International School of Louisiana Board of Trustees
Strategic Planning Committee Meeting
Date and Time
Thursday September 17, 2020 at 6:30 PM
The Board will hold a meeting via electronic means due to a declared state of emergency or disaster within our geographic area. Members of the public who would like to attend the meeting may do so by phone or video conference and will have the opportunity to address the Board during the meeting. For a video conference link or teleconference dial-in information, email Susan Chapman, Chief of Staff, at Members of the public may submit comments in advance of the meeting to be read aloud during the public comment period by emailing them to For more information or to request other accommodations, please contact Ms. Chapman by email.
Committee Members Present
G. Ligon (remote), H. Rodgers iv (remote), J. Brown-Russell (remote), L. Muetzel (remote), S. Chapman, Y. Zaitseva McCloskey (remote)
Committee Members Absent
C. Rice, M. Correa
Guests Present
Allyne Henderson (remote), Andrew Rowland (remote), Caroly McCarthy (remote), Emily Thomas (remote), Fannie Bennett (remote), Geromy Moore (remote), Gina Cosentino (remote), James Shelton (remote), Jennifer Rosenbach (remote), Jennifer Rosenbach (remote), Jessie Thompson (remote), Katy Heeren-Mueller (remote), Lena Giangrosso (remote), Melanie Tennyson (remote), Susan Chapman (remote)
I. Opening Items
Call the Meeting to Order
G. Ligon called a meeting of the Strategic Planning Committee of International School of Louisiana Board of Trustees to order on Thursday Sep 17, 2020 at 6:25 PM.
Record Attendance and Guests
II. Current Business
Update from Head of School
Future Board Meetings
Discussion of format for future Board meetings (virtual or in-person). The Board will continue to meet virtually until further notice.
III. Closing Items
Adjourn Meeting
There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 7:30 PM.
Respectfully Submitted,
S. Chapman
Children are wearing masks and seem to be adapting quickly to the various procedures necessary for in-person learning. Teaching staff adjusting as well.
COVID-HR and COVID-OPs have done a very good job with this transition. Feedback from employees is that most feel supported and informed. Principals are also doing an outstanding job leading their teachers through all of the instructional changes.
Benefits/403B Audit underway and almost complete. Ultipro (HR/Payroll software program) up and running.
Meeting with NSBR cancelled due to hurricane; we will reschedule to discuss the idea of an ISL expansion to BR.
Transportation is up and running. ISL Is transporting 11 students on 5 buses. Good news there is that George Turner and his employees are working and getting paid again.