Perea Elementary School


SOP Board Meeting Announcement

December Board Meeting

Date and Time

Thursday December 12, 2024 at 4:30 PM


1250 Vollintine

Memphis, TN 38107



Perea Elementary School will prepare all students academically, socially, and emotionally for success by creating and maintaining a classroom and school environment that is student-centered, with high academic expectations and where all students feel welcomed, appreciated, and valued.

Directors Present

A. Cates, A. Langston, B. Ingram, C. Carter, D. Moses, J. Boyd, J. Stokes, Q. Jones (remote), R. Scott (remote)

Directors Absent

A. Bedford, B. White, J. Merrick, R. Greene

Ex Officio Members Present

R. Davis III

Non Voting Members Present

R. Davis III

Guests Present

A. Martin, C. Taylor

I. Opening Items


Record Attendance


Call the Meeting to Order

J. Boyd called a meeting of the board of directors of Perea Elementary School to order on Thursday Dec 12, 2024 at 4:44 PM.


Approve Minutes

A. Langston made a motion to approve the minutes from SOP Board Meeting Announcement on 09-26-24.
D. Moses seconded the motion.

James Boyd called for the vote

The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.

II. Facilitated Discussion


Board Member Discussion

Facilitated Discussion - "Purpose"


During a meeting with the fundraising consultant, a question was raised.


Why are you here, why are you willing to be here?


Board members shared their personal why and how it connects with their board service and the mission of the school.


  • They believe in the mission and model of the schools.
  • Seeing children engage in the model.
  • Opportunity to touch a space that has a personal meaning.
  • Personal experience with the school as a parent with three children who have come through the schools.
  • Personal connection to the community and revitalization.
  • Opportunity to pay it forward; equity and access.
  • Fulfilling a higher calling.
  • Alignment with personal and professional experience and journey.
  • True belief in attending to the needs of the whole child.

How do you see your personal vision carried forward? How does it shape your presence on the board?


  • Responsible not just for today, but for the future - working to ensure financial sustainability.
  • This is not something we can start and stop - that's what keeps me here.
  • Use talents garnered over the years to help operationalize to move ideas to action.
  • Serving as an advocate for all children.


III. Committee Reports- Q & A


Executive Director and Academic Committee Updates

Academic Committee Brian Ingram/Robert Davis


Q&A from the Executive Director's Report


  • Where are we with the Middle School task Force?
    • Beginning phases so that students and parents can give input of what they'd like to see in their middle school experience. Logistically, we're fine for 6th and 7th grade. By 8th grade we'll need to have some additional considerations. the space in Northside Square will help us.
  • What about enrollment?
    • We want to account for 45 current 5th grade students transitioning to 6th grade.

Q&A from Academic Committee Report


  • Can you give an example of student misconceptions?
    • Clearing up what may be misunderstood before students get to the assessment. As we engage teachers in planning. We are supporting teachers with strategically anticipated where students may get stuck with the content and pre-planning to address it through teacher modeling and exemplars.


Fundraising Committee Update

Fundraising Committee Jim Boyd


  • Copies of the fundraising plan were provided to the Board.
  •  We are in the midst of our Giving Tuesdays campaign throughout December.
  •  Ms. Sanders is planning a gala for the spring.
  •  No questions for Fundraising Committee. 


Finance Committee Update

Finance Committee Allison Cates


  • The Finance Committee met and provided their report to the board.
  •  Audit findings will be available for the board's review during January meeting.
  •  Submit questions to Committee chair Allison Cates.


Governance Committee Update

Governance Committee Jamia Stokes


  • Board training is underway.
  • We have a potential new board member, Dr. Stephanie Hill - CAO for Juvenile Court who has met with the Governance Committee, Chair Boyd, and Dr. Davis.
  • A motion by Jamia Stokes to appoint Dr. Stephanie Hill to the board beginning January 2025; seconded by Darnell Moses.
  • There was unanimous vote of approval, Dr. Stephanie Hill will be onboarded to join the board in January 2025.
  • We will continue with the proposed plan to meet bi-monthly as a full board. We will meet as a full board in January. Committees only in February.
  • The Governance Committee will review the bylaws to determine if there are any implications or revisions needed as we expand into the middle grades.
  • The Committee will bring back findings to the January meeting.

IV. New Business- James Boyd


New Business Updates

Strategic Planning Update


  • We initially communicated with Kaposh Consulting regarding the development of a 3–5-year strategic plan.
  • We have a relationship with the National Charter Collaborative; we could potentially be eligible for full funding from NCC for our strategic planning.
  • Dr. Davis has begun the succession plan.

Closing Items


The next board meeting will be held on January 23, 2025.

V. Closing Items


Adjourn Meeting

There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 6:00 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
J. Boyd