Ivy Hill Prep Charter School

Board of Trustees Meeting - Ivy Hill Prep

Date and Time

Monday August 26, 2019 at 6:30 PM EDT


Ivy Hill Prep Charter School, 475 East 57th Street, Marital Arts Room, Brooklyn NY


I. Opening Items
Opening Items
  A. Call the Meeting to Order
Welcome/ Call Meeting to Order
  B. Record Attendance and Guests
Secretary Takes Roll Call
  C. Approve Minutes
Vote to Approve Meeting Minutes from July 29, 2019 Board Meeting.
  D. Approval of Meeting Agenda
Vote to Approve Meeting Agenda
II. Governance
  A. Update on Sales Tax Exemption
Sales Tax Exemption was Approved
  B. Update on Board Member Resignation
Trustee Rebecca May Resigned. Resignation Letter is Attached. 
  C. Annual Retreat Reminder
Reminder Annual Retreat is on September 8, 2019. Trustees should complete Board Assessment by September 1, 2019 through the Board on Track platform.
III. Finance
  A. Update on Transitioning New Back Office Provider

New Back Office Provider currently amending Year 1 Budget. Amended Year 1 budget should be ready for board approval by September 30th board meeting.

IV. Academic Achievement
Academic Achievement
  A. Update on Academic Dashboard

Committee should have an academic dashboard ready for approval at September 30, 2019 board meeting

V. Development
  A. Ribbon Cutting Overview

Update on money was raised and approximate number of people in attendance. Board Chair plans to mail thank you cards with one of the pictures from the event as a keep sake. 

VI. HOS Update
CEO Support And Eval
  A. FInal Preparations for Opening
  1. One additional teacher terminated employment since last meeting - Interview for replacement on 8/22/19
  2. Martial Arts Instructor Hired on part-time basis (7:30 am - 1:30pm)
  3. Dance Teacher also hired as part-time employee
  1. Kindergarten - 85 enrolled as of 8/22/19 - Plan to get to 88 to be discussed.
  2. First Grade - 31 enrolled as of 8/22/19 - Plan to get to 32 to be discussed
  B. NYSED Compliance

NYSED visit to school on 8/7/19 was productive

VII. Closing Items
  A. Adjourn Meeting
Roll Call on Vote to Adjourn Meeting