Beatrice Mayes Institute
Regular Board Meeting
Date and Time
Wednesday February 16, 2022 at 6:30 PM
Directors Present
A. Berry, Ed.D., B. Gilbert, G. Thomas, J. Greenberg, J. Keeton, R. Caine
Directors Absent
C. Oliver, D. Roberts
Ex Officio Members Present
C. Mayes
Non Voting Members Present
C. Mayes
Guests Present
Alecia Burleigh, Allonna Snipes, Beatrice Mayes, Chevon Davis, Medeina Taylor, S. Shahid, Terrance Watts
I. Opening Items
Record Attendance and Determine Quorum Present
Call the Meeting to Order
Reading of the Minutes
Roll Call | |
J. Greenberg |
C. Oliver |
A. Berry, Ed.D. |
D. Roberts |
G. Thomas |
B. Gilbert |
R. Caine |
J. Keeton |
II. Superintendent Updates
Organizational Update
III. Strategic Plan Updates
Growth and Enrollment
Improving student retention
-Parent engagement from Wonderland Pre K and beyond (Kindergarten enrollment)
-Offering more for new students
-Interactive communication and engagement nights (new parents)
-Teacher driven enrollment strategies (returning students)
-Active listening and improvement plan for retention (returning students)
What is the disconnect?
-Parents state they are not returning due to commute, sibling is graduating, or family is relocating
Possible readjustments we have considered:
-Remind parents they are important via updates and virtual messages.
-Give parents VIP treatment.
-Reaffirm the value and legacy of BMI school.
-Continue to push academic excellence
-Introduce technology friendly procedures
-Sharpen our customer service skills
-Use testimonials and crowdsourced content
How can we be more proactive?
-Keep in contact with all families
-Include former families informed of community events
-Create ongoing engagement opportunities with current and future families
-Automate communications throughout the school year
-Develop segmented list for communications
Enrollment at a glance
-Projected beginning enrollment -477
-First day of school ending attendance - 406
-No shows on first day of school - 71
What we learned
-Need -4th, 5th and Middle School
-Deficit in Kindergarten and third grade
Current Outlook:
Snapshot Review
• Snapshot Final Number- 462
•Current Enrollment (As of 1/14)- 453
•End of the School Year Goal- 457
What We Know
•Word of Mouth/ Recommendation is our enrollment driver
•Relationship Building- Pain Points shared by parents of students that did not return
•Our Enrollment Period is behind the curve compared to our competitor
•COVID concerns was a significant factor but minor in comparison
2022-2023 Plan
Enrollment Goal
510- Enrolled
510- Waitlist
1020- Stretch Goal (Waitlist)
Strategic Plan
Shift and Refocus
Compass Rose Experience
Untraditional Look to Enrollment
A-Ha Moment
Calendar of Events
Intent to Return
New Enrollment
Kindergarten Roundup
IV. Fund Development
Capital Campaign Update
$6.25 million raised as of 2/16/2022
Donors include:
Brown Foundation
Joe and Claire Greenberg
Charter School Growth Fund
3 grant requests in pipeline
Cullen Foundation has us on the agenda for April
TEA has charter school program grant for $900,000 for facilities
David Weekly Foundation
May - Elkins Foundation
Kaylon Beck is the new Development Associate, alumni of BMI
V. Executive Committee
Board members
Mrs. Oliver resigned as Board Vice President
Dr. Berry moved to accept Mrs. Oliver's resignation
Mrs. Thomas second the motion
Motion approved
New nominee for Board Vice President - Billy Gilbert
Dr. Berry moved to accept Billy Gilbert as Board Vice President
Mr. Caine second the motion
Motion approved
VI. Board Discussion
Compliance and Advocacy
Internet postings of board agenda is required
Names of board members
Board notice needs to post 72 hours in advance of meeting
Conflict disclosure has to be on school website
Superintendent salary has to be on website
Financial audits has to be on website
BoardOnTrack renewal is approaching - $9K is the cost to renew
Board Advocacy
VII. Finance
Audit Review and Approval
Audit review
Dr. Berry motion to approve audit
James Keeton 2nd the motion
Vote was successfully moved and 2nd
No COVID-19 cases as of 2/16/2022
Enrollment 448
Strategic Plan - working through updates
2022-23 Academic Calendar
First day school 8-15-2022
Last day of school 5-26-2023
Holidays - Winter break, Thanksgiving, etc.
Begin planning Academic Calendar of activities
Communications Task Force created to help with calendar communications to keep faculty, staff, contractors and stakeholders informed.
Changing title of position of Senior Administrative Officer to Director of Operations
Growth and projection
Calendar needs to be voted on
Includes bank days
Includes adjustments
HISD has less classroom time
Dr. Berry moved to approve 2022-23
Mrs. Thomas second
Motion approved