AIMS K-12 College Prep Charter District


Special Finance Committee Monthly Meeting

Date and Time

Monday March 15, 2021 at 7:00 AM


Tele-conference Zoom Meeting


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AIMS does not discriminate on the basis of disability in the admission or access to, or treatment or employment in, its programs or activities. Marisol Magana has been designated to receive requests for disability-related modifications or accommodations in order to enable individuals with disabilities to participate in open and public meetings at AIMS. Please notify Marisol Magana at (510) 220-9985 at least 24 hours in advance of any disability accommodations being needed in order to participate in the meeting. All comments and questions should be entered into the chat feature of the Zoom meeting.
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Committee Members Present

A. Abuyen (remote), C. Edington (remote), K. Ballentine (remote)

Committee Members Absent

M. Woods-Cadiz

Guests Present

M. Magana (remote), M. Williams (remote), T. Tung (remote)

I. Opening Items


Call the Meeting to Order

C. Edington called a meeting of the Finance Committee of AIMS K-12 College Prep Charter District to order on Monday Mar 15, 2021 at 7:07 AM.


Record Attendance and Guests


Public Comment on Non-Action Items

No public comment on non-action items.


Public Comment on Action Items

No public comment on action items.

II. Action Items


American Indian Public High School - Round 15(A) State Charter School Facilities Incentive Grants

Ms. Marisol Magaña presented item III.A. American Public School - Round 15(A) State Charter School Facilities Incentive Grants.
  • Funds will be utilized for rental fees of the AIMS public High School Facility.
  • Funds will disburse from February 2021 - August 2022
  • The funding amount for 2021 - 2022 will be $132,212.00
  • Total funding amount of Facilities Incentive grants from 2020 - 2022 is $179,430.92
A. Abuyen made a motion to Approve item III.A. American Indian Public High School - Round 15(A) State Charter School Facilities Incentive Grant for $179,430.92.
K. Ballentine seconded the motion.
The committee VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.


Blinds Installation for American Indian Public High School

Ms. Tiffany Tung presented item III.B. Blinds Installation for American Indian Public High School.
  • Blinds installation will be covered from the savings received from the Facilities Incentive Grant.  
  • Item III.B was tabled at the March 11, 2021 Facilities meeting.
A. Abuyen made a motion to Approve item III.B. Blinds Installation for American Indian Public High School in the amount of $29,002.88.
K. Ballentine seconded the motion.
The committee VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.


Student Bathroom Upgrades for American Indian Public High School

Ms. Marisol Magana presented item III.C. Student Bathroom Upgrades for American Indian Public High School.
  • Bathroom upgrades will be covered from the savings received from the Facilities Incentive Grant.
  • Oakland Unified School District will provide the vendors necessary to perform bathroom upgrades.
C. Edington made a motion to Approve item III.C. Student Bathroom Upgrades for American Indian Public High School not to exceed $19,820, pending written consent from Oakland Unified School District to proceed with student bathroom upgrades at the American Indian Public High School.
A. Abuyen seconded the motion.
The committee VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.


Letterman Jackets for AIMS High School Seniors

Mr. Maurice Williams presented item III.D. Letterman Jackets for AIMS High School Seniors.
  • Letterman Jackets for AIMS High School seniors will be covered from the savings received from the Facilities Incentive Grant.
C. Edington made a motion to Approve item III.D. Letterman Jackets for AIMS High School Seniors in the amount of $20,567.65.
A. Abuyen seconded the motion.
The committee VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.

III. Closed Session


Public Comment on Closed Session Items


Reconvene from Closed Session

Closed session reconvened at 7:42 am.


Report from Closed Session

Nothing to report.

IV. Closing Items


Items For Next Agenda

Nothing to report.


Adjourn Meeting

There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 7:42 AM.

Respectfully Submitted,
C. Edington
