Voices College-Bound Language Academies
Board Meeting
Date and Time
6840 Via Del Oro #160 SJ, CA 95119
5168 Summerhill Dr, Oceanside, CA 92057
300 East 4th Street Austin, TX 78701
1365 Locust St. Denver CO, 80220
4313 Miranda Avenue Palo Alto CA 94306
Instructions For Presentations To The Board By Parents and Citizens
At this time, members of the public may address the Board on any issue within the subject matter jurisdiction of the Board that is not listed on this agenda. Members of the public may also address the Board on an agenda item before or during the Board's consideration of the item. Submitted comments may be read into the record to the extent practicable based upon factors such as the length of the agenda and available time. Comments received within the window of the board meeting whether read or not, will be shared with the board and noted in the minutes.
Individual commenters are limited to a single comment per agenda item.
Public comments will be accepted prior to, and during the board meeting, subject to limitations discussed here.
Comments may be read in the order received and will be accepted up to the point each agenda item is heard, acted upon or when the Board President has completed the call for public comment on that agenda item.
Comments submitted during the board meeting but after the agenda item has been called for a vote, or has already been completed will not be read publicly, but may be entered into the record.
Comments should be limited to 400 words or less, and will need to be readable within the time allocated for each comment. These presentations are limited to no more than 15 minutes total and 3 minutes per person. A full comment may not be read if the length of time to read the comment exceeds the designated limit. No action can be taken on an item not on the agenda at this time but may be referred to the administration or put on a future agenda.
- When addressing the Board, speakers are requested to state their name and address and adhere to the limits set forth.
- Any public records relating to an agenda item for an open session of the Board which are distributed to all, or majority of all, of the Board members shall be available for public inspection at 6840 Via Del Oro, Suite #160. San Jose, CA 95119.
- REASONABLE ACCOMMODATION WILL BE PROVIDED FOR ANY INDIVIDUAL WITH A DISABILITY: Pursuant to the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, any individual with a disability who requires reasonable accommodation to attend or participate in this meeting may request assistance by contacting Lizzette Ramirez at (408)791-1609 Ex.1052
- All matters listed under the consent agenda are considered by the Board to be routine and will be approved/enacted by the Board in one motion in the form listed below. Unless specifically requested by a Board member for further discussion or removed from the agenda, there will be no discussion of these items prior to the Board votes on them. The executive director recommends approval of all consent items.
- Members of the public attending a meeting conducted via teleconference need not give their name when entering the conference call.
- All time durations are estimates and may run shorter or longer.
SPANISH TRANSLATION: If you need Spanish audio translation in order to access the Voices Board meeting, please send a request to info@voicescharterschool.com or call Lizzette Ramirez at (408) 791-1609 Ex 1052 at least 24 hours before the start of the meeting. If you would like to make a public comment in Spanish and would like us to translate to English for the Board, please send a request to info@voicescharterschool.com or call Lizzette Ramirez at (408) 791-1609 Ex 1052 at least 24 hours before the start of the meeting.
Si necesita traducción de audio al español para acceder a la reunión de la Mesa Directiva de Voices, envíe una solicitud a info@voicescharterschool.com o llame a Lizzette Ramirez a (408) 791-1609 Ex 1052 por lo menos 24 horas antes del inicio de la reunión. Si desea hacer un comentario público en español y desea que lo traduzcamos al inglés para la Mesa Directiva, envíe una solicitud a info@voicescharterschool.com o llame a Lizzette Ramirez a (408) 791-1609 Ex 1052 por lo menos 24 horas antes del inicio de la reunión.
Purpose | Presenter | Time | |||
I. | Opening Items | 4:45 PM | |||
Opening Items
A. | Record Attendance | ||||
B. | Call the Meeting to Order | Servando Sandoval | |||
C. | Public Comment (on items not on the Agenda) | Servando Sandoval | |||
Non-agenda items: No individual presentation shall be more than 3 minutes and the total time for this purpose shall not exceed 15 minutes. Ordinarily, Board members will not respond to presentations and no action can be taken. However, the board may give direction to staff following a presentation. |
II. | Public Hearing to Review Local Control Accountability Plan (LCAP) | ||||
Pursuant to Education Code (EC) 52062(b)(1), school districts are required to hold at least one public hearing to solicit the recommendations and comments of members of the public regarding the specific actions and expenditures proposed in the Local Control and Accountability land (LCAP). The public hearing shall be held at the same meeting as the public hearing for the Budget to be adopted as required by EC. |
A. | Annual Update for Developing the 2023-24 Local Control and Accountability Plans | FYI | Marie Moore | ||
B. | FS LCAP Hearing | Discuss | Servando Sandoval | ||
The Board conducts a public hearing to allow the public to comment on the current LCAP plan and provide input on areas of focus as new funding becomes available.
The Board will subsequently approve these plans at the next Board meeting to be compliant with current law. The public hearing for each school will be held separately.
C. | MH LCAP Hearing | Discuss | Servando Sandoval | ||
The Board conducts a public hearing to allow the public to comment on the current LCAP plan and provide input on areas of focus as new funding becomes available.
The Board will subsequently approve these plans at the next Board meeting to be compliant with current law. The public hearing for each school will be held separately.
