Élan Academy Charter School


Board Meeting

Date and Time

Wednesday September 29, 2021 at 6:00 PM


Via Zoom Meeting Conference as per State of Louisiana Proclamation Number 2020-30 
Phone Discussion (646) 558-8656;
Meeting ID: 825 6221 7713;
Password: NONE 

709 Park Blvd., New Orleans, LA 70114; (504) 619-9720; www.elanacademy.org 

The matters listed are those reasonably anticipated by the Chair to be discussed at the meeting. Not all items listed may, in fact, be discussed. Other items not listed may be brought up for discussion to the extent permitted by law. All agenda items are informational unless otherwise denoted, though all committee reports require a vote for acceptance. The meeting will be held on the campus of the school. 

Directors Present

A. Shabankareh (remote), D. Barnes (remote), D. Hoover (remote), D. Patin (remote), J. Stewart (remote), R. Watkins (remote)

Directors Absent

A. Olatunji, S. Brown, T. Lewis

Guests Present

M. Clark (remote)

I. Opening Items


Record Attendance


Call the Meeting to Order

D. Patin called a meeting of the board of directors of Élan Academy Charter School to order on Wednesday Sep 29, 2021 at 6:06 PM.


Approval of Today’s Meeting Agenda - Darren Patin (Voting)

D. Hoover made a motion to approve the minutes from.
A. Shabankareh seconded the motion.
No meeting was held in August. Approved todays meeting agenda.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.

II. Head of School Report


Head of School Report – Melanie Askew (Voting)

Elan is up for charter removal
Data is not useable because of small class size- will have to do a comprehensive renewal (usually reserved for D or F schools
Elan is in compliance  
Supt. is planning to give parents the option to quarantine their students vs mandatory quarantine
NOPS completely disagrees with this policy and plans to stay aligned with CDC

Elan has termite damage- this is being assessed 
2nd floor of main bldg. a different water fountain has caused a leak downstairs. Looking into getting this repaired

Fisher Building
NOPS avoided the request to purchase Schwartz
Fisher - district won't do repairs and furniture was destroyed

Funding supports for either renovating or purchasing a building
All Saints may be an option for MS

Staffing issues were discussed

Charter School Fund
donated 25k
Ida relief

Martial Arts Dojo is potential partnership
Dance Force partnership (after school dance program)

Waiting for academic data- pushed back due to Covid
Academic Calendar is being updated 
316 enrollment (added 2 Pre-K 4 students)

Hearing will be October 6th @ School Board regarding renewal
Board member support is encouraged
R. Watkins made a motion to approve the minutes from.
A. Shabankareh seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.

III. Governance


Governance Committee Report - Darren Patin (Voting)

Status after Hurricane Ida
Completed the succession plan as discussed with NSNO
Will be on next month's agenda for  discussion and vote
Need to develop a succession plan for the school

Board Retreat
Focus on the parameters of strategic plan
How to utilize committees to drive succession plan
October 16th-17th, 9am-1pm each day

Status has remained the same for transportation, janitorial services, food services
Discussed transportation issue w/ substitute driver

Board recruitment efforts
We are still soliciting members

Board training and compliance
Some individuals still need to complete

Facility and Bldg. updates
Earnest effort on funding the construction of a new building
Reaching out to current facilities in the area for school expansion 
A. Shabankareh made a motion to approve the minutes from.
R. Watkins seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.

IV. Academic


Academic Committee Report – Anane Olatunji (Voting)

Anane and Steven were unable to meet.

No developments/updates.

V. Finance


Finance Committee Report – Roger Watkins (Voting)

  • September revenues totaled $390,713
  • MFP payment of $245K (gross)
  • $141K in uncategorized revenue
  • September expenses totaled $229K
  • Salaries and benefits totaled $157K
  • $20 in uncategorized expenses
Cash Balance
  • September ending cash balance totaled $1.37M
  • Credit card liability of $738 and payroll liability of $1,732
FY 22 Forecast
  1. Revenue from local sources - $33,350
    1. Updated timing of grants per auditor
  2. Salaries and Benefits - $11,590
    1. Actual salaries, positions, and worker's comp
  3. Purchased Professional Services- $7,896
    1. Additional PD and background checks
  4. Supplies- $14,965
    1. Additional instructional materials needed
Net impact: $67,801


FY22  Monthly Cash Balance:
Elan ended September with $1.37M; projecting to end FY22 with $2.1M


Upcoming audit
A. Shabankareh made a motion to approve the minutes from Monthly Finance Committee Meeting on 09-15-21.
D. Hoover seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.

VI. Development


Development Committee Report – Ashley Shabankareh (Voting)

Did not meet due to Hurricane Ida

Reviewing survey data on potential fundraiser events. Will have more info after meeting

VII. Additional Business


Old Business


New Business - Darren Patin

Audit Report
- Audit report will be released tomorrow 9/30/2021
- No major issues of concern in findings

Resolution in regards to Board Terms Resolution
- will revisit and vote on at October meeting

Resolution to adopt the compliance questionnaire 
- In connection to the audit, there is a questionnaire that must be submit to be in compliance
- Motion to resolve to adopt the Louisiana Compliance Questionnaire
Motion to adopt the resolution. Moved by Roger W., Seconded by Ashley S., Unanimously approved

Creating a Building Committee

- NOPS is reluctant to have discussions to with the Fischer building construct a new building
- Considering seeking out financing 
- Charter School Financing company 
- All Saints is prospective site for a MS campus
- Forming a Building Subcommittee under the governance committee
- R. Watkins agrees that it would be more efficient to discuss this in a subcommittee
- Moved by R. Watkins, Seconded by D. Barnes, Unanimous


VIII. Closing Items


Chairman's Remarks


Adjourn Meeting

There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 6:47 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
D. Barnes