Perea Elementary School
SOP Board Meeting Announcement
Date and Time
Thursday January 23, 2025 at 4:30 PM
1250 Vollintine
Memphis, TN 38107
Perea Elementary School will prepare all students academically, socially, and emotionally for success by creating and maintaining a classroom and school environment that is student-centered, with high academic expectations and where all students feel welcomed, appreciated, and valued.
Directors Present
A. Bedford, A. Cates, A. Langston, B. Ingram, B. White, C. Carter (remote), D. Moses, J. Boyd, J. Stokes, Q. Jones, R. Greene (remote), R. Scott (remote)
Directors Absent
J. Merrick
Ex Officio Members Present
S. Brooks
Non Voting Members Present
S. Brooks
Guests Present
A. Martin, Stephanie Hill
I. Opening Items
Record Attendance
Call the Meeting to Order
Approve Minutes
II. Introduction of New Board Member
Introduction of New Board Member
III. Special Presentation
Special Presentation
Klondike Community and North Square presentation shared by Roshaun Austin and Board member Quincy Jones
- Copy of presentation provided to Board members present.
- Board Chair Boyd introduced Roshaun Austin, President and CEO of The Works.
- Ms. Austin shared her background and how organization was founded.
- The Works controls over 400 parcels in the Klondike area. Started with homeowner repair and ensuring homeowners has legal rights to pass on their property.
- Board chair Quincy Jones shared document detailing Northside Square- structure converted into an 84-million-dollar project and it is 65% complete.
- Northside hall of fame will be in the main entrance. To include tenants; Moore Tech, Literacy Mid-South, a food court, law firm, commercial users, healthcare providers and 42 affordable housing units. Memphis Chamber of Commerce will have a large presence in building.
- Opportunity to connect Dream Sports with Schools of Perea (gym space and classroom space).
- Anticipate full Opening March 2026.
Board Chair opened floor for questions/concerns
- J. Stokes: Expected opening; March 2026.
- Brooks: Parking; several hundred parking spaces and street parking available.
- S. Hill: Any initiatives planned with SOP for homeownership for teachers/faculty; Tours and homeownership will be offered to support moving in the area. Tours for 3br/2ba homes in area offered by The Works.
IV. SOP Committee Reports
ED Update
Ed Update Dr. Robert Davis
- Shared hard copy of ED's Editorial and stated updates are in the document.
- Board reviewed CASE data from second administration and floor was open for questions.
- A. Langston: When will we have accreditation visit? No date set. All information needed has been reviewed and is intact.
- Cates: Provide clarification around Math data? Growth from last year to this year's CASE, shortfall is math (4th and 5th)- support from Lavinia and TLAC as well as Grant Ed Collaborative.
- Stokes: Has there been a lot of turnover with math teachers in grades 2 and 5? No turnover, solid math teacher in 5th with Eureka math experience and new teacher in 4th.
- Boyd: Do you have any idea how we will do in the end? Proficient and Level 5.
- ED Davis thanked everyone for their thoughts and prayers. Shared that he has faith in the team to carry on the high level of excellence that we are accustomed to at Perea.
Academic Committee Update
Academic Committee Dr. Ingram
- Board member Ingram shared that Data Trends and Celebrations were already shared by Dr. Davis.
- There is a pending 2nd Semester Walkthrough-once the date is set it will be shared with the board.
Finance Committee Update
Finance Committee Allison Cates and Katie Wise
- High level overview form Katie Wise- copies provided to Board members.
- A. Cates shared that everyone needs to be on the same page with context around budget- shared background of how money/revenue is obtained for SOP and Perea owns the building. Capital planning is a big part of the picture going forward.
- K. Wise shared we are looking to have a surplus- what we do from here forward will impact next year. Next year looking good with two years out looking even better.
- K. Wise reviewed the prepared report with the board (3 ways to look at this: Cuts, Revenue Generation and Investment).
Floor opened for questions:
- Ingram: 20-day adjustment period, is that something we will look to do? Davis: We will add that strategy, hasn't been a previous practice.
- Hill: When looking at the matriculation from grade to grade, is this based on what we have experienced in the past? Davis: We have seen the standard of 10-15% attrition throughout grade levels. There's a lot of promise since we will be one of the newer middle school options that the area is looking for.
- Boyd: De we have any data around why the students in the 4th grade didn't matriculate? Davis: Parents were seeking to keep sibling sets together. Outside of that it is the transiency.
