AIMS K-12 College Prep Charter District

Finance Committee Meeting

Date and Time

Wednesday June 26, 2024 at 5:30 PM PDT


171 12th Street, Oakland, CA 94607


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AIMS does not discriminate on the basis of disability in the admission or access to, or treatment or employment in, its programs or activities. Ahsjanae Hutchings has been designated to receive requests for disability-related modifications or accommodations in order to enable individuals with disabilities to participate in open and public meetings at AIMS. Please notify Ahsjanae Hutchings at (510) 504-6898 at least 24 hours in advance of any disability accommodations being needed in order to participate in the meeting.


      Purpose Presenter Time
I. Opening Items 5:30 PM
  A. Record Attendance   Barbara Pemberton 1 m
  B. Call the Meeting to Order   Director Edington
II. Public Comment 5:31 PM
  A. Public Comment on Agenda Items Discuss Barbara Pemberton 4 m
  B. Public Comment On Non-Agenda Items Discuss Barbara Pemberton 4 m
III. Approve Minutes 5:39 PM
  A. Finance Committee Meeting: May 21, 2024 Approve Minutes 1 m
    Minutes for Finance Committee Meeting on May 21, 2024  
IV. Non-Action Items 5:40 PM
  A. Should we consider charging a flat fee instead of per-student payment for vendors who do not provide direct service to students? Discuss Maya Woods-Cadiz 5 m
V. Action Items 5:45 PM
  A. Outfront Billboard Ad Agreement Vote Suzen Chu 2 m
  B. EC EmpowerED Psychological Services 2024-2025 Vote Deborah Woods 2 m
  C. AIMS 2024-2025 Adopted Budget Vote Katema Ballentine 3 m
  D. 2024-25 Education Protection Account Resolution Vote Katema Ballentine 2 m
  E. Protected Prayer Resolution Vote Katema Ballentine 2 m
  F. Air Reading Tutoring Services Agreement Vote Christopher Ahmad 2 m
  G. Amplify English Language Arts (ELA) Vote Christopher Ahmad 2 m
  H. IIlluinate Vote Christopher Ahmad 2 m
  I. McGraw Hill Science Vote Christopher Ahmad 2 m
  J. NWEA Assessment Vote Christopher Ahmad 2 m
  K. Respond EDU Vote Christopher Ahmad 2 m
  L. Sacramento County Office of Education (SCOE) Vote Christopher Ahmad 2 m
  M. Teacher Induction Program Vote Christopher Ahmad 2 m
  N. Strobel Education Contract (professional development) Vote Christopher Ahmad 2 m
  O. Unified Insights Vote Christopher Ahmad 2 m
  P. AIMS 2024-2025 Title Funding Resolution Vote Christopher Ahmad 2 m
  Q. Employee Contracts/ Extended Contracts Summer Board Approval Vote Tiffany Tung 2 m
  R. Arts, Music and Instruction Materials (AMIM) Discretionary Block Grant - HS Vote Natalie Glass 2 m
  S. Arts, Music and Instruction Materials (AMIM) Discretionary Block Grant - MS Vote Natalie Glass 2 m
  T. Arts, Music and Instruction Materials (AMIM) Discretionary Block Grant - AIPCS II Vote Natalie Glass 2 m
  U. Local Control and Accountability Plan (LCAP) 2024-25 AIMS Vote Natalie Glass 2 m
  V. Learning Recovery Grant - AIMS HS Vote Natalie Glass 2 m
  W. Learning Recovery Grant - AIMS MS Vote Natalie Glass 2 m
  X. Learning Recovery Grant - AIMS AIPCS II Vote Natalie Glass 2 m
  Y. Prop 28 Plan Template - AIMS HS Vote Natalie Glass 2 m
  Z. Prop 28 Plan Template - AIMS MS Vote Natalie Glass 2 m
  AA. Prop 28 Plan Template - AIPCS II Vote Natalie Glass 2 m
  AB. School Plan Student Achievement (SPSA) - AIMS HS Vote Natalie Glass 2 m
  AC. School Plan Student Achievement (SPSA) - AIMS MS Vote Natalie Glass 2 m
  AD. School Plan Student Achievement (SPSA) - AIPCS II Vote Natalie Glass 2 m
  AE. Asset Sonar Quote for District Vote Marisol Magana 2 m
  AF. FY24-25 Chromebook Quote for AIMS HS Vote Marisol Magana 2 m
  AG. FY24-25 Chromebook Quote for AIMS MS Vote Marisol Magana 2 m
  AH. GoGuardian Quote for District Vote Marisol Magana 2 m
  AI. FY24-25 Jamf Renewal for High School, SpEd and ELD Vote Marisol Magana 2 m
  AJ. FY24-25 Staff Laptop Quote - AIMS HS Vote Marisol Magana 2 m
  AK. FY24-25 Staff Laptop Quote - AIMS MS Vote Marisol Magana 2 m
  AL. FY 24-25 Zendesk Quote for District Vote Marisol Magana 2 m
  AM. AIMS MS - 24-25 Bay Area Community Resources Agreement Vote Marisol Magana 2 m
  AN. American Red Cross - First Aid and CPR/AED Training Vote Marisol Magana 2 m
  AO. Avela Software Vote Marisol Magana 2 m
  AP. AIPCS II -24-25 Bay Area Community Resources Agreement Vote Marisol Magana 2 m
  AQ. Ascend Rehab Services Inc 2024-25 Master Contract Vote Deborah Woods 2 m
  AR. EC EmpoweredEd Psychological Services 2024-25 Vote Deborah Woods 2 m
VI. Closed Session 7:14 PM
  A. Public Comment on Closed Session Items Discuss 10 m

1 minute per speaker 


  B. Closed Session 30 m

Closed Session Items:

1. Conference with Real Property Negotiations (Gov. Code Section 54956.89)

  • Property: 171 12th Street Oakland, CA 94607
  • Agency negotiator: Steven Leung and Christopher Edington
  • Negotiating parties: AIMS Board and N1 Capital
  • Under negotiation: MOU


2. Conference with Legal Counsel- Anticipated Litigation (Gov. Code Section 54956.9)


  • Significant exposure to litigation pursuant to paragraph (2) or (3) of
    subdivision (d) of Section 54956.9: 2 Matters

3. Employee Evaluation- Superintendent of Schools 

VII. Closing Items 7:54 PM
  A. Adjourn Meeting Vote
  B. NOTICES FYI Ahsjanae Hutchings

The next regular meeting of the Board of Directors is scheduled to be held on the third Tuesday of the month, July 16, 2024 at 5:30 pm. AIMS does not discriminate on the basis of disability in the admission or access to, or treatment or employment in, it's programs or activities. Ahsjanae Hutchings has been designated to receive requests for disability-related modifications or accommodations in order to enable individuals with disabilities to participate in open and public meetings at AIMS. Please notify Ahsjanae Hutchings at (510) 504-6898 at least 24 hours in advance of any disability accommodations being needed in order to participate in the meeting.

I, Ahsjanae Hutchings, posted this agenda on the AIMS website at on June 22, 2024, before 5:30 PM.
Certification of Posting