Green Dot Public Schools Tennessee


Board Meeting

Date and Time

Wednesday October 30, 2019 at 4:00 PM


Bluff City High School, 4100 Ross Rd, Memphis, TN 38115

Directors Present

A. Allen, E. Nenon, L. Neal, M. Thiry (remote)

Directors Absent

B. Deaderick, P. Egwuekwe, T. McKnight

Guests Present

C. Walker, Chad Soleo, Chilton Simmons, D. Penaranda, Douglas Weston, E. Lin (remote), J. Hudgins, J. Rodgers, L. Pegues, M. Quaile, R. DeMagistris, S. Ayala (remote), T. DeMagistris, T. Kim

I. Opening Items


Record Attendance and Guests


Call the Meeting to Order

L. Neal called a meeting of the board of directors of Green Dot Public Schools Tennessee to order on Wednesday Oct 30, 2019 at 4:19 PM.


Public Comment


Mission Moment

Bluff City High School students shared their experience touring colleges during fall break with Board members. Students visited and toured George Washington University, Howard University, Hampton University and Old Dominion University.

II. Consent Agenda


Minutes from September 5, 2019 GDPST Board of Directors meeting 

L. Neal made a motion to approve minutes.
E. Nenon seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
Roll Call
B. Deaderick
P. Egwuekwe
L. Neal
E. Nenon
A. Allen
M. Thiry
T. McKnight

III. Board Business


Approve new Board member

Chair Neal introduced Chilton Simmons to the Board. Mr. Simmons shared a brief background of his experience working with charter schools and his interest in joining the Green Dot Public Schools Tennessee Board of Directors. 
L. Neal made a motion to approve Chilton Simmons as a Board member on a one-year term.
A. Allen seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
Roll Call
A. Allen
E. Nenon
B. Deaderick
T. McKnight
L. Neal
P. Egwuekwe
M. Thiry

IV. GDPST Financials


Approve Contingency Budget

Mr. Kim updated the Board on Green Dot Public Schools' finances, specifically regarding the FY20 Contingency Budget consolidated net income, cash reserves, and Contingency Budget revisions (for schools below their respective 20-day enrollment target) across the Green Dot network. Mr. Penaranda updated the Board on GDPS Tennessee's budget, specifically regarding GDPST's Contingency Budget net income, revenue, personnel and operating expenses, budgeted enrollment, and monthly cash balance for FY20.
L. Neal made a motion to approve the Contingency Budget as presented.
E. Nenon seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
Roll Call
B. Deaderick
T. McKnight
L. Neal
A. Allen
P. Egwuekwe
E. Nenon
M. Thiry

V. Leadership Team Updates


College Ready Leaders

Ms. Quaile reviewed GDPST's strategic pillars and 2023 goals with the Board. Ms. Hudgins updated the Board on GDPST's progress to reduce the number of students in Tier III by 25% and increase the number of students in Tier I by 15%, as well as GDPST's next steps to achieve the 2023 College Ready Learners goals. Ms. Pegues updated the Board on student services and data regarding students within the Life Skills, Academics, and Behavior (L.A.B.) Behavior Program. 


Engaged Parents & Community

Mses. Rodgers and Quaile updated the Board on student enrollment data and community engagement efforts. Secretary Allen shared takeaways from the October 23, 2019, Achievement School District (ASD) Listening Tour, specifically the mention of more visibly appealing school buildings (externally). Ms. Quaile shared with the Board that GDPST is working with an advocacy group to develop a Return to District policy, and next steps prior to the State Board of Education (SBE) Executive Director making a recommendation for a board vote on November 15, 2019, regarding GDPST's appeal to open a K-8 school. Chair Neal asked that Board members consider attending the SBE's community meeting, regarding GDPST's appeal, on November 4, 2019.


Highly Effective Team Members

Ms. DeMagistris updated the Board on GDPST's progress to reach a teacher/counselor retention rate of 85% or improvement by 5%, as well as next steps GDPST will take toward meeting the 2023 Highly Effective Team goals. 


High Quality, Replicable Model

Mr. Weston introduced the Board to Cecilia Walker, GDPST's new Director of Development. Ms. Walker updated the Board on GDPST's development efforts,  specifically regarding priority programs, recent development wins, proposals underway and FY20 fundraising goals. Ms. Walker also noted the addition of a new GDPST Ambassador, Janie Lowery. Secretary Allen asked if GDPST is open to naming rights on facilities. Mr. Soleo stated that GDPST is open to facility naming rights, and that any interest in legacy naming would go before the GDPST Board for approval. Mr. Weston updated the Board on GDPS' End of Year Campaign.

VI. Closing Items


Adjourn Meeting

There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 6:19 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
L. Neal

VII. Closed Session - As needed


Anticipated Litigation, Public Employee Discipline/Dismissal Release

The Board did not meet for closed session.