AIMS K-12 College Prep Charter District


AIMS Monthly Board Meeting

Date and Time

Tuesday August 18, 2020 at 6:30 PM


AIMS does not discriminate on the basis of disability in the admission or access to, or treatment or employment in, its programs or activities. Marisol Magana has been designated to receive requests for disability-related modifications or accommodations in order to enable individuals with disabilities to participate in open and public meetings at AIMS. Please notify Marisol Magana at (510) 220-9985 at least 24 hours in advance of any disability accommodations being needed in order to participate in the meeting. Comments and questions should be entered into the chat feature of the Zoom meeting.

Directors Present

A. Abuyen (remote), C. Edington (remote), D. Lang, S. Leung (remote), T. Cook (remote)

Directors Absent


Directors who arrived after the meeting opened

D. Lang

Guests Present

Ann Burlac, Kim Davis

I. Opening Items


Call the Meeting to Order

T. Cook called a meeting of the board of directors of AIMS K-12 College Prep Charter District to order on Tuesday Aug 18, 2020 at 6:31 PM.


Record Attendance and Guests


Approve Minutes

A. Abuyen made a motion to approve the minutes from Regular Board Meeting on 06-16-20.
S. Leung seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.


Approve Minutes

A. Abuyen made a motion to approve the minutes from Special Board Meeting on 06-25-20.
S. Leung seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
D. Lang arrived at 6:34 PM.


Adoption of Agenda

D. Lang made a motion to Adopt the August 18, 2020 Agenda as presently presented.
S. Leung seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.


Public Comment on Non-Agenda Items

No public comment on Non-agenda items.


Public Comment on Agenda Items

No public comment on Agenda items.

II. Non-Action Items


President's Report

President Toni Cook commended the AIMS staff and faculty on their due diligence in preparing for the first day of school on August 17, 2020.


Superintendent's Report

Superintendent presented the Superintendent's report.
  • Click link to view Superintendent's Report.
  • All AIMS school will remain virtual until January 2021.
  • AIMS students will receive at minimum 5 hours of virtual instruction daily Monday-Friday.
  • AIMS Saturday school and virtual restorative justice starts Saturday August 22, 2020.
  • Parent trainings start the first week of school.
  • “All Tied Up” starts AIMS manhood and womanhood development programs in September 2020.
  • AIMS virtual clubs and extracurricular activities start in September 2020.
  • Lunches are being provided for students.
  • Teachers will have the option of working from home or from a classroom.
  • Central office will work from home.
  • Site essential staff will work from campus.
  • PPE Equipment has been received and is in use.
  • Custodial contracted staff are using COVID-19 abatement protocols.


AIMS K-12 Report

AIMS Heads of School presented the AIMS K-12 Report.
  • Click link to view AIMS K-12 Report.
  • Mr. Christopher Ahmad reported for the AIMS Elementary School.
    • Full roster of teachers.
    • Multiple online programs were purchased to accommodate virtual learning.
    • Laptops passed out to students/families who need them.
      • Over 150 Laptops were passed out first day of school.
    • All curricula books were converted to digital copies.
    • Wellness practices for students.
      • Students eat lunch together on Zoom.
      • 5-10min Brain break every hour.
      • Physical activity during PE class at home.
    • Challenges/Concerns
      • Outdated Laptops for faculty - Laptops are backordered until September 2020.
  • Mr. Peter Holmquist reported for the AIMS Middle School.
    • Distributed over 200 computers to students.
    • Communicate weekly through Parent Square as a new platform.
    • Wellness practices for the AIMS Middle School include:
      • Emotional check-in with Teacher.
      • Icebreakers to start class curricula.
      • Social Emotional Counseling for individual students and groups.
  • Mr. Maurice Williams reported for the AIMS High School.
    • Virtual Orientation for students and drive up pick up days for Chromebooks and school supplies such as:
      • Graphing calculators
      • Text books
      • Pens notebooks
      • Slabs of clay for art classes
    • College Pathways program will begin in August 2020.
    • All AIMS High School seniors will take college planning elective.
    • 11th graders are required to take AP SAT prep course elective.
    • Will hold monthly department meetings with AIMS faculty.
    • Wellness practices for the AIMS High School include:
      • Computer breaks built into class schedule.
      • AIMS clubs and Student Government Association.
      • Potential outdoor drive-in movie nights.
    • Submitting application to the National Honor Society.
    • Challenges/Concerns
      • Historic lack of continuity, lack of AIMS High School policies, and procedures among AIMS teachers.
      • Inappropriate student behavior via technology.
      • Assessment management technology.
      • Course work that models AP standards.


