Ivy Hill Prep Charter School


Board of Trustees Meeting - Ivy Hill Prep

Date and Time

Monday May 25, 2020 at 6:30 PM


Pursuant to Governor Cuomo’s Executive Order 202.1 issued, on March 12, 2020, suspending the
in-person public participation provisions of the Open Meetings Law, IVY HILL PREP's Board Meeting will be held electronically via https://zoom.us/j/9699543901, until further notice.  Members of the public may listen to or view the board meeting by also connecting to the zoom link at https://zoom.us/j/9699543901. A recording of the meeting will be transcribed and posted on Ivy Hill Prep's website at: https://www.ivyhillprep.org/home

Directors Present

A. Jimenez-Schulman (remote), A. Laniyan (remote), J. Small (remote), K. Wedderburn-Henderson (remote), M. Kane (remote), M. Michael (remote), N. Williams (remote), T. James (remote)

Directors Absent

D. Lewis

Directors who arrived after the meeting opened

N. Williams

Guests Present

A. Johnson (remote), B. Parker (remote)

I. Opening Items


Call the Meeting to Order

M. Michael called a meeting of the board of directors of Ivy Hill Prep Charter School to order on Monday May 25, 2020 at 6:37 PM.


Record Attendance and Guests


Approve April 2020 Board Meeting Minutes

M. Michael made a motion to approve the minutes from April 27, 2020 Board of Trustees Meeting - Ivy Hill Prep on 04-27-20.
K. Wedderburn-Henderson seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call
T. James
M. Michael
A. Jimenez-Schulman
J. Small
D. Lewis
A. Laniyan
M. Kane
N. Williams
K. Wedderburn-Henderson


Vote to Approve Agenda

M. Michael made a motion to Vote to Approve Agenda.
J. Small seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call
M. Kane
M. Michael
A. Laniyan
T. James
N. Williams
J. Small
K. Wedderburn-Henderson
A. Jimenez-Schulman
D. Lewis
N. Williams arrived.

II. Governance


End of Year Compliance - Annual Report

The annual report is due to the authorizer by August.The Board will review sample annual reports from peer schools. The annual budget will have to confirm to a specific template and individual board members will have to submit a disclosure of financial interest. 



Renewal Chart - Year 2 Goals

The renewal chart outlines the benchmarks for year one and year two goals. The Board will continue to review the renewal chart to remain prepared for the renewal process.


Trustee Succession Planning

The Board plans to solidify an appropriate trustee succession plan by July. The terms of some Board members terms are close to expiration and officer positions will be opening. 

Board Chair Marsha Michael will be connected to another board chair in Brooklyn to talk about succession planning. Marsha has also been asked to participate in a panel discussion. 
Head of School informed the board of a Building Excellent School ("BES") board training that will be offered for free in July. The training will be scheduled during the day, so many board members will not be able to participate. 


III. Finance Committee


Review Current Financial Dashboard

The financial indicators reveal suitable asset to liability ratio, currently the ratio is 2.2 and should never drop lower than 1.  Cash on Hand is at 97 days,  which is an improvement from last month. Our total spending vs. revenue margin is negative but should be positive. The Debt to Asset Ratio is at .9 which is also a decrease from last month. This is due the receipt of deferred revenue. 

There are no significant changes to the  balance sheet from last month. We  received the final payment from the DOE. No material changes in revenue between now and the end of the year are expected. BES through the Walton Foundation made a recent donation of $10,000, which will show up next month. There are also mo material changes to expenses. 



Vote to Approve Year 2 Budget

M. Michael made a motion to Vote to Approve Year 2 Budget.
N. Williams seconded the motion.
The committee focused on creating a conservative budget during a very time consuming process dedicated being fiscally conserative based on the current economic climate.  The current state budget permits the NYS Governor to cut funding to schools by 20% if state revenue is not increased or there is no federal funds provided to account for the significant revenue loss due to COVID 19 pandemic. The committee wanted to be able provide programs and services for students, while also being prepared for funding cuts. The committee determined that it should account for 10% student attrition (162 students) similar to how it was done for this year. 

