Perea Elementary School


Perea Elementary School Board Meeting

Date and Time

Thursday January 23, 2020 at 4:30 PM


Perea Elementary School, 1250 Vollintine Ave., Memphis TN 38107; Exact Location: TBD
Perea Elementary School will prepare all students academically, socially, and emotionally for success by creating and maintaining a classroom and school environment that is student-centered, with high academic expectations and where all students feel welcomed, appreciated, and valued.

Directors Present

D. Moses, K. Nichols (remote), K. Perry, M. Boyd, M. Sturdivant

Directors Absent


Ex Officio Members Present

A. Norman, D. Ussery

Non Voting Members Present

A. Norman, D. Ussery

Guests Present

Jamie Kennedy, Nida Rab, R. Carranza

I. Opening Items


Record Attendance and Guests


Call the Meeting to Order

M. Sturdivant called a meeting of the board of directors of Perea Elementary School to order on Thursday Jan 23, 2020 at 4:45 PM.


Approve Minutes

K. Perry made a motion to approve the minutes from Perea Elementary School Board Meeting on 12-19-19.
D. Moses seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.

II. Development


Activity Report

Update led by Alicia Norman.
  • A printed report was given to each member.
  • Committee met on January 22, 2020.
  • Board discussed fundraising goals.
  • Alicia informed the board about fundraising strategies.
  • A donation button will be added to the school's website by March 20, 2020.
  • Board members were reminded to make annual donations.

III. Education


Update on School Activity

Update led by Deadre Ussery.
  • Academic Update
    • Schedule of events:
      • Open Houses for PPS & PES – Feb. 18, Feb. 20, Feb. 27, and March 2.
    • Assessment of individual needs continues for all students.
      • Bridge and Rise classes proven to be beneficial.
    • A detailed report of academic goals and assessments was given to each member.
      • Currently 137 students enrolled; target is 152.
  • Other mentionable item:
    • Transportation and costs is being reviewed.

IV. Finance


Discussion of Monthly Budget Summary

Discussion led by Kathryn Perry and Nida Rab.
  • Financial update for December 2019 was given to each member.
  • March will see an adjustment in payments received.
  • For Year 2021, budgeting process will begin in February.
  • Nida continued with the monthly financial report overview.

V. Facility


Discussion of Repairs

Discussion led by Mike Sturdivant.
  • Repairs were discussed in reference to plumbing, boiler/chiller, and flooring.

VI. Governance


Discussion of Potential Board Members

Led by Martha Boyd and Mike Sturdivant.
  • Report will be postponed until February meeting.
  • Mike is making a list of potential additional board members.
    • Representative of those served by PES.
    • Skills recommended in real estate and/or architectural.
  • Board members asked to bring potential candidates to February meeting.

VII. Closing Items


Adjourn Meeting

There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 6:01 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
M. Boyd