Élan Academy Charter School


Board Meeting

Date and Time

Wednesday February 23, 2022 at 6:00 PM


Via Zoom Meeting Conference as per State of Louisiana Proclamation Number 2020-30 
Phone Discussion (646) 558-8656;
Meeting ID: 825 6221 7713;
Password: NONE 
709 Park Blvd., New Orleans, LA 70114; (504) 619-9720; www.elanacademy.org 

The matters listed are those reasonably anticipated by the Chair to be discussed at the meeting. Not all items listed may, in fact, be discussed. Other items not listed may be brought up for discussion to the extent permitted by law. All agenda items are informational unless otherwise denoted, though all committee reports require a vote for acceptance. The meeting will be held on the campus of the school. 

Directors Present

A. Olatunji (remote), A. Shabankareh (remote), D. Barnes, D. Hoover (remote), D. Patin (remote), J. Stewart (remote), R. Watkins (remote), S. Brown (remote), T. Lewis (remote)

Directors Absent

S. Rademaker

I. Opening Items


Record Attendance


Call the Meeting to Order

D. Patin called a meeting of the board of directors of Élan Academy Charter School to order on Wednesday Feb 23, 2022 at 6:05 PM.


Approval of Today’s Meeting Agenda - Darren Patin (Voting)

A. Shabankareh made a motion to approve the minutes from January's meeting Board Meeting on 01-26-22.
D. Hoover seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.

II. Head of School Report


Head of School Report – Melanie Askew (Voting)

A. Olatunji made a motion to approve the minutes from Head of School Report.
R. Watkins seconded the motion.


  • NOLA-PS remains in the process of selecting the next superintendent. Public forums and surveys are provided to gather input on the needs of the community and the education sector.
  • Dr. Clark has joined the Renewal Standards Working Group.
  • It is time to make a decision regarding the LEA status for the upcoming school year. They would like to meet on March 3rd or the 16th for an hour to discuss.



  • Our Student of the Year candidate participated in her selection interview last week. We look forward to finding out the results.


Facilities & Operations:

  • The transition process to move to the William Fischer campus has begun. The next meeting will take place on March 15th at 12:00pm.
  • NOLA-PS issued Élan a Level One - Non-Compliance for facility maintenance after a failed follow-up walkthrough.
  • Our nutrition vendor, Revolution Foods,  is pulling their market from Louisiana and Texas. 


Human Resources: 

  • Open positions:
    • Kindergarten Lead Teacher
  • A grant writer was hired through Robert J. Miller & Associates, Inc. Grants Development & Fund Raising Counsel 
  • Our talent manager, Tonya Toney, is off to a great start and has made major progress in building connections with universities and organizations as we build our team for next year.
  • We are in the process of having the final intent to return conversations with all staff.


Partnerships & Resources: 

  • NSNO purchased Panera Bread for the team as they launched their teacher collaboration program.
  • Dr. Clark led a session on Community Engagement for the Alliance of Diversity in Education Leadership Cohort on Wednesday, February 16. 
  • Dr. Clark is attending professional development through the Charter School Growth Fund February 22-24 on Policy, Communications & Advocacy in Dallas, TX.

Academics & School Culture: 

  • Attendance remains below our target goal. Quarantines have impacted instruction. We have rolled out a new incentive program for scholars in hopes to improve attendance. 
  • The majority of scholars have completed NWEA MAP testing. We have a few who remain quarantined who have not tested (dashboard information is from current scholars who have tested).
  • STEP testing is in progress. We anticipate completion by end of the week. 
  • We are in the final trimester of the school year. 
  • Due to the high score of the pre-K CLASS observation by the state, our pre-k is exempt from a second observation this year.


Enrollment: Current Enrollment is 311 students 


The board VOTED to approve the motion.

III. Governance


Governance Committee Report - Darren Patin (Voting)

T. Lewis made a motion to Approve the minutes from the Governance Committee Meeting.
A. Olatunji seconded the motion.

Met 2-16-22, and discussed the following: 

Building status - we are still awaiting word from the School Board with regards to our future facility site, although it appears that we are slated for the Fisher building.  Melanie scheduled a meeting for 2-21-22 to discuss closeout steps and moving to the Fisher building, although confirmation has yet to be received as it relates to the finalization of same.

