Libertas College Prep

Board Meeting

Date and Time

Saturday July 16, 2016 at 9:30 AM PDT


11858 La Grange Ave. 2nd Floor Los Angeles, CA 90025 | Call in: 605-562-0020 (Meeting ID: 153-500-861) | Remote Locations include:


I. Opening Items
Opening Items
  A. Record Attendance and Guests
  B. Call the Meeting to Order
  C. Approve Minutes
Approve Minutes from prior meeting
    Approve minutes for Board Meeting on June 18, 2016
II. Public Commentary
  A. Comments from the Public

Opportunity for the public to comment on proposed motions and policies. 

III. Leadership Update
  A. Governance Update
  B. Leadership Update
  C. Finance Update

Treasurer Report

IV. Task Force Updates
  A. Academic Achievement Task Force Update
  B. Development Task Force Update
  C. Facilities Update Task Force Update
  D. Human Capital Task Force Update
V. Proposed Motions
  A. Motion to approve Bruce Dougan as a new Board Member
  B. Motion to approve Board Attendance Policy
  C. Motion to approve the creation of a HoS Review Committee

It is the Board’s responsibility to manage and Support the Head of School (HoS) of Libertas, and this annual evaluation serves as an important tool in meeting that responsibility. The main purposes of the evaluation are twofold: one, to provide explicit feedback to the HoS, and two, to help both recognize strengths and formulate a development plan for areas for improvement.

Motion is to approve an ad hoc, temporary committee to complete the 2015-2016 HoS review. Proposed members are Eleisha Nelson and Bruce Dougan.

  D. Motion to approve HoS compensation committee

Motion to approve the creation of ad hoc, temporary committee to review and establish compensation for the Head of School. Proposed members are Stephanie Hurder and Tom Musgrave.

VI. Closing Items
  A. Board Officer candidates survey

  B. Board effectiveness survey
  C. Adjourn Meeting