AIMS K-12 College Prep Charter District


AIMS Special Board Meeting

Date and Time

Thursday February 25, 2021 at 6:30 PM


AIMS does not discriminate on the basis of disability in the admission or access to, or treatment or employment in, its programs or activities. Marisol Magana has been designated to receive requests for disability-related modifications or accommodations in order to enable individuals with disabilities to participate in open and public meetings at AIMS. Please notify Marisol Magana at (510) 220-9985 at least 24 hours in advance of any disability accommodations being needed in order to participate in the meeting. Comments and questions should be entered into the chat feature of the Zoom meeting.

Directors Present

A. Abuyen (remote), C. Edington (remote), D. Lang, T. Cook (remote)

Directors Absent

S. Leung

Directors who arrived after the meeting opened

D. Lang

Ex Officio Members Present

K. Minor (remote)

Non Voting Members Present

K. Minor (remote)

Guests Present

C. Ahmad (remote), C. Hollis (remote), K. Ballentine (remote)

I. Opening Items


Call the Meeting to Order

C. Edington called a meeting of the board of directors of AIMS K-12 College Prep Charter District to order on Thursday Feb 25, 2021 at 6:30 PM.


Record Attendance and Guests

D. Lang arrived at 6:32 PM.


Adoption of Agenda

C. Edington made a motion to Move item III.A.6 - Bylaws Revision from A. Consent Calendar to B. Action Items. Remove item III.B.1 - 3rd Floor Bathroom Build-out from February 25, 2021 AIMS Special Board Meeting Agenda. Change item III.B.3 - Cash Flow as of 2nd Interim to a Non-Action Item.
A. Abuyen seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.


Public Comment on Non-Agenda Items

Elizabeth Pauw commented on AIMS looking at Franklin Elementary school as a co-location.
  • Need the entire Franklin Elementary School to serve Franklin Elementary School students.


Public Comment on Agenda Items

No public comment on Agenda Items.

II. Non-Action Items


President's Report

Nothing to report.


Superintendent's Report

Superintendent Maya Woods-Cadiz presented the Superintendent Report.
  • Click link to view Superintendent Report.
  • AIMS highlighted in world journal for ensuring faculty and staff are vaccinated and overall work in managing school operations during a pandemic.
  • Nominated as California Charter School Association (CCSA) Member Council representative for Alameda and San Francisco County.
  • Reopening information submitted to Oakland Unified School District
    • Planning for K-2 student return in Spring.
  • AIMS College Prep High School and Elementary School received senate bill 820 Growth Funding Eligibility.


AIMS K-12 Report

Mr. Christopher Ahmad presented the AIMS Elementary School report.
  • Click link to view AIMS Elementary School Report.
  • Completed evaluations of all 24 elementary school teachers.
  • Olympic Bobsledder Cherrelle Garrett visiting AIMS elementary on February 19, 2021
  • Positive Behavior Intervention System (PBIS) Movie Day.  Student can cash in 100 PBIS point to watch movie on February 19th.
Mr. Peter Holmquist presented the AIMS Middle School report.
  • Click link to view AIMS Middle School Report.
  • English Language Development program working out program issues.
  • All Tied Up initiative for Social Emotional Learning doing well.
  • Computer repairs being made to existing laptops to ensure they have secure browsers when in use.
  • Inviting students to on-campus learning who have difficulty in home environment due to wifi or other issues.
Mr. Maurice Williams presented the AIMS High School report
  • Click link to view AIMS High School Report.
  • Conducting AIMS virtual tours for potential students and families.
  • Mental Health Fridays, an effort to increase mental health awareness starts in March.
    • Conducted mental health survey for High School students.
    • 366 out of 445 students completed the survey.
    • Top 5 mental health issues High School students confront.
      1. Academic Pressure.
      2. Loneliness/Social Isolation.
      3. Corona Virus/Fear of the unknown.
      4. Relationship issues (family/peers).
      5. Being away from school (distance learning).
  • AP state wide exam preparations begin March 1, 2021.
  • On campus small group instruction for High School students.
    • Following COVID protocol in class sessions.


ELD Report

Ms. Vannee Chand presented the English Learner Development Report (ELD).
  • Click link to view ELD Report.
  • Professional development with AIMS faculty on Integrated and Designated English Learner Development.
  • Supporting students with technology navigation.
  • Preparing faculty for English Learner Proficiency Assessment for California (ELPAC).
    • Training on the Moodle Platform.
    • Remote testing is an issue with Chrome books that need secure browsers to conduct testing.
    • May extend ELPAC testing to July due to technical difficulties.


