International School of Louisiana Board of Trustees
Board Retreat
Date and Time
Saturday June 11, 2016 at 9:00 AM
Mid-City Campus - 4217 Orleans Avenue
Trustees Present
B. Richard-Montgomery, C. Reed, D. Bordson-Bozzo, D. Drucker, D. Wilson, H. Rodgers iv, J. Wettermark, L. Muetzel, M. Pedalino, V. Diaz
Trustees Absent
Guests Present
M. Tennyson, S. Chapman
I. Opening Items
Record Attendance and Guests
Call the Meeting to Order
Meeting was called to order @ 9:15 AM
D. Wilson called a meeting to order on Saturday Jun 11, 2016 at 9:15 AM.
Approve Minutes
No minutes were presented for approval.
M.Tennyson offered Glows from the year (things that have gone very well):
Quiet phone and emails; few complaints or serious concerns were registered;
Chief of Operations (Emily) and Finance Consultant (Mike) positions working hard and well;
Hopeful about pending test scores;
Upcoming testing will be first week of May;
D. Wilson offered:
Smooth transition into Mid-City middle school;
M. Tennyson offered:
Parents like this Mid-City neighborhood and campus
Richard Montgomery offered:
Contentment at Bunche campus
M. Tennyson offered:
High morale at Bunche campus. Laura doing well.
D. Bordson-Bozzo offered:
Praise for Finance Dept.
Concern for passing on Financial knowledge to future Board Members.
Quiet phone and emails; few complaints or serious concerns were registered;
Chief of Operations (Emily) and Finance Consultant (Mike) positions working hard and well;
Hopeful about pending test scores;
Upcoming testing will be first week of May;
D. Wilson offered:
Smooth transition into Mid-City middle school;
M. Tennyson offered:
Parents like this Mid-City neighborhood and campus
Richard Montgomery offered:
Contentment at Bunche campus
M. Tennyson offered:
High morale at Bunche campus. Laura doing well.
D. Bordson-Bozzo offered:
Praise for Finance Dept.
Concern for passing on Financial knowledge to future Board Members.
Discussion and Vote on BOT Meeting Structure
M. Tennyson proposed:
Board meet every other month instead of monthly;
Other Committees may still meet monthly;
Board meet every other month instead of monthly;
Other Committees may still meet monthly;
B. Richard-Montgomery made a motion to Schedule Board of Trustee meetings evey other month.
M. Lappa seconded the motion.
The team VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
Upcoming Board of Trustee meetings:
August 24. 2016; October 26, 2016; December 14, 2016; February 22, 2017; April 24, 2017
August 24. 2016; October 26, 2016; December 14, 2016; February 22, 2017; April 24, 2017
Olivier Campus
M. Tennyson offered:
Olivier Campus will begin 5th grade, as planned.
Olivier Jeff. Parish residents will transition to Jeff. Parish school.
A resolution will be drafted for vote at August meeting.
Olivier Campus will begin 5th grade, as planned.
Olivier Jeff. Parish residents will transition to Jeff. Parish school.
A resolution will be drafted for vote at August meeting.
Facilities Update All Campuses
M. Tennyson offered:
Bunch end of lease coming up.
Looking for other available facilities, incl. staying at Bunche campus.
Renovation work has started at Camp St.
Verbal commitment that ISL can stay at Diebert building through next school year.
Possibility of buying Diebert if it is offered for sale; financing sources and options.
Need to keep Olivier modulars and will ask for HDLC CofA extension.
Bunch end of lease coming up.
Looking for other available facilities, incl. staying at Bunche campus.
Renovation work has started at Camp St.
Verbal commitment that ISL can stay at Diebert building through next school year.
Possibility of buying Diebert if it is offered for sale; financing sources and options.
Need to keep Olivier modulars and will ask for HDLC CofA extension.
BOT Elections
D. Wilson will end Presidency at August Mtg.
D. Drucker agreed to accept nomination for Treasurer.
C. Reed agreed to accept nomination for President.
H. Rodgers agreed to accept nomination for Vice President.
J. Wettermark agreed to accept nomination for Secretary.
D. Drucker agreed to accept nomination for Treasurer.
C. Reed agreed to accept nomination for President.
H. Rodgers agreed to accept nomination for Vice President.
J. Wettermark agreed to accept nomination for Secretary.
New Board Member Discussion
M. Lappa spoke of possible new members and unofficial criteria for member selection.
No set number of board members but 11 has been standard.
No set number of board members but 11 has been standard.
Farewell to Mike Lappa
M. Tennyson thanked M. Lappa for board service.
D. Drucker discussed budget preparation.
End of Year Wrap-up and Next Steps for New Year
M. Tennyson offered remarks on past and upcoming year.
Exectuive Session
II. Closing Items
Adjourn Meeting
H. Rodgers iv made a motion to adjourn the meeting.
B. Richard-Montgomery seconded the motion.
The team VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 9:56 AM.
Respectfully Submitted,
J. Wettermark