Beatrice Mayes Institute
Academic Excellence Committee Regular Meeting
Date and Time
Thursday October 13, 2022 at 5:00 PM
BMI - Middle School Science Room
Committee Members Present
Committee Members Absent
Guests Present
A. Berry, Ed.D., A. Patton, B. Foster, C. Mayes, C. Pipkin, C. Simpson, D. Johnson, J. Greenberg
I. Opening Items
Record Attendance
Call the Meeting to Order
Approve Minutes
II. Reports
Elementary School Update
Middle School Update
- First Field Trip-I-Fly
- Search for Middle School Science Teacher continues
- Upcoming Middle School Science Fair
- MAP data is being reviewed currently by Ms. Patton
Data Update- Ms. Patton
MAP Testing
5th/7th Grade Math-Areas of Concern
36%/37% (including approaches level)
The bulk of students are in the approaching grade level status.
If we are removing students who are approaching grade level, then we are in a dangerous position in terms of achievement outcomes.
Reading lowest score based upon MAP data is 4th grade level.
Many children in 5th Reading are in the approaches area.
ST Math is free until December, 2023 for math support. This is a recommendation for elementary math. It is a math program that focuses on foundational math.
We need to ensure the programs we implement have scientific validation to support student growth.
Patton's recommendation was IXL & Khan Academy.
CAO's Update
D. Johnson's Report
There are weekly Academic Meetings on Mondays at 1:00 pm.
Currently, the Academic Team is focusing on the Star Redesign Professional Development Training taking place on Friday, October 21, 2022.
We are implementing new onsite training for teachers. Mrs. Patton will host monthly data training meetings for all departments.
Mrs. Patton will also be formulating a schedule to begin specialized tutorials on October 24th for exceptional students.
Special Education
The Special education team holds Weekly meetings.
Currently, the special education team is In search of a speech contractor.
In addition, we are preparing students for 1st benchmark.
III. Unfinished Business
Annual Board Training Update
Saturday, October 22, 2022 8 am-12 pm the board will have a mandatory training session.
This event is optional for committee team members.
Slides were sent to Mrs. Johnson by Dr. Berry to discuss state specific items, benchmark and assessment, curriculum and instruction.
The purpose is for the board to get an update on the plans currently in place.
ProUnitas - Purple
Motion by C. Mayes to recommend Purple to the board for purchase. Patton seconded.
The motion passed without a discussion.
Developing a Culture of Inclusion
Faculty Professional Learning Update
Ms. D. Johnson will share the professional development spreadsheet with staff on October 24th
Ms. D. Johnson is also preparing the budgetary request for Professional Development.
A framework will be added within the notes from Ms. D. Johnson.
Academics: Current & Future State
SMART goals creation
Board on track to input our SMART goals for the committee
Everyone to add goals
We will vote on these next meeting
Everyone to review the posted goals and choose the ones that resonates most with you
After SMART goals we can revisit the AEC mission and purpose
IV. Closing Items
Set place & time for next meeting
Next Meeting:
Thursday November 10th (virtual) @ 5:00 pm
Finished BOY Amplify testing
Based upon BOY MAP data, focus needs to be on 4th and 5th grade math
Emphasis on 3rd grade because it is their 1st year testing and students are currently performing well and we want to continue to push them to exceed
Simpson and Johnson meet to collaborate with providing support to 1st-5th ELAR
1st face- to face field trip tomorrow: Elementary- Oil Ranch and Middle school- I-Fly
PD for October 21, 2022- going over the detailed, in depth restructuring of the STAAR test for ELAR (Simpson) and Math/Science (Patton)
Character building every 4th Thursday for all students
5th and 6th graders meet weekly with Depelchin counselors
4th/5th graders meet weekly with PALS
Still in need of TA's (paid position for adults)
Math programs that could be used to support with filling the foundational gaps
Get More Math- pilot program uses last year
IXL & Khan academy (free)- Recommendation from Patton
ST Math is a free recommendation from Christina
We need a science-based, vetted program