English Language Dept. Report

Vannee Chand presented the English Language Dept. Report.
  • Click link to view English Language Dept. Report.
  • Technology used for ELD learning.
    • Elementary: Benchmark advance/Booknook
    • Middle School: Launch, Link to Literacy, Push-in Support.
    • High School: Launch, Link to Literacy, Edge, Language Lab.
    • Blended Learning
      • Newslea, Quill, Rosetta Stone, Learning Ally.
    • Platforms
      • Schoology
      • Video Conferencing
      • Google Docs. Google Translate.
    • Creating K-12 English Learners proficiency list.


Education Coordinator, College Bound Kids Report

Matthew Gordan presented the Education Coordinator, College Bound Kids (CBK) Report.
  • Click link to view CBK Report.
  • Curated CBK Website
  • Completed Summer College Prep. work with AIMS Highschool students.
  • College planning course reintroduce as in elective at AIMS High School.
  • 102 Seniors will receive feedback on their college application essays.


Operations Report

Marisol Magaña and Tiffany Tung presented the Operations Report.
  • Click link to view Operations Report.
  • School attendance begins August 17, 2020.
  • Attendance for June 1 - 9 
    • Elementary 97.29%
    • Middle 93.51%
    • High School 94.95%
  • Conducting weekly and monthly attendance audits to mitigate chronic absences of students.
  • Finish end of year reporting through CALPADS.
  • Preparing for Charter Renewal.
  • Food Service Program starts August 19, 2020.


HR Report

Delicia Moghadam presented the Human Resources (HR) Report.
  • Click link to view HR Report.
  • Providing wellness practices for AIMS faculty staff and students.
  • Providing faculty and staff with COVID guidelines and preventative measures.
  • Challenges and Concerns
    • AIMS staff switching from mailed check to direct deposit.
    • Concerns regarding benefits and pay changes.
  • Fulltime, Parttime and Temporary position that have been temporary or permanently eliminated
    • Furlough positions
      • Cafeteria Staff
      • Sports Coaches
      • Security Guard
      • Food Delivery 
      • Contracted position reduction: custodial staff, and maintenance staff.
    • Positions eliminated for 2020 - 2021:
      • AIPCS I: IA 1
      • AIPCS II: IA 1 
      • AIPCHS: Clerks and IA 1
    • No parttime hires available at all AIMS schools.
    • Recruitment hires
      • AIMS Virtual Fair
        • 3 teachers interviewed for High School and Middle School both accepted offer letter.
      • SWING hire
        • Elementary School sub.
      • Edjoin
        • Admin 2 for High School
        • Admin 3 for High School
      • Indeed 
        • 1 teacher
      • Internal Transfer Positions
        • AIMS Clerk 3 Taking leap to AP Chemistry
        • IA II to AP Spanish
        • PE Teacher to Math/Science
    • Plans for HR for 2021:
      • Refine online hiring process.
      • Managing offers and onboarding paperwork.
      • Maintain updates on COVID-19
      • Continue to communicate and support employees.


Window Installation @ 12th Street Campus

Tiffany Tung presented item II.H Window Installation at 12th Street Campus.
A. Abuyen made a motion to move item to closed session.
C. Edington seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.

III. Action Items


Intent to apply for a Preliminary Intern Credential, Short. Term Staff Permit and Variable Waiver

