Ivy Hill Prep Charter School


Board of Trustees Meeting - Ivy Hill Prep

Date and Time

Monday September 25, 2023 at 6:30 PM


Via zoom link at https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82354088638

trustees must have their video capacity enabled for meeting/voting purposes. 


Directors Present

A. Laniyan (remote), M. Kane (remote), N. Olisma (remote), W. Nevins-Warden (remote)

Directors Absent

D. Lewis

Guests Present

A. Coleman (remote), B. Parker (remote)

I. Opening Items


Call the Meeting to Order

N. Olisma called a meeting of the board of directors of Ivy Hill Prep Charter School to order on Monday Sep 25, 2023 at 6:35 PM.


Record Attendance


Approve Minutes

N. Olisma made a motion to approve the minutes from Board of Trustees Meeting - Ivy Hill Prep on 08-03-23.
W. Nevins-Warden seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call
W. Nevins-Warden
D. Lewis
M. Kane
A. Laniyan
N. Olisma


Approve agenda

N. Olisma made a motion to Approve agenda for the meeting.
A. Laniyan seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call
W. Nevins-Warden
M. Kane
A. Laniyan
D. Lewis
N. Olisma

II. Governance


Trustee recruitment

The Board Chair encourages board members to tap into their personal networks to recruit new board members. An update was also given in regard to two consultant groups that will assist with the recruitment of board members. 



N. Olisma made a motion to To approve updates to the PTO.
A. Laniyan seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call
N. Olisma
W. Nevins-Warden
A. Laniyan
M. Kane
D. Lewis

III. Finance


Review Financial Dashboard

Current financials liabilities and assets were reviewed. Revenue support and expenses were reviewed, and the school is in good standing financially.  A discussion was held about the monies used to renovate the marital arts space acquired by Nazareth. 


A discussion was held about a grant that was granted and its current status. The DOO explained that it is a process where the money must be spent and then a reimbursement process must be completed. The grant is for SEL programming at IHP.


A question was asked about savings accounts and lease. The HOS confirmed that both are in effect and in good standing. A representative from the bank will visit the school and things are on track for the lease agreement and a reimbursement will be provided.


Juned provided the accounting solutions proposal for the new school year. Brandon asked if grant writing is under the services provided by ASNY. Juned will follow up. 


ICS Banking System for Savings Account




Proposal IHPCHS FY 23-24

N. Olisma made a motion to To approve the proposal.
W. Nevins-Warden seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call
N. Olisma
D. Lewis
M. Kane
W. Nevins-Warden
A. Laniyan

IV. Academic Achievement


Quick progress update (as applicable)

The first round of assessments is currently in progress. The school has added Clever as a technological resource for students. The School is now using the dean's list to support the progress of students behaviorally. HOS shared culture and climate update focusing on IHP values. Attendance initiative and support is being developed to increase and maintain high attendance. Ms. Hunter shared the Friday Spirit Week initiative and its current success. HOS-shared systems in place to maintain strong parent engagement. The new martial arts space has a positive impact on not only the student experience but also the martial arts co-teaching experience. An update was provided for the Arts programs that are developing at IHP.   


Attendance & Enrollment: First week of school attendance 147 students. Attendance is currently at 223 as of September 22nd. Kindergarten,  first grade, and first grade have a waitlist. Mr. Parker will be exploring options for recruitment strategy.  After school: There are 109 students enrolled for after-school. A review of the after-school schedule and activities was provided. Drumming, steel pan, chess, and Girl Scouts are provided as activities for students. The first Town Hall is approaching, parents will be supporting the school with a cancer awareness event.


DOO shared the partnership with RELAY to invest and develop current teachers. The cost breakdown and management recommendation were provided for board review. A vote will occur next Board meeting.  


Enrollment Dashboard

V. Closing Items


Adjourn Meeting

There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 7:34 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
N. Olisma