- Stokes: Have we talked to the current 5th grade families. Davis: Yes, there is a middle school expo planned for this semester. Area schools will allow 5th graders to spend a day in the life of Perea. Current parents and students will have voice in what they would like their middle school experience to be like.
Katie resumed presentation and call attention to the last slide- Deficit Mitigation and the Path Forward. Dr. Davis stated that the cuts have not taken away for the core of our model.
- Hill: Middle school parents will be looking for a different experience, those things that require additional funds to have. Davis: We will be robust in offerings in the middle school.
- Ingram: Has there been any thought around creating a process for positions needed, how does it align to the organization and strategic plan? For example, do we necessarily need to have "said" program? Davis: Programming needs will be discussed by the team and its importance to the program will be determined before/taking away.
- White: We need a punch list prioritizing positions around what we must have and what would be nice to have.
Facilities Committee Update
Facilities Committee Ann Langston
- Shared that the contractors would like to have walk-throughs to look at deferred maintenance.
- We will start with getting numbers around what we will be looking for to make additional improvements to our facilities.
- We hope to have an update on HVAC software soon, and it will probably have anumber attached as well.
Fund Raising Committee Update
Fund Raising Committee Jim Boyd
- Written report provided to all board members.
- Board member Ingram shared background around our December initiative- "Giving Tuesday"- $8573.75 was raised from Giving Tuesday campaign. Very good return on investment.
- J. Stokes: Do we need to set a board member donation amount? Boyd: That is something we need to consider,
- Boyd: We will have the cycle event in May- looking at a Gala for the fall, possibly October. Will need a committee, event planner, sponsor etc.
The need for Strategic Planning was discussed by Board Member Carl Carter. A motion was made from Board Member Carter that the board hire a consultant to help build a solid strategic plan-estimate received for the consultant was $25,000. Board Member Darnell Moses seconded the motion.
Motion was opened for discussion:
- Board Chair Stokes mentioned that the discussion was brought up to pay for this in the fall, but it was dropped due to budget. Davis shared that succession plan has now been developed with the anticipation of acceptance by the board in March.
- Ingram: Can we follow a similar process where we approve an "up to amount" as I do feel it is important that we invest in this now.
- Hill: I would like to see the scope of work from original proposal, and should we revise the scope and get additional quotes?
- Dr. Davis shared that he feels it's important to have in mind what we want out of the succession plan.
- Board Member Carter stated that the discussion we are having around the motion itself proves that we need this strategic plan- we need a roadmap.
- Mrs. Brooks: Do we need to consider the expenses that may come along with the strategic plan recommendations?
- Board Chair Boyd: this is something we have to do, even if it adds $25,000 to the budget. There are some funding sources that will support us with doing this work as it is necessary.
- Cates: We are knowingly making the hole bigger with this.
- Langston: We all make a commitment, to raise from individuals.
- Moses: Have we submitted for funding from somewhere and they asked us for the strategic plan?
- Ingram: People know what we do, but people want to know where we are going.
- Hill: Are we asking for 3-year, a 5-year plan?
- Boyd: There needs to be a committee engaged with this- meet in February and report back to the board in March. The committee will consist of Board Members Stokes, Scott, Moses and Hil.
Motion- Authorize the committee to construct the scope of the strategic planning process and come back to the board with a proposal in March, with a consultant to complete the project.
Call for vote: All in favor, say I- All opposed (none)
Board Chair Boyd: Fundraising committee is asking that everyone from thr board make a financial donation and that each board member submit 10 names for out donor database (electronic and hard copy available).
Board Member Cates asked for joint meetings with finance committee when larger things are going to happen. The finance committee needs to be included (give finance committee a heads up when money is being spent).
Governance Committee
Governance Committee Dr. Jamia Stokes
2025 SOP Board Meeting Cadence- every other month cadence proposed
Feb - committees
March - Full Meeting
April - committees
May - full meeting
Saturday retreat in the summer- will send a poll for dates.
- A motion was made from Board Member Stokes for the cadence to be accepted. She asked everyone to be flexible in case additional meetings are needed (continue to hold the dates on year calendar).
- Board Chair Boyd: Voice vote- All in favor by saying I, all opposed: None.
- Board Member Stokes stated that 3 board members still have not completed Board on Track- Requests 100% compliance by end of February (this will be included on the March score card).
V. New Business- James Boyd
New Business Updates
No new business to discuss.
New Board Member, Dr. Stephanie Hill introduction provided by Dr. Jamia Stokes