use this COVID relief fund to pilot targeting of students who are not meeting the foundational reading level. 

The board VOTED to approve the motion.


Academic Calendar 23-24 School Year

A. Barnes made a motion to Approve Academic Calendar 23-24 School Year.
M. Candido seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.


Book Binding and Storytelling Presentation

The board saw a presentation from our Swedish colleagues who self funded their trip to support CSCE students. They presented via video about a CSCE youth art exhibition showcasing book binding and storytelling as a therapeutic avenue. Students share in a short clip what they long for from Summer to A Better Day. Mr Gedeon shares the need for similar opportunities in Social and emotional learning/literacy. 


Summer School Overview

CSCE is looking for outside partners to support the school in instruction and enrichment. Mr Gedeon shared insights on two possible partnerships in STEM education and Athletics/Music enrichment. Internal staff will be working with Extended Staff to carry out summer school program. Ms Barne clarified for Juneteenth day off in regards to the Summer Calendar. Ms Candido clarified Summer School being exclusive to CSCE students. Mr Gedeon clarified the flexibility of summer school enrollment and has release of summer school applications on his to do list for the week. 

IV. Development


Fundraising Update

Ms. Palmore met with a fundraising consultant (Kathryn Keslosky) to plan Year-End goals and preparation for 2023-24. The leg work needed includes donor correspondence and databasing, grant application, and fundraising event planning. Ms Palmore emphasizes our current donor data is not comprehensive and needs support planning for future years. 


V. Finance


Returning Staff Offers 2023-24

A. Barnes made a motion to Approve 3% raise for returning staff offers.
M. Candido seconded the motion.

Ms Palmore shared the proposal on the floor for teaching staff, aides and classified staff and expressed intent to return to the board after OUSD releases their returning staff budget proposal. Ms Palmore emhaized the importance of being timely Ms Barnes expressed the need to review the OUSD proposal. 

The board VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call
L. Morones
G. Pang
A. Barnes
A. Alessandri
A. Prentiss
M. Candido

VI. Governance


Brown Act Training

YM&C Firm presents Brown Act Training to the Board via video recording. 


Brief highlights:

AB 361 revised board responsibilities and includes exceptions for the board's discretion. 

AB 361 offers protection rights for the parties and public including accessible public comment. 

AB 2449 requires participation through audio and visual for teleconference participation 

AB 2449 gives flexibility to cease obligation for teleconference location and public access

AB 2449 requires "emergency circumstance" and "just cause" to be disclosed on the agenda for board vote

AB 2449 mandates public disclosure before action the adults that are are present in teleconference locations with members




Board Secretary Nomination/Vote

Item tabled


Oakland Enrolls Contract 23-24

M. Candido made a motion to approve Oakland Enrolls Contract 23-24.
A. Barnes seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call
A. Alessandri
M. Candido
A. Barnes
L. Morones
G. Pang
A. Prentiss


Revolution Foods Contract 23-24

M. Candido made a motion to approve Revolution Foods Contract 23-24.
A. Barnes seconded the motion.

Motion discussed was the continuation of our food service vendor with reviewal from CSCE's consulting agency. The rate discussed was less than our reimbursement rate.

The board VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call
A. Barnes
G. Pang
A. Prentiss
M. Candido
L. Morones
A. Alessandri


Executive Leadership Compensation Study

Board member Barnes presents the Jorgensen HR firm's Executive Compensation Study.


Executive Leadership Evaluation Presentation

Board member Allesandri and Prentiss presented the Executive Leadership Evaluation process and results. 


At Will Agreement Head of School 23-24

Item is tabled


At Will Agreement Director of Finance & Operations 23-24

Item is tabled

VII. Other business


CSCE Board Meeting for 22-23 School Year

G. Pang made a motion to Amend item to take Action.
M. Candido seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call
A. Barnes
A. Alessandri
G. Pang
M. Candido
L. Morones
A. Prentiss
M. Candido made a motion to Vote on closed session for 4/28/23.
A. Barnes seconded the motion.

Ms Barnes asked for point of clarification on impact to Local Control Accountability Plan and budget presentations.


Date discussed: 5:15PM

Meeting: Teleconference


The board VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call
L. Morones
A. Prentiss
G. Pang
A. Alessandri
M. Candido
A. Barnes

VIII. Closing Items


Adjourn Meeting

There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 8:56 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
A. Prentiss
Documents used during the meeting
  • CSCE Check Register March 2023.pdf
  • Springboard updated quote 3-28-23 for Community School For Creative Education.pdf
  • CSCE 2023-24 Academic School Calendar (Draft) - 2023-2024 Academic Calender-2.pdf
  • Fundraising Updates.pdf
  • Oakland Enrolls MOU for SY24 Enrollment - Community School for Creative Education.pdf
  • Rev Foods Renewal 23-24.pdf
  • _CSCE Revised Board Calendar 2022-2023 board approved 2.21.23.pdf