Beatrice Mayes Institute
Regular Board Meeting
Date and Time
Wednesday June 15, 2022 at 6:30 PM
Directors Present
A. Berry, Ed.D., B. Gilbert, G. Thomas, J. Greenberg, J. Keeton, M. Taylor, R. Caine
Directors Absent
Ex Officio Members Present
C. Mayes
Non Voting Members Present
C. Mayes
Guests Present
Jonathan Church, S. Shahid, Thomas Knight
I. Opening Items
Record Attendance and Determine Quorum Present
Call the Meeting to Order
Reading of the Minutes
II. Superintendent and Academic Updates
Organizational Update
494 students enrolled for 2022-23 school year
Enrollment goal is 518
Attendance low for Summer Enrichment Program
Working on process of enrolling students who were homeschooled for the 2021-22 school year.
Currently going through Special Education Audit.
Special Education Audit went well.
We have to adhere to other changes the state made available because of database change.
We bought the database, which is the corrective action.
Monthly Corrective Action Review until 4/2023.
Plan to be done with the review by September 2022.
Biggest hurdle is coding students who we have done extra work. (Special Education)
Currently coded students as a blanket - missing out on funding.
Gloria Thomas - Summer Enrichment - when will the state make a decision, will students returning for the fall semester be coded as a failure? Are parents aware?
C. Mayes - Students who opted out of taking the STAAR exam will be classified as failure.
B. Gilbert - How many of students were absent more than 30 days?
C. Mayes - 120 students were absent more than 30 days.
Summer Enrichment Program enrollment numbers were low.
Parents were called, incentives were offered to students and teachers. Teachers opted out due to being drained from working the current school year.
J. Keeton - How many times a week is the Summer Enrichment Program?
C. Mayes - Monday-Thursday from 7:30am to 12:00pm.
HR Coordinator started on Monday, June 13, 2022.
Job description for Facilities Manager has been created by HR Coordinator. Position is open on Indeed.
Teacher appreciation - teachers were provided with lunch - crawfish and BBQ. Faculty/Staff received 1% raise at the end of the school year. Discussing mental health days, counselor availability.
Currently teachers have 25% off site activities and 75% on site activities. Activities include raffles, dress out days and competitions.
Discussed ways the Board can assist with teacher appreciation.
III. CEO Evaluation Process
CEO Evaluation Process
BoardOnTrack has CEO Evaluation on software.
Superintendent direct reports to complete evaluations, anyone can complete the evaluations.
Meet with Ms. Shahid to complete start process for CEO Evaluation on BoardOnTrack - will use first year.
IV. Budget Review
2023 Budget Review
Preliminary draft of 2022-2023 Budget.
Student recruitment and marketing dollars.
Review in July with changes.
Final budget in August.
Budget for 2022 will be included.
Next year will complete two year budget.
Statement of Activities.
Statement of Financial Position.
Schedule of Expenses.
Schedule of Budgetary Comparison.
Statement of Functional Expense.
2.3 million will not be spent entirely.
Transition on finances and work - meeting will be held on Tuesday, June 21 to review Skyward.
Skyward is moving to a new version, so we only want to make one transition.
Working on flexibility to service people with purchase orders and how we can pay for them with without a check.
Budget will be voted on at the end of August 2022.
Suggestion to approve budget in July instead of August, first day of school is 8/15/22.
Agreed to approve budget in July.
May have to revisit in September if there are any changes.
Will try to keep cash on hand above $350K when we move into new building.
V. Miscellaneous Items
Masterson Advisors provide update per the Plan of Finance Update handout.
First resolution related to authorization of the loan with Equitable Facilities Fund.
Targeting two pieces of debt, one backed by capital campaign dollars
VI. Executive Session
Open Executive Session
Executive session began at 8:08pm
Executive session ended at 8:17pm
Correction to the minutes for May 18, 2022
Billy Gilbert was present at the meeting although the minutes stated he was absent.