UP Excellence Academy Board of Directors


UP Excellence September 2024 Board Meeting

Date and Time

Tuesday September 10, 2024 at 6:30 PM


UP Excellence Academy 

330 N. Sam Houston Pkwy. E. 

Houston, Texas 77060

Directors Present

I. Acosta (remote), K. Hardwick (remote), N. Beasley (remote), T. Bartley

Directors Absent

C. Aboud

Guests Present

Tasha Bernice (remote)

I. Opening Items


Call the Meeting to Order

T. Bartley called a meeting of the board of directors of UP Excellence Academy Board of Directors to order on Tuesday Sep 10, 2024 at 6:30 PM.


Record Attendance


Approve August 13, 2024, Meeting Minutes

K. Hardwick made a motion to approve the minutes from UP Excellence August 2024 Board Meeting on 08-13-24.
T. Bartley seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.

II. New Business


Introduction of Prospective Board Members

Tasha Burnice - introduction of experience [CTE, Board, Corporate] interest in equipping and empowering students and aligning with the mission and vision for UP Excellence. Tasha would like to support and help as a woman and educator.









III. Superintendent's Report


Site Construction Status Update

We do not have the board actuals or information regarding the HVAC system. 39K to 118K increase in pricing. We asked someone to validate the work done by Gilbert, and it has not happened. We are currently 95% through renovation. We are awaiting a playground canopy, door knobs, and punch list walk. With the Fire Marshall, we had 19 deficiencies with 60 days to remedy, 15 have been rectified while the remaining is left with the owner and subcontractor. Kyra will send a follow-up email for an update.





Academic Performance

We are in week number 4 of the school year. There is not an academic performance update. BOY is currently happening. Special Populations Coordinator is also implementing assessments. In the next meeting data will be available.





Marketing Proposal

Advertising Placement Agreement - goal of 75 students to enroll


Specify the terms and scope of work for the rate requested by the board. We are looking for alignment based on the delivery. The attorney will read through the contract and scope as well. Prior data is available to show their success rate and the data will be shared with us.








Enrollment and Outreach Report

We are right below 50 students that are enrolled. We have a strip near Spring ISD, named Northborough. It lines about 15-18 apartment complexes which are mostly newcomers, primarily from Honduras. We received the last 9 enrollments from these complexes and enrolled students on site. The other location is 77060. We have spoken with many enrolled students and have noted that many of this population are not English speakers. This method is not sustainable so we need a marketing action plan to ensure awareness in the community versus one area. A marketing proposal has been emailed to board members to increase awareness to increase enrollment. We will push grass root marketing, but we will need to access marketing outwardly as well.




IV. Board Committee Updates


Finance Committee Report

Finance Committee will be pinned for next meeting.





Academic Committee Report

Academic Committee will be pinned for next meeting.





Community Development Report

Formalize the committee.

Kyra will send Gala Template for Fundraising Gala.

V. Closing Items


Adjourn Meeting

There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 7:58 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
K. Hardwick