Strategic plan - we have received the completed staff surveys and audit and are now looking to get on the calendar  a meeting with the NSNO personnel in order to schedule the Strategic Plan retreat. 

Anniversary event - we discussed the Development Committee’s preparation of a 5th Anniversary/ Fundraising event. We have identified a location on the Westbank – Compass Point – and have identified a date – May 7th.  We will then work on sales of the tickets, which will be capped at 125 people, and the face value of the ticket. 

AEDF – Daphine, Roger, Melanie met with the AEDF folks last week.  It was a good meeting at the School and we are encouraged by our opportunities to forge a relationship. 

Head of School Evaluation - we are working currently as to completing the Head of School Evaluation which we hope to have completed March 15th, and for submission to the Board at our March 2022 Meeting. 

Bank services - we are moving forward with the transfer of the funds from Liberty Bank to Gulf Coast Bank. 

LEA determination – we have to determine whether we will maintain the Orleans Parish School Board as our local education agency.  It is the recommendation of the Governor’s Committee that we do so. 

The board VOTED to approve the motion.

IV. Academic


Academic Committee Report – Anane Olatunji (Voting)

R. Watkins made a motion to Approve the February Academic Committee Meeting Minutes.
T. Lewis seconded the motion.
  1. The Academic Achievement has completed their goals, which focus around student achievement, particularly literacy, as well as its oversight of the Head of School Plan.  
  2. They are working on standardize goals to measure strategies. 
  3. Committee discussed the development of standards for committee service. 
  4. Committee is looking to grow in numbers and inquired as to any current board members who would be interested in service.
  5. Committee also met with Board Ontrack recently in order to refine its agenda and reporting practices.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.

V. Finance


Finance Committee Report – Roger Watkins (Voting)

S. Brown made a motion to Approve February Finance Committee Meeting.
A. Olatunji seconded the motion.

a) January financials were presented.  Balance sheet remained strong with forecasts of revenues and holdings to decrease because of the ESSER funds that are being received but likely will be received in the 2022-2023 calendar year. 



•February revenues totaled $286K
•MFP payment of $246K (gross)
•$152K in uncategorized revenue (unmatched meal reimbs)



•February expenses totaled $340K
•Salaries and benefits totaled $189K
•$504 in uncategorized expenses


Cash and Balance Sheet:

•February ending cash balance totaled $1.36M
•Credit card liability of $14K and payroll liability of

The board VOTED to approve the motion.

VI. Development


Development Committee Report – Tiffany Lewis (Voting)

A. Shabankareh made a motion to Approve the February Development Committee Meeting.
R. Watkins seconded the motion.
  1. We discussed the anniversary fundraiser. We estimate to have over 100 attendees.  We have identified Compass Point as the venue.  The date will be May 7, 2022.  
  2. We discussed Give NOLA Day, which is May 3, 2022.  We are providing the Board Members with a toolkit that will allow them to reach out to their contacts by way of social media as well as postcards.
  3. We followed up on our request for a list of contacts to be delivered to the Board Chair by March 15, 2022.  All Board Members are required to provide a list of ten (10) contacts that would serve as our point of contact for Give NOLA Day. 
The board VOTED to approve the motion.

VII. Additional Business


Old Business


New Business - Darren Patin

A. Olatunji made a motion to Approve Gulf Coast Bank signatories to Elan Academy account.
R. Watkins seconded the motion.

Board Chair entertained a motion to prepare a resolution to be delivered to Gulf Coast Bank identifying the following: Darren Patin, Roger Watkins, Melanie Askew and Daphine Barnes as signatories to the account, the purpose of the account, Elan’s mailing address, noting that two signers will be required for checks over $10,000.00, as well as a list of Elan users for online banking and their authority level. 


Board Chair will draft a resolution and for delivery to Gulf Coast Bank.


The board VOTED to approve the motion.


Open Forum

VIII. Closing Items


Chairman's Remarks

Board Chair Patin commented on the successful meeting and wished everyone a Happy Mardi Gras.  


Adjourn Meeting

J. Stewart made a motion to adjourn the February 23, 2022 Board Meeting.
R. Watkins seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.
There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 7:19 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
D. Barnes