AIMS K-12 College Prep Charter District

Regular Board Meeting

Date and Time

Tuesday September 18, 2018 at 6:30 PM PDT


171 12th Street, Oakland CA, 94607
AIMS does not discriminate on the basis of disability in the admission or access to, or treatment or employment in, its programs or activities. Marisol Magana has been designated to receive requests for disability-related modifications or accommodations in order to enable individuals with disabilities to participate in open and public meetings at AIMS. Please notify Marisol Magana at (510) 220-9985 at least 24 hours in advance of any disability accommodations being needed in order to participate in the meeting.


      Purpose Presenter Time
I. Opening Items 6:30 PM
Opening Items
  A. Call the Meeting to Order   1 m

-    Board President, Mr. Steven Leung

  B. Record Attendance and Guests Vote 2 m
    -    Roll Call for the directors of the board, and opportunity for introduction of any guest presenters
  C. Adoption of Agenda Vote 2 m
    -    Board President, Mr. Steven Leung
  D. Public Comment on Non-Agenda Items   10 m
Public Comment on Non-Agenda Items is set aside for members of the Public to address the items not on the Board’s agenda. The Board of Directors will not respond or take action in response to Public Comment, except that the board may ask clarifying questions or direct staff. Comments are limited to two (2) minutes per person, and a total time allotted for all public comment will not exceed thirty (30) minutes (10 minutes per section).
  E. Public Comment on Agenda Items   10 m
Public Comment on Agenda Items is set aside for members of the Public to address the items on the Board’s agenda prior to each agenda item. The Board of Directors will not respond or take action in response to Public Comment, except that the board may ask clarifying questions or direct staff. Comments are limited to two (2) minutes per person, and a total time allotted for all public comment will not exceed thirty (30) minutes (10 minutes per section).
II. Non-Action Items 6:55 PM
  A. President's Report FYI 5 m
    -    Board President, Mr. Steven Leung
  B. Superintendent's Report FYI 5 m
    -    Superintendent Woods-Cadiz
  C. AIMS K-12 Report FYI 5 m
    -    Head of School - Mr. Tareyton Russ
    -    Division Heads - Mr. Peter Holmquist, Mr. Maurice Williams, Mr. Christopher Ahmad, & Ms. Erin Oh
  D. Human Resources Report FYI 5 m
    -    Human Resources Coordinator, Ms. Alma Morales
  E. Operations Report FYI 5 m
    -    Data, Accountability, and Operations Director, Ms. Marisol Magana
    -    Data, Accountability, and Operations Manager, Ms. Tiffany Tung
  F. Finance Report FYI 5 m
    -  Chief Business Officer, Ms. Katema Ballentine  
    -  CSMC School Business Manager, Ms. Adrienne Barnes
  G. ELD Coordinator Report FYI 5 m
    -    ELD Coordinator, Ms. Vannee Chand
  H. Bay Area Community Resources FYI 5 m
    -     BACR Coordinator, Mr. Carlos Castro
III. Action Items 7:35 PM
  A. Consent Calendar Vote 10 m
    1. Personnel Report
        -    Human Resources Coordinator, Ms. Alma Morales
    2. Approval of Board Meeting Minutes for August 21, 2018
    3. Approval of Updated Conflict of Interest Code
        -    Superintendent Woods-Cadiz
    4. Approval of Liability Insurance Continuance
        -    Superintendent Woods-Cadiz
    5. Approval of Swing Deposit
        -    Human Resources Coordinator, Ms. Alma Morales
    6.  Approval of Internet Contract for Roosevelt
        -    Data, Accountability and Operations Director, Ms. Marisol Magana
    7.  Approval of State Charter Schools Facilities Incentive Grants Program
        -    Data, Accountability and Operations Director, Ms. Marisol Magana 
  B. Discussion and Possible Action Regarding Approval to Purchase Transportation Vehicles Vote 5 m

      -       Superintendent Woods-Cadiz

  C. Discussion and Possible Action Regarding Professional Boundaries Policy Vote 5 m

      -      Superintendent Woods-Cadiz

  D. Discussion and Possible Action Regarding Consensual and Voluntary Relationship Agreement Vote 5 m

      -       Superintendent Woods-Cadiz

  E. Discussion and Possible Action Regarding Board Resolution Regarding New Board Appointees Discuss 5 m
      -      Board Director, Ms. Toni Cook
  F. Discussion and Possible Action Regarding Finalized Board Calendar Vote 5 m

       -      Board Director, Ms. Toni Cook

IV. Closed Session 8:10 PM
  A. Public Comment on Closed Session Items FYI 10 m

Public Comment on closed session items is set aside for members of the Public to address items on the Board’s agenda for closed session. The Board of Directors will not respond or take action in response to Public Comment, except that the board may ask clarifying questions or direct staff. Comments are limited to two (2) minutes per person, and a total time allotted for all public comment will not exceed thirty (30) minutes (10 minutes per section).

  B. Recess to Closed Session Discuss 45 m
-        Possible Litigation
  C. Reconvene from Closed Session Vote 2 m

Roll Call
  D. Report from Closed Session FYI 3 m
    -    Board President, Mr. Steven Leung
V. Closing Items 9:10 PM
  A. Items for Next Agenda Discuss 5 m


  B. Adjourn Meeting FYI