AIMS K-12 College Prep Charter District

AIMS Board Meeting

Date and Time

Wednesday September 4, 2024 at 6:45 PM PDT


171 12th Street, Oakland, CA 94607


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AIMS does not discriminate on the basis of disability in the admission or access to, or treatment or employment in, its programs or activities. Ahsjanae Hutchings has been designated to receive requests for disability-related modifications or accommodations in order to enable individuals with disabilities to participate in open and public meetings at AIMS. Please notify Ahsjanae Hutchings at (510) 504-6898 at least 24 hours in advance of any disability accommodations being needed in order to participate in the meeting.


Click To Submit Public Comment

AIMS does not discriminate on the basis of disability in the admission or access to, or treatment or employment in, its programs or activities. Ahsjanae Hutchings has been designated to receive requests for disability-related modifications or accommodations in order to enable individuals with disabilities to participate in open and public meetings at AIMS. Please notify Ahsjanae Hutchings at (510) 504-6898 at least 24 hours in advance of any disability accommodations being needed in order to participate in the meeting. 


      Purpose Presenter Time
I. Opening Items 6:45 PM
Opening Items
  A. Call the Meeting to Order   Chris Edington
  B. Record Attendance and Guests Vote Ahsjanae Hutchings 1 m
  C. Adoption of Agenda Vote Chris Edington 1 m
  D. Public Comment on Agenda Items   4 m

Public comment on agenda items is set aside for members of the public to address the items on the Board’s agenda prior to each agenda item. The Board of Directors will not respond to or take action in response to public comment, except that the Board may ask clarifying questions or direct staff. Comments are limited to two (2) minutes per person, and the total time allotted for all public comment will not exceed thirty (30) minutes (10 minutes per section). 

  E. Public Comment on Non-Agenda Items   4 m

Public comment on non-agenda items is set aside for members of the public to address the items not on the Board’s agenda. The Board of Directors will not respond to or take action in response to public comment, except that the Board may ask clarifying questions or direct staff. Comments are limited to two (2) minutes per person, and the total time allotted for all public comment will not exceed thirty (30) minutes (10 minutes per section). 

II. Approve Board Meeting Minutes 6:55 PM
  A. AIMS Board Meeting: June 26, 2024 Approve Minutes Chris Edington 1 m
    Minutes for AIMS Board Meeting on June 26, 2024  
  B. AIMS Special Board Meeting: August 9th, 2024 Approve Minutes Chris Edington 1 m
    Minutes for AIMS Special Board Meeting on August 9, 2024  
III. Information (Non-Action) Items 6:57 PM
  A. President's Report FYI Chris Edington 3 m
  B. Superintendent's Report FYI Superintendent Woods-Cadiz 3 m
  C. Staff Reports FYI 15 m

Data and Academics August Board Report (C. Ahmad)

Compliance Board Report FY 23-24 (T. Tung)

Marketing, Communications and Recruitment Board Report (S. Chu)

Health & School Support Services Dept Board Report (M. Magana)

Director of School Board Report August 2024 (J. Li)

  D. Board Discussion: Learnings from Lozano Smith Advisory "What K-12 School Districts Need to Know About Internal Complaint Procedures Podcast" Discuss Maya Woods-Cadiz 5 m
IV. Consent Calendar 7:23 PM
  A. Job Descriptions Vote Tiffany Tung 8 m

