International School of Louisiana Board of Trustees


Strategic Planning Committee Meeting

Date and Time

Monday April 20, 2015 at 5:30 PM


Camp Street

Committee Members Present

B. Richard-Montgomery, C. Reed, D. Wilson, J. Wettermark, M. Lappa, M. Tennyson

Committee Members Absent

B. Griffin, D. Bordson-Bozzo, D. Drucker, H. Rodgers iv, M. Pedalino, S. Chapman, V. Diaz

Committee Members who arrived after the meeting opened

C. Reed, D. Wilson

Committee Members who left before the meeting adjourned

M. Lappa

I. Opening Items


Record Attendance and Guests


Call the Meeting to Order

M. Lappa called a meeting of the Strategic Planning Committee of International School of Louisiana Board of Trustees to order on Monday Apr 20, 2015 at 5:30 PM.

II. Strategic Planning


Strategic Planning Schoolwide Updates - All Campuses

Ms. Tennyson provided a general overview on each campus. All are working to ensure a successful end of year and planning for the up coming year.
D. Wilson arrived.


LA 4 and Fee Base Pre-K

M. Tennyson provided a status update and had a correction to the LA 4 dollar amount per student. She still feels moving forward pre-K is an option for the CMO to explore. More planning will be discussed during the board retreat.
C. Reed arrived.


Academics - Testing & Other Requirements

Planning for next year's testing is on the way. Camp and Olivier will do on-line testing. Within the next few weeks JPPSS charter office and Melanie will have conversations on which method Bunche will use. It is administrations desire to do online testing during the same window of testing as the other campuses for Bunche. The Board will offer support as needed.



The enrollment numbers are good. Camp and Olivier have met target numbers via One App and Bunche is close to meeting their goal. There will be a few more JPPSS open-house/seat push.


Schedule Change to the School Day

During the last SP meeting the option to change school the school time was discuss. The action has be delayed to ensure parents have time to comment and make.


Facilities - Updates

On-going research and conversation are taking place. No major updates.


Finance Department Update

Budget meetings have been scheduled and will be in early May. More discussion and plans to come of Finance committee.
M. Lappa left.


Budget & Budget Hearings/Timelines

The budget hearings' timeline will be May 13 - May 27, 2015. More information to come from Finance Committee.

III. Other Business


HOS Evaulation

We reviewed 2 different instruments and will use a modified version of the small evaluation rubric. The board president and HOS will discuss specific objectives and Ms. Thompson (HR Director) will provide surveys to the leadership team; the feedback will be included in a section of the Head report.


Board Retreat

The meeting has been scheduled for June 6, 2015. Dominique, Susan and Melanie will coordinate the activities.

IV. Closing Items


Adjourn Meeting

There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 7:10 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
D. Wilson