Teach Las Vegas


TEACH LV Regular Board Meeting

Date and Time

Tuesday September 19, 2023 at 5:00 PM

Directors Present

D. Horn (remote), J. Carver (remote), N. Sarisahin, T. Allison (remote)

Directors Absent

Q. Branch

Ex Officio Members Present

A. Moore

Non Voting Members Present

A. Moore

Guests Present

B. Bulgeron (remote), M. Brown (remote), R. Carranza (remote), R. McNeel (remote)

I. Opening Items


Call the Meeting to Order

T. Allison called a meeting of the board of directors of Teach Las Vegas to order on Tuesday Sep 19, 2023 at 5:01 PM.


Record Attendance


Public Comment

There was no public comment



Approval of Board Agenda

T. Allison made a motion to Approve the Consent Agenda.
N. Sarisahin seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call
J. Carver
Q. Branch
D. Horn
T. Allison
N. Sarisahin


Approval of the Minutes of the August 3, 2023 Special Board Meeting

T. Allison made a motion to approve the minutes from August 3, 2023 TEACH Las Vegas Special Board Meeting on 08-03-23.
N. Sarisahin seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call
T. Allison
J. Carver
D. Horn
N. Sarisahin
Q. Branch



Financial Report

Richard McNeel gave the financial report for the close of August 31st.  He explained that expenses were over budget due to higher salaries and additional positions.  He noted that there was a problem with the calculation of PERS/STRS that was reflected in the report but will be clarified.  The projected year end surplus is below budget by $86,000.  The school has thirteen days cash on hand instead of the required 45 days.  The board asked questions about the cash on hand and Richard and Matt explained that having fewer days cash on hand was preferable to paying higher interest in the long run.  The board members asked several clarifying questions, specifically about the increase in salaries and Andrea Moore explained that some increases were due to taking on new roles that are funded through the AB495 grant.  Board member Sarisahin asked about past due payments and E-rate funding and Mr. Brown detailed the payment plans.  Board Chair Allison asked about unfilled positions and Ms. Moore provided details.  


Consider and Vote on Board Candidate Gayle Jefferson

The board voted to table the vote on this matter and asked Gayle Jefferson to introduce herself and her interest in serving on the board.  Ms. Jefferson described her background in education and charter schools and explained that she supervised Andrea in a previous position.  


Consider and Vote on Board Candidate Andrew Scott

The board voted unanimously to table the vote on this matter and asked Andrew Scott to introduce himself.  AJ provided the school with his background and interest in serving on the TEACH LV board, including his experience in budget and finance. 


Cam Factoring Agreement

D. Horn made a motion to Approve the CAM agreement.
T. Allison seconded the motion.

Matt Brown presented the CAM agreement and answered the Board's questions about remaining balances and the status of the CSP grant.  

The board VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call
J. Carver
D. Horn
Q. Branch
N. Sarisahin
T. Allison


Update on Tax Credit

Matt Brown provided an update on the tax credit, explained that TEACH LV got the credit and that it was fortunate because the IRS has paused or discontinued the program. 


Consider and Vote on Student Transportation Plan

D. Horn made a motion to Approve the student transportation plan and allow staff to make adjustments in the event a bus is purchased.
T. Allison seconded the motion.

Matt Brown provided extensive context about the transportation grant, the application process, available vendors and described the benefits of purchasing a bus with the support of Opportunity 180.  The board asked questions about the benefits to providing transportation, which students would be prioritized, and how the financing would work.  Matt explained each of the contingencies in detail. 

The board VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call
J. Carver
T. Allison
D. Horn
N. Sarisahin
Q. Branch


Consider and Vote on Contract for Student Transportation

This item was tabled because the contract was not ready in time for the meeting. 


School Bus Purchase

T. Allison made a motion to Approve the contract to purchase a bus.
J. Carver seconded the motion.

Matt Brown presented this item and explained that Opportunity 180 wants to support TEACH to purchase a bus by providing HQ grant funds upfront, which would then be reimbursed through the transportation grant if the grant is awarded to TEACH LV.  Matt described the bus to be purchased, which is used by fairly new. 

The board VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call
Q. Branch
N. Sarisahin
J. Carver
T. Allison
D. Horn


Update on Facilities and Modular Addition

Matt Brown provided the update on this issue and Sarineh Minassian from Redhook provided additional testimony and context.  The City Council member has expressed that he is against modulars and therefore TEACH LV might not be able to offer the planned high school next fall.  Redhook's lobbyist has met with the councilman and he has agreed to visit the school and talk to the operators to learn more about the school itself.  Currently, staff is working under the assumption that modulars will not be available to hold a 9th grade class, and the ninth grade may be delayed for another year.  Mr. Brown is currently running budget scenarios and building timelines to assess viable options. 


Executive Director Report

Andrea Moore gave the Executive Director report and opened saying that she is rallying parents to support the opening of the high school at city council meetings.  She stated the current enrollment is 412, with 57 students who have an IEP, 69% Free or reduced lunch and 79 students are English Language learners.  


She described the diagnostics that have been administered to students and the progress monitoring cycle.  She plans on providing a deeper academic data dive at the next meeting that looks at the performance of students who have been with TEACH for more than one year in comparison to new students, as well as other key academic indicators. She invited the board members to support school improvement efforts to improve academic performance and the school's performance rating.  Board member Dan Horn volunteered to meet with her and discuss ideas. 


She listed the upcoming activities and partnerships with community support groups.  Andrea stated she will email the board a list of the activities so the board can support the school at these events. 

IV. Closing Items


Upcoming Meeting Date

The next Regular Board meeting will be held on September 19th at 5 pm. 


Public Comment

There was no public comment.


Board Member Comments

There were no board member comments. 


Adjourn Meeting

There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 6:15 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
T. Allison