Libertas College Prep

Board Meeting

Date and Time

Saturday June 18, 2016 at 9:30 AM PDT


California Charter School Association 250 E 1st St #1000, Los Angeles, CA 90012


I. Opening Items
Opening Items
  A. Record Attendance and Guests
  B. Call the Meeting to Order
  C. Approve Minutes
Approve May Minutes
    Approve minutes for Board Meeting on May 14, 2016
II. Public Commentary
  A. Comments from the Public

Opportunity for the public to comment on proposed motions and policies. 

  B. Leadership Update
III. Leadership Update
  A. Finance Update
Review April 2016 and May 2016 Financials

Review and approve 2016-2017 Budget

Present PCSGP spending plan for comment
IV. Proposed Motions
  A. Motion to approve employee handbook policy on unused sick days
  B. Boy2Gentleman Contract
This program is run by a former LAPD officer with lessons that span from sportsmanship, etiquette, to leadership. Officer Linton runs the weekly afterschool program each Friday and one day a week does in class observations and check ins with the boys in his program. Officer Linton has had a powerful positive impact with this program at Resolute Academy. 
  C. Motion to approve the 2016-2017 Local Control Accountability Plan
  D. Motion to Approve the CharterSAFE contract
  E. Motion to approve the 2016-2017 ExEd contract
  F. Motion to approve Ricoh copier contract
  G. Motion to approve 2016-2017 Illuminate contract
  H. Motion to approve 2016-2017 Board on Track contract
  I. Motion to approve internet service agreement
  J. Motion to approve LIbertas budgets, expenses and Spring application for federal funding
  K. motion to approve the Education Protection Account spending plan
V. Board Retreat - Introduction
  A. Welcome Statement
  B. Team Building Activity
VI. Board Retreat - Dream Big and Celebrate Success
  A. Recapping and Celebrating the Journey of Libertas’ Founding Year
VII. Board Retreat - Reflect Back
  A. Discuss Survey Results


VIII. Board Retreat - Looking Forward
  A. Taskforce Goal Setting
IX. Board Retreat - Finale
  A. Closing Statement
X. Closing Items
  A. Adjourn Meeting
  B. Board effectiveness survey