Beatrice Mayes Institute


Academic Excellence Committee Regular Meeting

Date and Time

Thursday September 8, 2022 at 5:00 PM


BMI - room TBD

Committee Members Present

A. Berry, Ed.D., A. Patton (remote), B. Foster (remote), C. Pipkin (remote), C. Simpson (remote), D. Johnson (remote), J. Greenberg (remote)

Committee Members Absent


I. Opening Items


Record Attendance


Call the Meeting to Order

A. Berry, Ed.D. called a meeting of the Academic Excellence Committee of Beatrice Mayes Institute to order on Thursday Sep 8, 2022 at 5:00 PM.


Approve Minutes

Motion to approve the minutes from Regular AE Committee Meeting & Work Session on 08-23-22.
The committee VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.

II. Unfinished Business


Review Committee Composition

Committee discussed what the purpose of the Academic Excellence Committee resembles.


Big Idea: What are we going to do?

Where will we be in  5 years?


Focus of Academic Excellence includes School Safety; Trauma/ Bullying; Home Bound; Behavior/Cultural Goals


Each member is to charged with deciding on 3 specific goals for this academic year


Additionally, we need to develop an annual calendar


Upcoming October Items

  • Training of the board
  • Testing (State)
  • Attendance is optional






Review Key Responsibilities, Role & Function

  1. Two responsibilities were added. 
    1. D. Johnson- Vice Chair
    2. Simpson-Secretary


Annual Calendar

Pending discussion topic


Faculty Professional Learning

Dr. Berry presented Ms. D. Johnson with a spreadsheet to share with teachers, regarding training/coaching for their professional development.


Academics: Current & Future State

Based upon STAAR results, we know we need to focus on developing our Math department in the lower levels (3rd-5th); Ms. L. Jones is a part of that development program


Based upon STAAR results, we shall begin reevaluating the programs we offer to ensure we are meeting the needs of our students and their families


Remember the importance of keeping our advanced students with accelerated instruction


Decreasing teacher turn-over


Developing a Culture of Inclusion

III. Information Items


Demonstration: ProUnitas

Short two minute report of Parent Volunteers and their function


Strengthening our other team outside of academics 



IV. Closing Items


Set place & time for next meeting

October 13th

5:00 pm



Adjourn Meeting

There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 6:51 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
C. Simpson