Ivy Hill Prep Charter School


Board of Trustees Meeting - Ivy Hill Prep

Date and Time

Monday December 11, 2023 at 6:30 PM


Via zoom link at https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82354088638

Trustees must be in-person


Directors Present

A. Laniyan, M. Kane, N. Olisma, W. Nevins-Warden

Directors Absent

D. Lewis

Guests Present

A. Coleman, B. Parker

I. Opening Items


Record Attendance


Call the Meeting to Order

N. Olisma called a meeting of the board of directors of Ivy Hill Prep Charter School to order on Monday Dec 11, 2023 at 6:43 PM.


Approve Minutes

A. Laniyan made a motion to approve the minutes from Board of Trustees Meeting - Ivy Hill Prep on 11-27-23.
N. Olisma seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call
W. Nevins-Warden
A. Laniyan
D. Lewis
N. Olisma
M. Kane

II. Governance


Recruitment Trustee Update

The board is actively recruiting. A question was raised about fingerprinting, the board chair will investigate further. 


NYSED site visit recap and follow-ups with what was requested by NYSED. HOS shared the materials she will send to NYSED and the timeline. A follow-up question was asked about fingerprinting clearance for IHP staff, HOS will send information this week to NYSED. HOS shared that focus groups went well. 


Renewal Visit Follow-Up

III. Finance


Security Doors

Brandon Parker shared the vendors to repair the door and have decided to use Northshore Office Supplies 

W. Nevins-Warden made a motion to To approve North Shore Office Supplies to repair doors.
N. Olisma seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call
A. Laniyan
W. Nevins-Warden
M. Kane
D. Lewis
N. Olisma


Enrollment Update

Enrollment is getting closer to 265. The gap is closing with students who are English Language Learners as well as Multilingual Learners. School management is constantly working to recruit new students and families to reach the enrollment goal. 

IV. Academic Achievement


Academic Data

HOS shared New York State testing data of student performance in comparison to students in District 18. Eighteen tests were not accounted for due to an administrative error. Some families also opted out that were unaccounted for. HOS has put a plan in place to rectify this issue for all further testing. 


ELA data has decreased since the HOS transitioned into the role and the academic focus became more math-focused. HOS shared the support the school has received to respond to academic data and the current professional development plans to address the ELA data which will increase student achievement. 


A discussion was held about the resources provided for students who may struggle with dyslexia.  HOS shared that currently there are no students who are dyslexic but there are supports put in place to support students. 


A discussion was held if there is data for students on a year-to-year basis to be able to track the growth. HOS shared that systems are being built now to comply with that information. 

HOS and AHOS are currently researching the new ELA curriculum and MATh curriculum to support student growth. HOS will implement a writing curriculum as well for the new school year. 


HOS shared the family engagement initiative and the development of the PTA. Parents are eager to build the PTA and help to fundraise for the school. HOS shared flyers and parent events that will occur this school year. 

V. Closing Items


Adjourn Meeting

There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 8:30 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
N. Olisma