D. | MP LCAP Hearing | Discuss | Servando Sandoval | ||
The Board conducts a public hearing to allow the public to comment on the current LCAP plan and provide input on areas of focus as new funding becomes available.
The Board will subsequently approve these plans at the next Board meeting to be compliant with current law. The public hearing for each school will be held separately.
E. | Stockton LCAP Hearing | Discuss | Servando Sandoval | ||
The Board conducts a public hearing to allow the public to comment on the current LCAP plan and provide input on areas of focus as new funding becomes available.
The Board will subsequently approve these plans at the next Board meeting to be compliant with current law. The public hearing for each school will be held separately.
F. | WCC LCAP Hearing | Discuss | Servando Sandoval | ||
The Board conducts a public hearing to allow the public to comment on the current LCAP plan and provide input on areas of focus as new funding becomes available.
The Board will subsequently approve these plans at the next Board meeting to be compliant with current law. The public hearing for each school will be held separately.
III. | Public hearing for Arts, Music, and Instructional Materials (AMIM) Discretionary Block Grant | ||||
A. | AMIM for All Voices Schools (MP, MH, ST, FS, WCC) | Discuss | |||
A hearing will be held for AMIM for All Voices Schools (MP, MH, ST, FS, WCC) |
IV. | Board Business | ||||
A. | Review of Comparable Compensation Data for Charter School CEOs/Executive Directors/Heads of School | FYI | |||
V. | Closed Session | ||||
A. | Public Employment Gov. Code § 54957 Title: Chief Executive Officer | ||||
VI. | Reconvene Open Session | ||||
A. | Report on action taken in closed session | FYI | Servando Sandoval | ||
VII. | Board Business | ||||
A. | Oral report of executive compensation paid to the CEO | FYI | |||
B. | Approval of Employment Agreement for CEO | Vote | |||
VIII. | Board Business | ||||
A. | Approve Declaration(s) of Need | Vote | |||
Submitted to our Board for Approval for the 2023-2024 Voices Academies School's Declaration of Need. The Declaration of Need (DON) is a staffing related document requiring annual Board Approval prior to submission to the Commission on Teacher Credentialing (CTC). The DON is a prerequisite to the issuance of any Emergency Permit and/or Limited Assignment Permit for public school employers by the CTC. Assembly Bill 15-05 requires Charter Schools to issue the document annually effective the 2023-2024 academic year.
B. | Use of Information Learned from Social Media Policy | Vote | |||
IX. | Consent Items | ||||
A. | Approve Minutes | Approve Minutes | Servando Sandoval | ||
Approve minutes for Board Meeting on June 5, 2023 | |||||
B. | Approve 2023-2024 Academic and Operations Calendar for MH, FM, MP, WCC and Stockton | Vote | |||
C. | Approve Contracts for 23-24 | Vote | Servando Sandoval | ||
Achieve 3000 EdTec B4Y Revolution Foods Panorma Education Paycom Presence STRS for FS, MP, and MH Charter Safe |
D. | Approve New Policies | Vote | |||
Universal Meals Program Policy Service Animal Policy Campus Search and Seizure Policy Acceleration and Retention Policy Student Success Team Policy |
E. | Approve Policy Revisions | ||||
Policies with recommended legal revisions:
Classroom- Based attendance Policy Informal and Formal Community Complaint Resolution Procedures Administration of Medication, Emergencies, and Head Lice Policy Educational Records and Student Information Policy Health Examinations and Immunizations Student Dress Code Policy Parent and Family Involvement Policy AB 699 Immigration Policy Uniform Complaint Policy and Procedures Independent Study Policy Student Use of Technology Student Wellness Policy Education For Foster and Mobile Youth Policy Education for Homeless Children and Youth Policy Section 504: Policy, Procedures, and Parent Rights Regarding Identification, Evaluation and Education Education for English Language Learners Policy Volunteer, Visitation, and Removal Policy Title IX, Harassment, Intimidation, Discrimination, and Bullying Policy Suicide Prevention Policy Special Education Policy Professional Boundaries: Staff/Student Interaction Policy Field Trip and Excursion Policy Comprehensive Sexual Health Education Policy Registered Sex Offender Student Use of Technology Constitutionally Protected Prayer Admission and Enrollment -Stockton Admission and Enrollment - West Contra Costa Suspension and Expulsion Policy and Procedures: Morgan Hill Suspension and Expulsion Policy and Procedures: West Contra Costa Suspension and Expulsion Policy and Procedures: “flagship” Suspension and Expulsion Policy and Procedures: Mount Pleasant Suspension and Expulsion Policy and Procedures: Stockton |
F. | Approve Rescindment of Polices | Vote | |||
The board will vote to approve the rescindment of obsolete polices, and polices incorporated into other polices or the Employee Handbook.
COVID-19 Face Covering and Return To Work Policy Student Fees Preventing Sexual Abuse Faculty and Staff Complaint Holiday, Vacation and Leaves Personnel and Benefits Communication and Technology Health and Safety Requirements Standards of Conduct Policy Payroll, Work Hours and Compensation Conditions of Employment- External Communication |
G. | Approve the 23-24 Family Handbook | Vote | |||
X. | Closing Items | ||||
A. | Adjourn Meeting | Vote | Servando Sandoval |