AIMS K-12 College Prep Charter District

AIMS Special Board Meeting

Date and Time

Tuesday October 26, 2021 at 6:30 PM PDT


Topic: AIMS Special Board Meeting
Time: Oct 26, 2021 06:30 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada)


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AIMS does not discriminate on the basis of disability in the admission or access to, or treatment or employment in, its programs or activities. Marisol Magana has been designated to receive requests for disability-related modifications or accommodations in order to enable individuals with disabilities to participate in open and public meetings at AIMS. Please notify Marisol Magana at (510) 220-9985 at least 24 hours in advance of any disability accommodations being needed in order to participate in the meeting. Comments and questions should be entered into the chat feature of the Zoom meeting.



Meeting ID: 87572540355
Passcode: X2Mjk9OP


      Purpose Presenter Time
I. Opening Items 6:30 PM
Opening Items
  A. Call the Meeting to Order   Chris Edington, Board President 1 m
Board President will call the October 19, 2021 Board of Directors meeting to order.
  B. Record Attendance and Guests Vote Superintendent Woods 2 m
Corey Hollis will record attendance of Board Directors and introduce any guest present at the October 19, 2021 AIMS Board of Directors Meeting. 
  C. Adoption of Agenda Vote Chris Edington, Board President 2 m
AIMS Board Directors will adopt the October 19, 2021 AIMS Board of Directors Agenda.
  D. Approval of September 21, 2021 AIMS Board of Directors Meeting Minutes Approve Minutes Chris Edington, Board President 1 m
AIMS Board Directors will consider approval of the September 21, 2021 Monthly Board of Directors Meeting Minutes.
    Minutes for AIMS Monthly Board Meeting on September 21, 2021  
  E. Approval of October 5, 2021 AIMS Board of Directors Meeting Minutes Approve Minutes Chris Edington, Board President 1 m
AIMS Board Directors will consider approval of the October 5, 2021 Monthly Board of Directors Meeting Minutes.
    Minutes for AIMS Special Board Meeting on October 5, 2021  
  F. Public Comment on Agenda Items   10 m
Public Comment on Agenda Items is set aside for members of the Public to address the items on the Board’s agenda prior to each agenda item. The Board of Directors will not respond or take action in response to Public Comment, except that the board may ask clarifying questions or direct staff. Comments are limited to two (2) minutes per person, and a total time allotted for all public comment will not exceed thirty (30) minutes (10 minutes per section).

Click to submit comment
  G. Public Comment on Non-Agenda Items   10 m
Public Comment on Non-Agenda Items is set aside for members of the Public to address the items not on the Board’s agenda. The Board of Directors will not respond or take action in response to Public Comment, except that the board may ask clarifying questions or direct staff. Comments are limited to two (2) minutes per person, and a total time allotted for all public comment will not exceed thirty (30) minutes (10 minutes per section).

Click to submit a comment

II. Non-Action Items 6:57 PM
  A. Recognition of Donation Chris Edington 5 m
III. Action Items 7:02 PM
  A. Consent Calendar Vote Chris Edington, Board President 2 m
  1. AIMS Board of Directors will consider approving Consent Calendar items:
    1. AIMS HS 50 iPad Purchase
    2. AIMS HS ESSER III Expenditure Plan
    3. AIMS HS 2021-22 SPSA (Revised)
    4. ESSER III Plan for AIMS College Prep Middle School 
    5. ESSER III Plan for American Indian Public Charter School II
    6. AB-841 Cal-Shape stimulus grant program
    7. HWC Consultants Agreement for E-Rate Application
  B. COVID-19 Safety Plan Vote Marisol Magana, Operations Director 3 m
AIMS Board of Directors will consider approving COVID-19 Safety Plan.
  C. Banking Resolution Change in Signatory 2021 - 2022 Vote Katema Ballentine, Chief Business Officer 3 m
AIMS Board of Directors will consider approving the Banking Resolution Change in Signatory 2021 - 2022.
  D. AIMS - Permitting Virtual Meetings in Specified Circumstances Resolution Vote Chris Edington, Board President 3 m
AIMS Board of Directors will consider approving the AIMS - Permitting Virtual Meetings in Specified Circumstances Resolution
IV. Closed Session 7:13 PM
  A. Public Comment on Closed Session Items FYI 10 m

Public Comment on closed session items is set aside for members of the Public to address items on the Board’s agenda for closed session. The Board of Directors will not respond or take action in response to Public Comment, except that the board may ask clarifying questions or direct staff. Comments are limited to two (2) minutes per person, and a total time allotted for all public comment will not exceed thirty (30) minutes (10 minutes per section).

  B. Recess to Closed Session Discuss 15 m
Closed Session Items:
  1. Conference with Real Property Negotiations
    (Gov. Code Section 54956.9)
  2. Conference with Legal Counsel - Anticipated Litigation
    (Gov. Code Section 54956.9)
  3. Employee Matters
  C. Reconvene from Closed Session Vote 2 m

Roll Call
  D. Report from Closed Session FYI 3 m
    -    Board President, Chris Edington
V. Closing Items 7:43 PM
  A. Adjourn Meeting FYI
  B. NOTICES FYI Corey Hollis 1 m
The next regular meeting of the Board of Directors is scheduled to be held on November 30, 2021, at 6:30 pm. AIMS does not discriminate on the basis of disability in the admission or access to, or treatment or employment in, its programs or activities. Marisol Magana has been designated to receive requests for disability-related modifications or accommodations in order to enable individuals with disabilities to participate in open and public meetings at AIMS. Please notify Marisol Magana at (510)220-9985 at least 24 hours in advance of any disability accommodations being needed in order to participate in the meeting.

I, Corey Hollis, hereby certify that I posted this agenda on the AIMS website at, on October 16, 2021, at 6:25 PM.
Certification of Posting