Beatrice Mayes Institute

Regular AE Committee Meeting & Work Session

Published on August 22, 2022 at 3:45 PM CDT

Date and Time

Tuesday August 23, 2022 at 8:00 AM CDT


Market Square Tower Board Room

777 Preston St., 

Houston, Texas



Section Number Topic Number Details
I. Opening Items
  A. Record Attendance
  B. Call the Meeting to Order
  C. Approve Minutes
II. Working Session
  A. Review Committee Composition
  B. Review Key Responsibilities, Role & Function
  C. Review BMI Key Charter Promise
III. Guest Presentation
  A. Demonstration: ProUnitas
IV. Working Session (Continued)
  A. Annual Calendar

Build the AE committee responsibilities on top of the 2022-23 SY calendar. Include:


  1. Present annual academic achievement goals for approval by the full board.
  2. Provide annual board training on issues related to academic oversight and evaluation of student achievement 
  3. Committee self-evaluation (annual)
  4. Present annual committee self-evaluation to the board
  5. Other items as determined by the committee
  B. Break
  C. Academics: Current & Future State

Guiding Question: Where do we want to be in five years?


  1. Define what academic excellence is for BMI (formal statement)
    1. Scope of academics this committee will address
    2. Role of SEL as part of academics
    3. Social Justice in academics
    4. other elements
  2. Review where we are now 
  3. Discuss state targets
  4. Establish our stretch goals (3 - 5 SMART goals)
  5. Discuss needs & strategies to accomplish the mandatory & stretch goals
  D. Faculty Professional Learning
  1. Conferences to attend
  2. Conferences to submit to for staff presentations
  E. Developing a Culture of Inclusion

Getting teaching staff and student caregivers more involved.

  • Develop 3 SMART goals
  • Establish first steps
V. Closing Items
  A. Set place & time for next meeting
  B. Adjourn Meeting