Beatrice Mayes Institute
WEEA Board Meeting
Date and Time
Wednesday September 20, 2023 at 6:30 PM
Beatrice Mayes Institute
5807 Calhoun Rd.
Houston, TX 77021
Directors Present
A. Berry, Ed.D., B. Gilbert, G. Thomas, J. Greenberg, J. Keeton, M. Taylor, R. Caine
Directors Absent
Guests Present
B. Foster, C. Simpson, D. Johnson, Ron Wilson, S. Shahid, T. Watts, Tiffany Chatman
I. Opening Items
Record Attendance
Call the Meeting to Order
Approve Minutes
II. Superintendent Update
Superintendent Report
III. Academics Presentation
Accountability RAting
-D. Johnson explained the accountability rating and the differences in school year 2022 and 2023.
-C. Simpson explained Domain 1. Discussed calculating the score, student achievement, reading performance comparison of BMI, State of Texas and Region.
Domain 2A- Academic Growth 2023 Updates:
Discussed calculating the school progress domain, part A: Academic Growth. Measuring annual growth PLUS measuring Accelerated learning.
B. Foster explained Domain 2A in more detail and the overall accountability score.
IV. Finance
Finance Committee Meeting last week.
M. Taylor provided updates on what the committee is working on.
Plan to have documentation ready by 10/25/23.
No financials will be provided today, July financials need to be reviewed before they are presented.
Will prioritize finance items from retreat.
Executive Session
Executive session began at 8:04pm
Superintendent provided updates in the following areas:
New employee - Tashiana Tucker - Director of Advocacy & Community Engagement started on 9/18/23.
Fund development update September 2023:
Texas Strategic Leadership Update: