Libertas College Prep

Board Meeting

Date and Time

Saturday May 14, 2016 at 9:30 AM PDT


Adventures Ahead (front room) 1436 West Jefferson Boulevard, Los Angeles, CA | 605-562-0020 (Meeting ID: 153-500-861) | Remote Locations include:


I. Opening Items
Opening Items
  A. Record Attendance and Guests
  B. Call the Meeting to Order
  C. Approve Minutes
Approve April Minutes
    Approve minutes for Board Meeting on April 30, 2016
  D. Follow up on Action Items from last month’s Board Meeting
II. Leadership Update
  A. Executive Director/ Management Report
  B. Governance Report Update
  C. Finance Update

Review February 2016 and March 2016 Financials

III. Task Force Updates
Academic Excellence
  A. Academic Excellence Task Force Update
  B. Facilities Task Force Update
  C. Development Task Force
  D. Human Capital Task Force Update
IV. Public Commentary
  A. Comments from the Public

Opportunity for the public to comment on proposed motions and policies. 

V. Proposed Motions
  A. Motion to approve employee handbook policy on unused sick days
  B. Motion to approve 2015 Tax Return.
  C. Motion to Approve Updated Student and Family Handbook with updated HW and Agenda section.

Post the LAUSD School Site visit, we received a strong recommendation from the Charter School Division to modify the policy on HW Club for agendas that are missing parent signatures. The Student and Family Handbook reflects this change. 

VI. Other Business
  A. Personnel discussion in closed session
VII. Closing Items
  A. Adjourn Meeting
  B. Board effectiveness survey