Libertas College Prep
September Board Meeting
Date and Time
Saturday September 18, 2021 at 9:30 AM
Libertas College Prep
5101 S Western Ave
Los Angeles, CA 90062
5101 S Western Ave
Los Angeles, CA 90062
Public Comment: We welcome students, staff, parents, and all members of the public to our meetings! Members of the public are invited to address the board at the beginning of each meeting and will also be given opportunity to comment on each agenda item during the meeting, under the direction of the Board Chair or presiding Member.
Accommodations: It is important to us that our meetings be open to all. Guests or members of the public needing reasonable accommodations to attend or participate in any meeting should contact Anna Hurst at least 24 hours in advance of the meeting at or at (310) 902-6808.
Accommodations: It is important to us that our meetings be open to all. Guests or members of the public needing reasonable accommodations to attend or participate in any meeting should contact Anna Hurst at least 24 hours in advance of the meeting at or at (310) 902-6808.
Directors Present
B. Johnson, G. Olson, G. Pope, H. Echeverria, J. John C. Heintz, K. Maguire, S. Wechsler (remote)
Directors Absent
C. Chambers, L. Johnson
Guests Present
A. Carlstone-Hurst, A. Zepeda, E. Hodes (remote), K. Norwood
I. Opening Items
Record Attendance
Two guests at our meeting: Bob Williams and Katie Norwood.
Call the Meeting to Order
K. Maguire called a meeting of the board of directors of Libertas College Prep to order on Saturday Sep 18, 2021 at 9:39 AM.
Approve Minutes
Gary Olson clarified that Evan Hodes and John Heintz were in attendance virtually at the previous meeting. Added to the record that Evan Hodes and John Heintz attended the meeting virtually.
G. Olson made a motion to approve the minutes from Board Meeting on 08-07-21.
J. John C. Heintz seconded the motion.
See discussion above.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.
Public Comment
Anna thanked Bob for his efforts and support during the lease negotiation process for 5101 Western.
II. Leadership Update
Dashboard Update
Anna provided an update on the school and mission. Anna discussed the work that Katie Norwood has done throughout her time at Libertas and the Scholarship committee. Katie provided a summary of the funds raised for scholarships and current independent school scholars. Katie provided an update on all the opportunities of students that have transitioned to high performing high schools.
Anna also provided an overview of the School Dashboard for September, including Academics, SEL Goals, Human Capital, and Finance. Anna discussed culture at the school and the impact of transitioning back to school and related behavioral incidents that have occurred (bathroom fights, vandalism). Alma provided an overview of the school's response to the incidents and procedures that will be implemented to prevent future occurrences.
Alma also discussed that the 1st MAP test was administered. The 2nd MAP will be taken in January. Alma provided an overview of the results of the tests, the focus being on the 8th graders who tested lower after the pandemic. Alma provided an overview of the plans to support the 8th graders behavior and academics.
Anna provided an overview of staffing changes. There have been 3 transitions thus far.
Anna also commented that the School's net income has now turned positive.
Anna also provided an overview of the Board dashboard and the Board assessment.
The board also reviewed an enrollment snapshot, noting that enrollment has increased since July from 225 to 283 in August. Anna also discussed a summary of those that have transferred out and the reasons behind their transfer to understand any root causes and ways to address any matters that are within the control of the school.
Anna provided an overview of the overallocation fee. The school received and overallocation invoice for the 20-21 school year in which Libertas did not have access to the campus for most of the year. The school will be challenging the payment of this invoice and discussions have begun with CCSA and YMC.
Anna also discussed Covid matters. The school is weighing whether Libertas should follow suit with LAUSD requirement for all employees and students 12 and older to be vaccinated. Currently the school is not bound to the LAUSD requirements as we are a charter school on its own independent site. The Board discussed the risks around mandates and policy decisions that would need to be made in order to mandate vaccinations. The school will continue to gather data and explore options.
Anna also provided an overview of the School Dashboard for September, including Academics, SEL Goals, Human Capital, and Finance. Anna discussed culture at the school and the impact of transitioning back to school and related behavioral incidents that have occurred (bathroom fights, vandalism). Alma provided an overview of the school's response to the incidents and procedures that will be implemented to prevent future occurrences.
Alma also discussed that the 1st MAP test was administered. The 2nd MAP will be taken in January. Alma provided an overview of the results of the tests, the focus being on the 8th graders who tested lower after the pandemic. Alma provided an overview of the plans to support the 8th graders behavior and academics.
Anna provided an overview of staffing changes. There have been 3 transitions thus far.
Anna also commented that the School's net income has now turned positive.
Anna also provided an overview of the Board dashboard and the Board assessment.
The board also reviewed an enrollment snapshot, noting that enrollment has increased since July from 225 to 283 in August. Anna also discussed a summary of those that have transferred out and the reasons behind their transfer to understand any root causes and ways to address any matters that are within the control of the school.
Anna provided an overview of the overallocation fee. The school received and overallocation invoice for the 20-21 school year in which Libertas did not have access to the campus for most of the year. The school will be challenging the payment of this invoice and discussions have begun with CCSA and YMC.
Anna also discussed Covid matters. The school is weighing whether Libertas should follow suit with LAUSD requirement for all employees and students 12 and older to be vaccinated. Currently the school is not bound to the LAUSD requirements as we are a charter school on its own independent site. The Board discussed the risks around mandates and policy decisions that would need to be made in order to mandate vaccinations. The school will continue to gather data and explore options.
Anna discussed the potential partnership with the Church of the Redeemer. The Church of the Redeemer is looking to sublease the School space for their Sunday services. Anna is reviewing the lease and considerations.
Anna also discussed teacher retention and the current impacts of Covid on hiring. The Board will help Anna review hiring goals and strategies for retention. Sakshi and Anna will be reviewing comps and understanding the current compensation levels and alternative models for higher teacher salaries.
Discussion of the June Financial Dashboard and August Snapshot.
Evan provided an overview of the June Financial dashboard and August snapshot. Evan discussed revenue vs budget and impact on enrollment on revenue. Evan further discussed certain cost savings that have occurred.
Public Hearing: Independent Study Policy
Anna provided an overview of the Independent Study Policy. Anna discussed the short term and long term independent study to meet the educational needs of pupils enrolled in the school. In the past the school has already had a short term independent study policy. Anna discussed the implications of AB130 which created a long term independent study option which is only available for 2021-2022. Option has set requirements on synchronous learning and how reporting needs to happen and accounting at the school site in order to receive ADA from that student, as well as reintegration into the school. Anna discussed both short term and long term programs.
III. Motions
Motion to approve 2020-2021 unaudited actuals.
G. Pope made a motion to Approve 2021-2021 unaudited actuals.
B. Johnson seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.
Motion to approve contract with LACOE to participate in school-based COVID-19 Testing 2020-2023
G. Pope made a motion to Approve contract with LACOE to participate in school based Covid 19 testing 2020-2023.
S. Wechsler seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.
Motion to approve an independent study program.
Rescinded this motion. To be picked up at a later date.
IV. Closed Session: Succession Planning
Closed session
The Board moved to closed session. No decisions approved.
V. Closing Items
Adjourn Meeting
G. Olson made a motion to Adjourn the meeting.
G. Pope seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.
There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 12:06 PM.
Respectfully Submitted,
H. Echeverria