Perea Elementary School


Perea Elementary School Board Meeting

Date and Time

Thursday October 22, 2020 at 2:30 PM


Church Health, West Atrium- 3rd Floor, Board Room; 1350 Concourse Ave, Ste 142, Memphis, TN 38104
Call-in information: 888.537.7715; Passcode: 85829513#
Perea Elementary School will prepare all students academically, socially, and emotionally for success by creating and maintaining a classroom and school environment that is student-centered, with high academic expectations and where all students feel welcomed, appreciated, and valued.

Directors Present

D. Moses (remote), K. Nichols (remote), K. Perry (remote), M. Boyd (remote), M. Sturdivant (remote)

Directors Absent


Ex Officio Members Present

D. Ussery (remote)

Non Voting Members Present

D. Ussery (remote)

Guests Present (remote)

I. Opening Items


Record Attendance


Call the Meeting to Order

M. Sturdivant called a meeting of the board of directors of Perea Elementary School to order on Thursday Oct 22, 2020 at 2:30 PM.
K. Nichols announced that Dr. Greene accepted an invitation to join the Board.


Approve Minutes

M. Boyd made a motion to approve the minutes from HVAC Update Meeting on 10-15-20.
K. Nichols seconded the motion.
Amendments to the minutes were discussed. 
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
Roll Call
K. Perry
D. Moses
M. Boyd
K. Nichols
M. Sturdivant

II. Education


Ms. Ussery toprovide Update on reopening with hybrid model after Fall Break.

D. Ussery gave an update on enrollment and a return to classroom instruction.   Students have been returning in small groups in preparation for hybrid school.
49 students will remain in virtual instruction.
Total enrollment is now 237 students; the EIS number is 215 according to SCS.


Ms. Ussery-Monthly Report

Ms. Amy Pearson is leaving to accept promotion at another school.  Replacing her as Family Coordinator is Taylor Hall.  Board members are invited to a surprise party on Friday, October 30, honoring Ms. Pearson.

K. Norman has been hired as a new Kindergarten teacher. 
Mr. Shaw, instructional assistant, is going to work for Neighborhood Christian Ctr.
New Office Manager is Reneeka Deeneer.

It was suggested that the Family Coordinator serve on the leadership team since family engagement is such an important mission of Perea.

All teachers are not yet certified, but all are working toward certification.  Covid has prevented progress.  Deadre is working with SCS to make sure paperwork is up to date.  Certification of all teachers will increase scoring of school.  There is pipeline of teaching assistants working on their certification as well.


Momentous Institute-Mike Sturdivant & Deadre Ussery

A discussion was held about the partnership with Momentous Institute in Dallas . 


Q & A Session with Deadre Ussery

There has been much death and illness within the staff.
Regular activities for decompression of staff are conducted.
Dr.  Elswick conducted a secondary trauma workshop for staff.
Intentional support is being provided staff.

Covid Numbers
Conversations have been held with staff at Forest Hill School whose students have been in the building since August and with the Health Department.
There have been no cases at PES since July 20 when staff came back on campus.
Test to Protect with City of Memphis through different hospitals will begin testing children and staff at PES on November 5. 

III. Facility


Believe Memphis

Believe Memphis has inquired about  continuing a lease for a portion of the building.  Square footage will be calculated and a lease drawn to begin July 2021.    BM also requested that PES not compete with them for 4th and 5th graders and only enroll K-3 grades.  They were told that PES believes strongly in the need to keep children in the learning environment focused on social emotional learning for as long as possible and would not be comfortable at this time sending children to Believe Memphis.

IV. Finance


Cody Stephenson and Kathryn Perry

Monthly financials were shared on screen. 
Enrollment is over the budgeted target of 234 so Perea is in strong position.
Projected FY 21 cash balance is positive through June..
Board shared the increase to forecasted operating income.
BEP funded rate for SCS is $9061 and depends on the number of students enrolled, not attendance. 

Audit process is underway and all on track.  Draft report will be provided in November or December.

K. Perry asked about any unforeseen expenses.  Expenses related to technology might be higher than expected.   Only 2 non-working laptops have come back.  Parents did sign a digital agreement. 


Update on second Installment of grant from Philanthropic Foundation Mike Sturdivant

Anonymous donor will make a second installment in December on this year’s grant.

V. Governance


Principal's Goals for next year presented-D. Ussery.

Annual goals are being finalized. 


Revision of Bylaws

M. Boyd made a motion to accept the Bylaws with the changes regarding term limits previously approved.
K. Perry seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
Roll Call
K. Nichols
M. Boyd
K. Perry
M. Sturdivant
D. Moses


Revision of Policies and Procedures

Revisions are being made to the Financial Procedures and Policies.  These will be shared with the Principal then presented to the Board in November for approval.  Resumes and job descriptions need to align with the procedures. 
A Job Description audit will help determine who needs to be in place, what roles need to be filled. 


Material changes to the Charter

The Material Change to the Charter regarding busing next fall has been submitted to SCS. 


Annual Report to the State due November 2, 2020

Deadre and Mike will assemble the annual report due to the State November 2. 

VI. Other Business


Other Business

K. Nichols asked the Board if they would be open to having additional advisors on the Education Committee.  The consensus was yes. 

M. Sturdivant noted a need to increase board members and that bringing on advisors to committees could provide a pipeline.  Suggestions are welcome in order to diversify board membership and represent the children served.  Persons with legal and facilities management skills would be especially welcome. 

K. Perry will call New Memphis Institute about possible board members.  
Memphis Education Foundation could also be contacted as well as MTR. 

VII. Closing Items


Adjourn Meeting

There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 4:50 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
M. Boyd
Board went into the annual retreat.