Education Coordinator, College Bound Kids Report

Mr. Matthew Gordan presented the Education Coordinator, College Bound Kids Report.
  • Click link to view Education Coordinator, College Bound Kids Report.
  • Recently had an Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCU) fair at AIMS High School where students were tasked with applying to 3 colleges after fair.
  • Conducted survey for AIMS High School students on why students are not applying to non University of California (UC) and California State (CS) Colleges.
    1. 46% - Only want to attend a UC or CS.
    2. 39% - Don't want to leave California.
    3. 34% - Private Colleges are too expensive.
    4. 31% - After applying to UC/CS colleges they are too tired to apply to other colleges.
    5. 28% - COVID-19 makes them want to stay close to family.
    6. 26% - Private colleges are too hard to get into.
    7. 7% - Student don't know much about Private colleges.
    8. 7% - Private colleges aren't diverse enough.
    9. 4% - Private schools are too small.
  • Director Edington asked Mr. Gordan to follow up with two colleges.
    • Benedict College.
    • Miles Liberal Arts College.


Operations Report

III. Action Items


Consent Calendar

Consent Calendar Items.
  1. MOU Sacramento Consortium Teacher Induction Program
    1. Click to view MOU Sacramento Consortium Teacher Induction Program.
  2. Swing Contract
    1. Click to view Swing Contract
    2. Click to view Historical Swing Expenses.
  3. Workers Compensation Insurance Renewal
    1. Click to view Workers Compensation Application.
    2. Click to view All Cal Insurance Document.
  4. Student Accident Insurance Renewal
    1. Click to view Student Accident Insurance Renewal.
  5. D&A Contract Revisions
    1. Click link to view D&A Final Scope of Work.
    2. Click link to view D&A Contract.
C. Edington made a motion to Approve Item III.A. Consent Calendar.
A. Abuyen seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.


Action Items

  1. Bylaws Revision
    1. Click link to view Bylaws Revisions.
  2. 2020/2021 2nd Interim
    1. Click link to view 2020/2021 2nd interim Document.
    2. Ms. Katema Ballentine presented the 2020/2021 2nd interim document.
    3. Changes to 2020/2021 2nd interim document.
      1. 2nd paragraph titled Governance change "Trustee" to "Director"
      2. 2nd paragraph titled Governance change "Other Committees" to "Standing Committees"
    4. Time periods between Nov 1st 2020 -  Jan. 31st 2021.
    5. 7% increase in revenue from 1st to 2nd quarter.
    6. Greatest increase of revenue is from Federal funding.
    7. Total expenses in 2nd quarter total: $16,542,025.00
    8. Total revenues for 2nd quarter total: $18,424,301.00
    9. Cash at end of 2nd quarter is: $6,292,171.00
  3. Cash Flow as of 2nd Interim
    1. Click link to view Cash Flow as 2nd Interim Excel Spreadsheet.
    2. Ms. Karen Peters presented Cash Flow as 2nd Interim Excel Spreadsheet.
    3. Corrections to Excel Spreadsheet.
      1. line 97 in 4000 Subtotal from February - June that read $201,268.00, correct to read: 171,268.00
  4. 2019/2020 Audit
    1. Click link to view 2019/2020 Audit
    2. Changes to make to Audit
      1. pg. 18 Board members that were in place as of June 30th
        1. President Toni Cook
        2. Director Christopher Edington
        3. Director Dana Lang
        4. Director Adrien Abuyen
        5. Director Steven Leung
    3. Summary of findings on pg. 33
      1. Items that state "no, see below."  do not clearly state where to view "see below" findings.
    4. Changes will be complete before submission of final audit.


C. Edington made a motion to Approve item III.B.1 - Bylaws Revisions.
T. Cook seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
T. Cook made a motion to Approve the submission of 2019/2020 Audit to Oakland Unified School District (OUSD) by March 15, 2021 reflecting the recommended and requested changes to the document.
A. Abuyen seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
T. Cook made a motion to Approve the submission of 2019/2020 2nd interim to Oakland Unified School District (OUSD) by March 1, 2021 reflecting the recommended and requested changes to the document.
D. Lang seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.

IV. Closed Session


Public Comment on Closed Session Items

No public comment on Closed Session Items.


Recess to Closed Session


Reconvene from Closed Session


Report from Closed Session

V. Closing Items


Adjourn Meeting

There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 9:30 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
C. Edington