Benefits & Risk Management Coordinator

Athletic Director

Athletic Coach

Assistant Athletic Director 

Assistant Athletic Coach

  B. ELOP Job Descriptions Vote Tiffany Tung 3 m

ELOP Saturday Instructor

ELOP Instructional Helper

ELOP Coordinator

ELOP Intervention Tutor

  C. Employee Contracts FY24-25 Vote Tiffany Tung 3 m
  D. AIMS Staff Handbook Draft 2024-2025 Vote Suzen Chu 2 m
  E. K-12 Student and Family Handbook Draft 2024-2025 Vote Suzen Chu 2 m
  F. TCI Curriculum Vote Christopher Ahmad 2 m
  G. Quill Writing Vote Christopher Ahmad 2 m
  H. Learning Farm Vote Christopher Ahmad 2 m
  I. IXL Renewal-Middle School Vote Christopher Ahmad 2 m
  J. IXL Renewal-Elementary School Vote Christopher Ahmad 2 m
  K. ETS Vote Christopher Ahmad 2 m
  L. Elevate Vote Christopher Ahmad 2 m
  M. Benchmark Advance Vote Christopher Ahmad 2 m
  N. Xerox Lease Renewal Vote Marisol Magana 2 m
  O. VisiPlex Vote Marisol Magana 2 m
  P. Vision to Learn MOU Vote Marisol Magana 2 m
  Q. Staples - Chromebooks AIMS MS Vote Marisol Magana 2 m
  R. Staples - Chromebooks - AIPCS II Vote Marisol Magana 2 m
  S. Staples - Chromebooks - AIMS HS Vote Marisol Magana 2 m
  T. SOS Survival Products - AIPCS II Vote Marisol Magana 2 m
  U. SOS Survival Products - AIMS MS Vote Marisol Magana 2 m
  V. SOS Survival Products - AIMS HS Vote Marisol Magana 2 m
  W. Intelligent Connectivity- Network Switch Vote Marisol Magana 2 m
  X. Intelligent Connectivity - Security Cameras - AIMS HS Vote Marisol Magana 2 m
  Y. CPR1 AED - AIMS MS Marisol Magana 2 m
  Z. CPR1 AED - AIMS HS Vote Marisol Magana 2 m
  AA. CPR 1 AED - AIPCS II Vote Marisol Magana 2 m
  AB. Apple Store - AIPCS II Vote Marisol Magana 2 m
  AC. Apple Store - AIMS HS Vote Marisol Magana 2 m
  AD. Masks for students and staff - AIPCS II Vote Marisol Magana 3 m
  AE. High School Uniforms Vote Julia Li 2 m
  AF. ESSER III AIPCS II - Plan Update Vote Julia Li 2 m
  AG. ESSER III AIMS MS Plan Update Vote Julia Li 2 m
  AH. ESSER III AIMS HS - Plan Update Vote Julia Li 2 m
  AI. ES/MS Uniforms Vote Julia Li 2 m
  AJ. ES Uniforms Vote Julia Li 2 m
  AK. Green Source Janitorial Vote Julia Li 3 m
  AL. Laguna Green Works AIPCS II Vote Julia Li 3 m
  AM. Laguna Green Works- HS Vote Julia Li 3 m
  AN. Student Headphones- AIPCS II Vote Julia Li 3 m
  AO. Instructional Materials Vote Julia Li 3 m
  AP. Attendance Incentives - AIPCS II Vote Julia Li 3 m
  AQ. Attendance Incentives - AIMS HS Vote Julia Li 3 m
  AR. Math Intervention Workbooks - AIPCS II Vote Julia Li 3 m
  AS. Reading Intervention Workbooks AIPCS II Vote Julia Li 3 m
  AT. Writing Intervention Workbooks AIPCS II Vote Julia Li 3 m
  AU. Air Purifiers- AIMS HS Vote Julia Li 3 m
  AV. Air Purifiers- AIPCS II Vote Julia Li 3 m
  AW. AIMS Sports Budget FY24-25 Vote Ashlee Robinson 2 m
  AX. All Tied Up Vote Ashlee Robinson 3 m
  AY. MO TSA Amendment 24-25 Vote Deborah Woods 2 m
  AZ. Avalon Fred Finch NPS Master Contract Vote Deborah Woods 2 m
  BA. ELOP Plan Budget and Updates Vote Jimmie Brown 3 m
  BB. Unaudited Actuals (Closing) for fiscal year 23-24 Vote Katema Ballentine 2 m
  BC. Fiscal Policies FY24-25 Vote Katema Ballentine 2 m
  BD. Approved Vendor List FY24-25 Vote Katema Ballentine 2 m
  BE. Transformational Resolution Group Contract & Scope of Work Vote Maya Woods-Cadiz 3 m
  BF. Proposal to Engage Seth Feldman, EdD, Esq. for Consultancy Services Vote Maya Woods-Cadiz 3 m
  BG. Decision to Modify AIMS Governance Procedures based on Lozano Smith Recommendations Vote Chris Edington 3 m
  BH. Campanille Group Engagement and Contract Vote Steven Leung 5 m
V. Action Items 9:52 PM
  A. The Board will discuss and possibly take action on membership status of AIMS Board Member Vote Chris Edington 5 m
  B. AIPCS Charter Renewal Pending Final Legal Review Vote Maya Woods-Cadiz 5 m
  C. New Facility Development Expense Budget Vote Steven Leung 5 m
  D. Consultant Proposals Vote Steven Leung 5 m
VI. Closed Session 10:12 PM
  A. Public Comment on Closed Session Items FYI 5 m

Public comment on closed session items is set aside for members of the public to address items on the Board’s agenda for closed session. The Board of Directors will not respond to or take action in response to public comment, except that the Board may ask clarifying questions or direct staff. Comments are limited to two (2) minutes per person, and a total time allotted for all public comment will not exceed thirty (30) minutes (10 minutes per section).

  B. Recess to Closed Session FYI Chris Edington 5 m

Pursuant to the Brown Act (Government Code Section 54957.6), the following items will be discussed in closed session:


1. Conference with Real Property Negotiations (Gov. Code Section 54956.89)

  • Property: 171 12th Street, Oakland, CA. APN: 002-0081-003-00
  • Agency negotiator: Steven Leung and Christopher Edington
  • Negotiating parties: AIMS Board and N1 Capital
  • Under negotiation: Consulting Agreement


2. Conference with Legal Counsel- Anticipated Litigation (Gov. Code Section 54956.9)


  • Significant exposure to litigation pursuant to paragraph (2) or (3) of
    subdivision (d) of Section 54956.9: 2 Matters


3. Employee Evaluation- Superintendent of Schools 


  C. Report from Closed Session FYI Chris Edington 2 m
VII. Closing Items 10:24 PM
  A. Adjourn Meeting FYI Chris Edington
  B. NOTICES FYI Ahsjanae Hutchings

The next regular meeting of the Board of Directors is scheduled to be held on Tuesday September 17, 2024, at 6:45 pm. AIMS does not discriminate on the basis of disability in the admission or access to, or treatment or employment in, its programs or activities. Marisol Magana has been designated to receive requests for disability-related modifications or accommodations in order to enable individuals with disabilities to participate in open and public meetings at AIMS. Please notify Marisol Magana at (510) 220-9985 at least 24 hours in advance of any disability accommodations being needed in order to participate in the meeting.

I, Ahsjanae Hutchings, hereby certify that I posted this agenda on the AIMS website at, on August 30, 2024, before 6:45 PM. Certification of Posting