Under the proposed budget the schools net Income will be $800,000 once  we remove all items that do not have a cash impact. We anticipate facility funding at the full amount. It was also important to budget for getting a SPED teacher and provided COLA increases for existing staff. A capital budget was not approved and tabled for further discussion later in the fiscal year when there is more information regarding funding and the committee is able to do a more in depth analysis of the actual capital needs of the school. 
The board VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call
A. Jimenez-Schulman
A. Laniyan
M. Michael
N. Williams
D. Lewis
T. James
K. Wedderburn-Henderson
M. Kane
J. Small


Vote to Approve Salary Bands

J. Small made a motion to Vote to Approve Salary Bands.
A. Laniyan seconded the motion.
Salary bands were created in order to ensure that salaries at the school are sustainable as school grows. The salary bands can be reviewed on a yearl basis. Salary bands also give management a framework and flexibility in terms of offers which can be made to prospective employees. 
The board VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call
M. Michael
A. Jimenez-Schulman
A. Laniyan
K. Wedderburn-Henderson
J. Small
N. Williams
T. James
D. Lewis
M. Kane


Vote to Approve Bids

J. Small made a motion to Cafeteria Tables Bid, Security Bid and Technology Management Services Bid.
T. James seconded the motion.
Management recommended Chamelon Marketing Group as vendor for cafeteria tables based on its contention that it was:
  1. The lowest bid
  2. The vendor will assit in setting up the tables
  3. The vendor will provide the tables prior to June 30th.
Management also recommended Arrow Security to fullfill security needs based on the tiered level of security services which could be provided. Arrow was not the cheapest bid but management was satisfied that the level of service, flexibility of service provider and level of communication provided by the vendor was far superior to the other vendors. 

Management recommended EDIT as the technology service provider based on the exceptional services already provided by EDIT and was the most afforable option. 
The board VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call
K. Wedderburn-Henderson
A. Jimenez-Schulman
N. Williams
T. James
M. Michael
M. Kane
J. Small
D. Lewis
A. Laniyan

IV. Academic Achievement


Academic Dashboard

Dashboard discussed as part of the HOS report. 

V. Head of School Update


HOS Report

The Head of School reported that there is no change in the demographics of the school. The current enrollment is 116 students. There was no attrition and no out-of-school suspensions during the month of May.

2020-2021 Enrollment
All 60 kindergarten seats are filled with a healthy waitlist of 159 students. 9 out of 10 first grade seats have been filled and 2 out of 2 second grade seats are filled. As of May 11 there were 374 applications. A virtual open house was held to answer questions and engage new families.

Students are seen daily for instruction.  Literacy assessments resumed this month. IHP previously used University of Chicago's STEP Assessment. However, the test administrator announced that their exams cannot be used virtually. IHP is using a similar assessment created by Lifelong Readers. The metrics and level of rigor are supposed to be the  same.

HOS also confirmed that the test had been normed against the STEP assessment. The Board asked that it be noted in the academic dashboard that a literacy assessment other than STEP was used during the shutdown.

Reopening Plan:
HOS discussed creating a re-opening committee to begin reopening plan and will continue to flesh out this plan over the next three months. HOS plans to utilize a board member to be a part of the committee. 

Family Survey Results
HOS conducted an internal family survey and the results exceeded 80% participation and 80% of participants.  IHP scored above 95% of all metrics with exception of communication.  Management investigated further and discovered there were some technical issues in the system  used for mass communication.  However, the independent DOE survey had not been distributed to parents and notice of the survey will go to families next week.  The authorizer benchmarks are based on this survey but they will look at the data from both surveys. 


VI. Facilities Update


Update on Renovation Process

There were delays attributed to the locker installation, but renovations are still on track to be completed on time. Additionally, the bathroom repairs have started and they should be complete with the tiling etc., process. 

VII. Head of School Evaluation & Support Committee


Discuss Committee Next Steps

Progress of Year 1 Evaluation: Committee is still working through the process and will update the full board in June. However, there will be opportunity for coaches Ambrosia works with to speak on her progress this year at the June meeting. The committee wanted to make sure that rubrics and coaches input are connected to charter requirements and benchmarks. 

Committee in the process of finalizing the Year 2: Head of School Contract and Job Duties document with attorneys and should have a final version to share with HOS in another week or so.


VIII. Development


Reminder of Board Giving Goal

Committee reminded board of board giving commitment. It was clarified that the donations submitted online are processed through donor box and then submitted to the schools bank account within 24 hours. Also noted was to ensure that donations reflected contribution for this fiscal year. 
The Ivy Hill Prep June meeting is scheduled  for June 22.


Discuss Development Initiatives

Development initiatives are still at a standstill due to the pandemic. 

IX. Miscellaneous Discussion


Next Meeting Date

Discussion regarding any objection to maintaining the next board meeting scheduled for June 22 and there was no objection. 

X. Closing Items


Adjourn Meeting

There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 8:30 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
M. Michael