Superintendent Maya Woods-Cadiz presented item III.A. Intent to apply for a Preliminary Intern Credential, Short Term Staff Permit and Variable Waiver.
  • Click link to view:  Employees Notated for STSP, PIP and WaIver (1).xlsx
  • Intent to apply for a Preliminary Intern Permit, Short. Term Staff Permit, Intern Credential, and Variable Waiver for the following people:
    • Alany Valle, AIPHS, Spanish 9-11
    • Jennifer Hart, AIPHS, English 12
    • Chimalpahin Arce, AIPHS, World History 10
    • Hyomara Paschal, AIPHS, Biology 10
    • Julia Thomsen, AIPHS AP, Environmental Science 9
    • Handa Batbold, AIPHS, AP Calculus 10-12
    • Natasha Young, AIPHS, AP Chemistry 11/12
    • Jard Davis, AIPHS, PE & Band, Guitar 9-12
    • Ligia Gonzalez, AIPHS, ELD 9-11
    • Jakleen Saleb, AIPHS, AP Human Geology 9
    • Alison Frost, AIPCS, ELA/History 8
    • Ariel Navotas, AIPCS, Math/Science 6
    • Aleisha Readye, AIPCS, ELA 6
    • Andrea Almanza, AIPCS, Math/Science
    • Christopher Baker, AIPCS, ELA/History 8
    • Zubida Bakheit, AIPCS, Math/Science 6
    • Charnise Jones, AIPCS, ELA/History 6
    • Mike Esola, AIPCS, PE 6-8
    • Kristina Case, AIPCS, PE 6-8
    • Juan Sanchez, AIPCS, Math/Science 6
    • Colleen Turner, AIPCS, ELA/History 7
    • Jennifer Ko, AIPCS, ELA/History 8
    • Matthew Draper, AIPCS, ELA/History 7
    • Najwa Sabrie, AIPCS, Math/Science 7
    • Elizabeth Riley, AIPCS, Spanish 6-8
    • Andrew Hampton, AIPCS II, Multi Subject 3
    • Carlos Rodiguez, AIPCS II, Multi Subject 4
    • Michelle Kearney, AIPCS II, Mandarin K-2
    • Hayden Eller, AIPCS II, Multi Subject 2
    • Axia Vang, AIPCS II, Multi Subject K
    • Sandra Chaudhary, AIPCS II, Multi Subject k
    • Claire Gilmore, AIPCS II, Multi Subject 1
    • Alejandra Sedano, AIPCS II, Multi Subject 1
    • Irene Vega, AIPCS II, Multi Subject 5
    • Cassandra Stevens, AIPCS II, Multi Subject 4
    • Brielle Washington, AIPCS II, Multi Subject 5
    • Latasha Ross, AIPCS II, Multi Subject 2
    • Taylor Moxon, AIPCS II, PE K-5
    • Stephanie Gaston, AIPCS II, PE K-5
    • William Minh, AIPCS II, PE K-5
    • Janaye Crawford, AIPCS II, Multi Subject 2
    • Nhi Chau, AIPCS II, ELD Coordinator K-8
    • Gardner, Myja AIPCS II Multi Subject 5
    • Leonard Charles, AIPCS II, Multi Subject 1
    • Charlton Sharpe, AIPCS II, Multi Subject 3
    • Ajuna Black, AIPHS, English 9
D. Lang made a motion to approve the request for item III.A to apply for Preliminary Intern Permit, Short Term Staff Permit, Intern Credential, and Variable Waiver for the persons listed.
S. Leung seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
Roll Call
S. Leung
D. Lang
A. Abuyen
C. Edington
T. Cook


Finance Committee

Director Edington presented item III.B: Finance Committee
S. Leung made a motion to Approve the LunchMasters Addendum Contract as presented.
C. Edington seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
C. Edington made a motion to Approve the BACR AIMS Contract as presented.
A. Abuyen seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
C. Edington made a motion to approve Fiscal Policies Packet as presented.
S. Leung seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
C. Edington made a motion to approve the request to apply for ESSER funding.
D. Lang seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
C. Edington made a motion to approve the request to apply for LLMF.
D. Lang seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
D. Lang made a motion to approve the disposal of surplus items as presented in Resolution Surplus/Obsolete Packet.
C. Edington seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
C. Edington made a motion to approve the request to apply for Consolidated funding.
A. Abuyen seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
D. Lang made a motion to approve the personnel report as presented.
S. Leung seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
C. Edington made a motion to approve the Fixed Term Employment Agreement Contract with the amendment to remove 3.b. Stipends, from the contract and make a separate contract for said item.
D. Lang seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.


Governance Committee

President Toni Cook presented the Governance Committee items.
D. Lang made a motion to Approve revised Conflict of Interest Code as presented.
C. Edington seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
A. Abuyen made a motion to approve the revised Uniform Complaint Policy as presented.
D. Lang seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
D. Lang made a motion to approve revisions to AIMS bylaws with the amendment on section 3.2: Number of Directors to cross out "fifteen" and add "seven".
C. Edington seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.


2019 Taxes Submission

CBO Katema Ballentine presented item III.D. 2019 Taxes Submission.
C. Edington made a motion to approve the submission of the 2019 AIMS state and federal taxes.
D. Lang seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.

IV. Closed Session


Public Comment on Closed Session Items

No public comment on closed session items.


Recess to Closed Session


Reconvene from Closed Session


Report from Closed Session

V. Closing Items


Adjourn Meeting

There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 9:30 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
T. Cook
