Rooted School - New Orleans

Rooted School New Orleans - Committee of the Whole Meeting

Committee of the Whole Meeting
Published on October 24, 2022 at 11:44 AM CDT
Amended on October 26, 2022 at 8:59 PM CDT

Date and Time

Wednesday October 26, 2022 at 6:30 PM CDT


Rooted School New Orlenas

6701 Press Drive

SUNO School of Education & Human Development

New Orleans, Louisiana 70126

IMPORTANT PUBLIC NOTICE: Pursuant to emergency proclamation 30-JCE 2020, the Rooted School New Orleans Board hereby certifies that it will conduct the meeting scheduled for October 26, 2022 in person, at 6701 Press Dr. in the SUNO College of Education & Human Development Building. 


Board meetings shall be held in this manner until further notice.


      Purpose Presenter Time
I. Opening Items 6:30 PM
  A. Record Attendance   GeDá Jones Herbert 2 m

Rooted School NOLA Board 2022 - 2023:


  • Brandin Campbell - Board Member
  • Travis Chase - Board Member
  • Kyle Finke - Board Member
  • GeDá Jones Herbert - Board Chairperson
  • Adrien Mendez - Board Member
  • Mark Quinn - Board Member
  • Sabrina Short - Board Member
  • Alyse Utley - Board Member
  • Nia Weeks - Board Member

Rooted School Foundation Personnel:


  • No one present for this meeting

Rooted School New Orleans Personnel:


  • Frank Ingargiola - Director of Finance Roosted School NOLA
  • Kaitlin Karpinski - Executive Director/School Leader Rooted School NOLA

Board Meeting Guests:


  • Joe Daschbach - EdOps Finance Specialist
  • Sherah LoBoeuf - Finance Team Manager
  B. Call the Meeting to Order   GeDá Jones Herbert 1 m
  C. Approve Minutes Approve Minutes GeDá Jones Herbert 2 m

GeDá Jones Herbert to make a motion to approve the minutes of 08-31-2022

    Approve minutes for Board of Directors Meeting on August 31, 2022  
II. Board Discussion Items: 6:35 PM
  A. Budget Presentation & Update - Sherah LeBoeuf Discuss Sherah LeBoeuf 15 m
  • Sherah LeBoeuf will present an update of the current 2022 - 2023 school-year budget for Rooted School NOLA.
  B. Presentation from TRUST (The Rooted Union of Staff and Teachers) Vote GeDá Jones Herbert 5 m

GeDá Jones Herbert made a motion to amend the agenda to include a vote on the recognition of T.R.U.ST. - (The Rooted Union of Staff and Teachers).



  C. Board Policy - ACT 456 First Reading Discuss Kaitlin Karpinski 5 m



a) The current LAPCS blanket policy (attached) is under legal review with Spera Law Group.


b) In this first reading, board members are asked to familiarize themselves with the language of the policy.


c) In the second, and final reading (December Meeting), the board will be asked to adopt the policy.  If approved, it will be added to the Parent/Student Handbook this year.

III. Executive Session 7:00 PM
  A. Executive Session Vote GeDá Jones Herbert 20 m

GeDá Jones Herbert, board chairperson, will make a motion to move into Executive Session to discuss confidential matters related to personnel.


No action will be taken in Executive Session.  


When the board reconvenes, if a vote is required, a second motion will be made and all members will be asked to vote individually during the public session.

IV. Executive Director / School Leader Report: 7:20 PM
  A. School Goals Vote Kaitlin Karpinski 10 m

Ms. Karpinski will present the 2022 - 2023 school year goals for board approval and vote.

  B. Storage Unit Update Vote Kaitlin Karpinski 5 m

Ms. Karpinkski & Mr. Ingargiola will present an update on the storage units and the disposal of materials & supplies below the fixed asset threshold of $5000.00.


  1. There are currently 6 storage units in three locations throughout the city.
  2. None of these storage units currently has any equipment that exceeds the $5000.00 threshold for a fixed asset.
  3. Mr. Ingargiola has been communicating with Dwight Duplessis, Litouri Smith and Debra Dean from NOPS regarding "next steps".
  4. The last communication was sent on 10-17-2022. We are still awaiting a response.
  5. Monthly cost of the five storage units = $2176.00



  • Alert COO/DOO listserv regarding the materials & supplies to see if another school may want some - (FI)
  • Alert principal/school leader listserv regarding the same - (KK)
  • Pay for a disposal container
  • Pay to have equipment loaded, carted and appropriately discarded
  • Pay to have equipment disposed of



  C. Curriculum Approval Vote Kaitlin Karpinski 10 m

The board will take a vote to approve the school-year 2022 - 2023 curriculum based on the school course audit and curriculum adoption provided by Ms. Karpinski.

V. Closing Items 7:45 PM
  A. Adjourn Meeting FYI GeDá Jones Herbert 1 m