AIMS K-12 College Prep Charter District


AIMS Special Board Meeting

Date and Time

Monday November 30, 2020 at 6:30 PM


AIMS does not discriminate on the basis of disability in the admission or access to, or treatment or employment in, its programs or activities. Marisol Magana has been designated to receive requests for disability-related modifications or accommodations in order to enable individuals with disabilities to participate in open and public meetings at AIMS. Please notify Marisol Magana at (510) 220-9985 at least 24 hours in advance of any disability accommodations being needed in order to participate in the meeting. Comments and questions should be entered into the chat feature of the Zoom meeting.

Directors Present

A. Abuyen (remote), C. Edington (remote), D. Lang (remote), S. Leung, T. Cook (remote)

Directors Absent


Directors who arrived after the meeting opened

S. Leung, T. Cook

Ex Officio Members Present

K. Minor (remote)

Non Voting Members Present

K. Minor (remote)

Guests Present

C. Ahmad (remote), C. Hollis, Darolyn Davis (remote), K. Ballentine (remote), M. Gordan (remote), M. Magana (remote), M. Williams (remote), M. Woods-Cadiz (remote), Maria Amari (remote), P. Holmquist (remote), T. Tung (remote), V. Chand (remote)

I. Opening Items


Call the Meeting to Order

C. Edington called a meeting of the board of directors of AIMS K-12 College Prep Charter District to order on Monday Nov 30, 2020 at 6:36 PM.


Record Attendance and Guests

T. Cook arrived at 6:38 PM.


Adoption of Agenda

C. Edington made a motion to Add action items to Consent Calendar: 1. Measure G1 Audit 2. Measure G1 Carryover 3. Restricted Funding Compliant Job Description 4. Federal Program Monitoring Findings 5. Roberto Family Trust Donation 6. Growth Fund Application.
T. Cook seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
A. Abuyen made a motion to Adopt the agenda with the approved modifications.
C. Edington seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.


Public Comment on Non-Agenda Items

No public comment on non-agenda items.


Public Comment on Agenda Items

No public comment on agenda items.

II. Non-Action Items


President's Report

President Toni Cook commended Superintendent Maya Woods-Cadiz and the AIMS academic team for their report presented at the reauthorization meeting with the board.


Superintendent's Report

Superintendent Maya Woods-Cadiz presented the Superintendent's Report.
  • Click link to view Superintendent Report.
  • AIMS High School and Middle Charter Renewal
    • AIMS Middle School renewal submission successful.
      • 7 year request.
      • OUSD will make decision on renewal on December 2, 2020.
      • OUSD recommendation is for 5 years.
    • AIMS College Prep High School renewal submission successful.
      • 5 year request.
      • OUSD will make decision on renewal on December 2, 2020.
      • OUSD recommendation is for 5 years.
  • AIMS School Reopening:
    • Alameda county in the purple tier:
      • COVID is widespread most schools are closed to in-person instruction.
      • If Alameda County is in the red tier or lower by December 18, 2020:
        • AIMS will open for hybrid learning on January 4, 2021.
      • If Alameda County is still in the purple tier by December 18, 2020:
        • AIMS will not open for hybrid learning and the superintendent will reassess reopening dates and report to the board for the February 2021 Monthly Board meeting.
      • Oakland WiFi officially has coverage to parts of West Oakland, East Oakland and along the international Blvd corridor to the San Leandro border (Zones 1, 2, & 18).
        • President Toni Cook asked the Superintendent to craft an email to the mayor for the timeline to activate hotspots in Zones 3, 4, 5.  The majority of AIMS students reside within these areas.


