Rooted School - New Orleans


Rooted School Board of Directors Meeting

Date and Time

Wednesday February 28, 2024 at 5:30 PM


The board meeting will be located in Southern University of New Orleans' College of Education and Human Development, located at 6701 Press Dr., New Orleans LA 70126. 


The meeting will take place in room 236 on the second floor.  




You may also join virtually using the link below with 24 hours prior notification to the school.


IMPORTANT PUBLIC NOTICE: Pursuant to emergency proclamation 30-JCE 2020, the Rooted School New Orleans Board hereby certifies that it will conduct all meetings scheduled for 2023-24, in person (unless otherwise designated), at 6701 Press Dr. in the College of Education Building & Human Development on SUNO's campus. 


Board meetings shall be held in this manner until further notice.

Directors Present

G. Jones Herbert, K. Andrews, M. Quinn, S. Glapion

Directors Absent

A. Utley, K. Woods, S. Short

Directors who arrived after the meeting opened

K. Andrews

Guests Present

Dr. Trenell Jackson - NOPS Auditor, F. Ingargiola, K. Karpinski

I. Opening Items


Record Attendance

K. Andrews arrived.


Call the Meeting to Order

G. Jones Herbert called a meeting of the board of directors of Rooted School - New Orleans to order on Wednesday Feb 28, 2024 at 6:01 PM.


Approve Minutes

G. Jones Herbert made a motion to table the approval of minutes from MEETING OF THE ROOTED SCHOOL BOARD OF DIRECTORS on 12-13-23.
M. Quinn seconded the motion.

The approval of the minutes will be tabled until the following meeting due to a lack of quorum.

The board VOTED to approve the motion.



Notes from the Public Forum (If Applicable)

There was no public comment during the first public forum of this meeting.



Discussion Points:

Rooted School New Orleans' School Leader and Executive Director, Kaitlin Karpinski, shared updates on the following key indicators of school effectiveness and academic programming:


  • Strategic Planning Update with Attuned Partners
  • 2024 Enrollment Trends & Current Enrollment
  • Overall attendance (see below)



  1. Students will attend school at a rate of 90% or higher by the end of the 2023-24 school year.
  2. Rooted School will achieve a chronic truancy rate of < 8%
  3. Chronic truancy rates in the ELL population will be <20% 

Current Data:


  1. Point 1: 91% attendance rate overall 
  2. Point 2: 12 students truant = 9%
  3. Point 3: 2/12 chronically truant in ELL population 17%
  • Charter Renewal Forecast & CSAF:


  1. 2027 is the start of our next charter cycle, and therefore, fall of 2026 will be when the renewal process begins for Rooted. 
  2. That means that our ACT index from spring 2026 and LEAP index from spring 2026 will be factored into our renewal. 
  3. This timeline also means that our graduation rate for spring 2025 and the Strength of Diploma Index for spring 2025 will be factored into our renewal.
  4. The Charter School Authorization Framework (CSAF) is the framework that governs the renewal process. We will be able to use our 2025-26 SPS score, OR the average of our 2025-26 School Performance Score and 2024-25 School Performance Score will contribute to whether or not we’re renewed.   
  5. To oversimplify: If we’re an A, B, or C school, and our LEAP performance is also performing in the A, B, or C range, we will automatically be renewed for a minimum of 5 years. 
  • Increasing SPS Plan: C.E.R. Response Strategy (Claim, Evidence & Response) & ACT Workkeys:Drilling down: Spring Priorities 
  1. Increase the ACT index by 10 SPS points, from 46.8 to 56.8, by implementing Workkeys, at least 3 times with every senior student, and at least 2 times with every junior.
  2. Increase LEAP performance by 10 SPS points, from 49 to 59 by implementing CER across all classrooms, at least once a week, with a minimum average score of 79% (baseline of first four weeks is 67.7%)



Finance Committee Budget Presentation & Update - DISCUSSION

  • Mark Quinn presented a brief update of the Finance Committee report.
  • There will also be a brief discussion of anticipated legal expenses 2023 - 2024.
  • Currently, RS-NOLA is owed $61,722.78 from Rooted School Foundation.


2023 - 2024 First Reading of Updated Attendance Policy Procedures

  • The board will hear a second reading of any proposed changes to the Rooted School attendance and enrollment policies 2023 & beyond.


Update on RSF Repayment


Board Representatives Meeting with SUNO Chancellor and COO - Spring Lease Payment and Ongoing Building Concerns

• This meeting has not been scheduled at this time.


• We are currently awaiting notification regarding availability from the SUNO Chancellor and the SUNO Chief of Operations.

V. Executive Session:


The board will meet in Executive Session for a Collective Bargaining Negotiations - Update

*If a vote is taken in the Executive Session, the result of the vote will be made public

and entered into the minutes upon the board reconvening in public session.


There will be no vote in this meeting due to lack of quorum.

G. Jones Herbert made a motion to move into executive session.
M. Quinn seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.


The board will meet in Executive Session for a discussion of the NOPS Level II Non-Compliance Matters

*If a vote is taken in the Executive Session, the result of the vote will be made public

and entered into the minutes upon the board reconvening in public session.


There will be no vote in this meeting due to lack of quorum.

G. Jones Herbert made a motion to move to Executive Session.
M. Quinn seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.



Notes from the Public Forum (If Applicable)

There was no public comment during the second public forum of this meeting.

VII. Closing Items


Adjourn Meeting

There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 7:47 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
G. Jones Herbert
Documents used during the meeting