AIMS K-12 Report

Mr. Christopher Ahmad presented the American Indian Public Charter School I (AIPCS I) Report.
  • Click link to view AIPCS I Report.
  • Purchased individual desk for K - 2 students for social distancing purposes.
  • Purchased touch screen laptops for K - 2 students.
  • Purchased Online supplemental program called learning farm and IXL for K - 5 students.
  • Preparing Hybrid learning with K - 5 Students on staggered schedule.
    • Half students in class half students on live zoom feed of class.
Mr. Peter Holmquist presented the American Indian Public Charter School II (AIPCS II) Report.
  • Click link to view AIPCS II Report.
  • Completed charter renewal application and first hearing.
  • All Tied Up meetings on Friday for Social Emotional Learning continue.
  • Supported the completion of Measure G1, School Plan and Student Achievement (SPSA), Local Control and Accountability Plan (LCAP), and Title funds review.
Mr. Maurice Williams presented the American Indian Public High School Report (AIPHS).
  • Click link to view AIPHS Report.
  • Held Western Accreditation for Schools and Colleges (WASC) visit from October 28 - 29, 2021.
    • Brief summary of highlights
      • Robust instructional program, with high expectations and a focus on College Prep.
      • Dedicated teaching staff and strong administrative leadership with a vision of a program that challenges students to become self-directed learners and ensures that students function academically and emotionally at their highest capacity. 
      • A strong sense of family, a positive school culture and support for students’ academic and social emotional learning.
    • Suggested areas of growth
      • Strengthen the system for continuous stakeholder engagement and involvement in decision making, including ongoing involvement in the WASC school improvement process, and ownership of the school’s Mission, Vision, School-wide Learner Outcomes, and Critical Learner Needs.
      • Expand the Leadership Team to include other stakeholders beside administrators.
      • Create a coherent system of support with culturally responsive pedagogy to help those students who are not successful, the majority of whom are Latino.
      • Provide staff training on how to use the findings from the analysis of student performance data to further strengthen instruction and to personalize and differentiate instruction in an effort to ensure that all students succeed at AIMS
      • Prioritize areas in need of improvement and refine the Action Plan by focusing on critical areas so that the plan has a chance to succeed, considering the school’s capacity for implementation--human, financial and time.
  • Ms. Julia Li hired as High School Head of Division.
  • November 17, 2021 AIMS High School was recognized California Student Aid Commission Race to Submit Campaign. 
  • Prepared for Hybrid schedule when students are authorized to return.
  • AIMS HS Q1 Data Analysis.
    • Approximately 70% of AIMS HS student have a 3.0 GPA or above
    • Freshman class are struggling the most.
      • 14% of Freshman have below 1.0 GPA
    • Providing students with a credit recovery program for the second semester to improve upon grades before summer school.
    • Suggest student hand write notes for classes instead of typing notes.  Studies suggest student retain more information when taking notes by hand than typing.


ELD Report

Ms. Vannee Chand presented the English Language Development (ELD) Report.
  • Click link to view ELD Report. 
  • 375 (25%) of AIMS students from K-12 are ELD students.
  • Utilizing several technology based platforms to support ELD students.
  • Providing ELD workshop for faculty once a month.
  • Concerns for ELD
    • Challenges coordinating schedules with faculty and students.


Education Coordinator, College Bound Kids Report

Matthew Gordan presented the College Bound Kids (CBK) Report.
  •    Click link to view CBK Report.
  • 2020 AP Exam participation results:
    • 415 students registered.
    • 1,046 exams ordered.
    • 975 exams taken.
    • 64 exams were no shows.
    • 7 exams were erroneously cancelled by the college board computer system.
  • 2021 exams ordered:
    • 447 students registered.
    • 1,293 exams ordered.
  • As of November 23, 2021 over half the senior class submitted UC Applications.
    • 35 of the senior received financial assistance from AIMS
    • Submission deadline is November 25, 2021.
      • Official deadline is November 30, 2021.
  • Cal Grant paperwork submitted for all seniors.
  • November 12, 2021 first AIMS alumni chat.
    • 16 AIMS alumni were present.


Operations Report

Ms. Marisol Magaña and Tiffany Tung presented the Operations Report.
  • Click link to view Operations report.
  • Continued work on California Longitudinal Pupil Assessment Data System (CALPADS) updates.
  • Submitted 2020 - 2021 Fall enrollment student data to Office of Charters for all AIMS schools.
  • Submitted California Basic Educational Data System (CBEDS) for all AIMS schools.
  • Submitted Prop 39 facilities request for all AIMS schools.
  • Submitted Child Nutrition Information Payment System (CNIP) monthly reimbursement claim.
  • Partnered with Swinerton Foundation for Philanthropic donation for $1,000.00 to purchase 50 turkeys for AIMS first Thanksgiving Turkey Giveaway.
  • Implementation of new online application for lunch applications.
  • Applied for Seamless Summer Option (SSO) California Department of Education (CDE) approve SSO for nutrition program.
  • Actions taken to Reopen in January
    • For 12th Street Campus
      • Clearing garage.
      • Moving items to storage.
      • Setting up nurses office.
      • Setting up classrooms for in-person instruction.
      • Kitchen preparations and permitting full service for lunch program.
    • For Lakeview Campus
      • Ordered storage bins.
      • Setting up classrooms for in-person instruction.
      • Kitchen preparations and permitting full service for lunch program.
  • Established technological plan with Student Information System (SIS) PowerSchools.
  • Current attendance rates for November 1 - 20, 2021
    • Elementary 99.04%
    • Middle 98.11%
    • High School 98.64%


Finance Report

Chief Business Officer Katema Ballentine presented the Finance Report.
  • Click link to view Finance Report.
  • AIMS has been awarded 1.3 million in COVID support funding.
  • As of 1st Interim, October 31, 2020, AIMS has received $378,370.00
  • AIMS has prepared a proposed budget of $1,004,697.00
  • COVID funding sources received are:
    • 32 COVID ESSER - $40,384.00
    • 71 COVID GEER - $4,600.00
    • 72 COVID Cares CFR - $171,822.00
    • 74 COVID LLMF - $19,734.00
      • COVID Cares CFR and COVID LLMF are expected to be utilized before December of 2020.
  • Potential expenses for COVID funding may be personnel such as Technology support and on site nurses.

III. Action Items


Finance Committee

Director Edington presented the D&A Contract
T. Cook made a motion to amend the D&A contract on page 7 of 7 to strike the word "political" and replace with better word decided by the Superintendent and Darolyn Davis.
C. Edington seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
T. Cook made a motion to approve the D&A Contract.
D. Lang seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call
T. Cook
C. Edington
D. Lang
A. Abuyen
S. Leung
CBO Katema Ballentine presented the 1st Interim Budget.
  • Click link to view 1st Interim Budget.
  • Projected High School at higher enrollment and decreased it to 219.
  • One time federal funds help support the budget.
  • Budget was adopted at $16,388,366.00.
    • At 1st interim budget is at $17,230,961.00.
  • AIMS High School is the only campus that had a loss of revenue.
    • AIMS High School adoption at $5,613,181.00
      • AIMS High School 1st interim at $5,555,046.00
  • Expenses 
    • Salary expenditures is 46%
    • Operation expenditures is 54%
  • Total revenues for 1st Interim are - $17,236,961.00
  • Total expenses for 1st Interim are - $15, 646,632.00
S. Leung arrived at 8:31 PM.
C. Edington made a motion to Approve the 1st Interim budget with amended expense allocations for the AIMS High School.
A. Abuyen seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call
C. Edington
D. Lang
T. Cook
S. Leung
A. Abuyen
C. Edington made a motion to approve consent calendar.
A. Abuyen seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
C. Edington made a motion to table item: Previously Denied Request Review.
T. Cook seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.


Governance Committee

Director Toni Cook presented item III.B. Governance Committee.
T. Cook made a motion to approve item III.B: Governance committee as presented.
C. Edington seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.

IV. Closed Session


Public Comment on Closed Session Items

No public comment on closed session items.


Recess to Closed Session

Recess to closed session at 8:51pm


Reconvene from Closed Session


Report from Closed Session

V. Closing Items


Adjourn Meeting

There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 9:30 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
T. Cook
