Perea Elementary School


Perea Elementary School Board Meeting

Date and Time

Thursday November 21, 2019 at 4:30 PM


Church Health; 1350 Concourse Ave, Memphis, TN 38104; West Atrium - Third Floor; Westberg Meeting Room
Perea Elementary School will prepare all students academically, socially, and emotionally for success by creating and maintaining a classroom and school environment that is student-centered, with high academic expectations and where all students feel welcomed, appreciated, and valued.

Directors Present

D. Moses, K. Nichols, K. Perry, M. Boyd, M. Sturdivant

Directors Absent

S. Elswick

Ex Officio Members Present

A. Norman

Non Voting Members Present

A. Norman

Guests Present

B. Polk, Cody Stephenson, Deadre Ussery, R. Carranza

I. Opening Items


Record Attendance and Guests


Call the Meeting to Order

M. Sturdivant called a meeting of the board of directors of Perea Elementary School to order on Thursday Nov 21, 2019 at 4:32 PM.
Mike suggested moving the Board meetings to Perea beginning in January. 


Approve Minutes

D. Moses made a motion to approve minutes from the Perea Elementary School Board Meeting on 09-26-19 Perea Elementary School Board Meeting on 09-26-19.
K. Perry seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
Board also voted to unanimously approve the August 15, 2019 Board meeting minutes as written.  

II. Development Report


Development Committee Report

  • Met Oct. 7 and discussed financials guiding fundraising efforts
  • Printed report was given each member.
  • Board discussed leasing space with Believe Memphis. 
  • Board discussed grant and foundation funding and fundraising goal to be reached by the end of the school year.
    • Donation page will be added to website.
  • Discussion about solicitation. 
  • Board members were reminded to make annual donations.

III. Education


Academic Update

  • A detailed report of academic goals and assessments was given each member.
    • Currently 136 students enrolled, target is 152.
    • Other student demographics where discussed. 
    • Assessment of individual needs continues for all students.
  • Schedule of events:
    • Harvest Carnival was held October 31
    • Family Dinner Night – Nov. 14
    • Holiday Party will be held in December
  • Other mentionables: 
    • Parenting with Hope 6 week program just ended - 22 families from PES and PPS participated.
    • 27 fathers showed up for Dad Link Nov. 7 which will start again in January.
    • The need for transportation and additional equipment is being reviewed.
    • One of Church Health's staff  helped develop survey for faculty and staff to complete.
    • Coach hopes to have fitness program for staff in place in January.

IV. Security


Security at PES

  • Board discussed TDOE Security Report recommendation and Men in Blue participation.
  • Armed guards not allowed with PPS.
  • Perea will be careful about messaging with children.

V. Facility


Report on Failing Floor in Perea Preschool

Sinking floor in Preschool will be repaired, starting in one  classroom during Christmas break. 

Hallway also has conditions to be addressed. Agency that is repairing the sinking floors has agreed to accept responsibility for repairing of the hallway conditions also. 

VI. Finance


Monthly Budget Summary Report

An overview of audit draft was presented.  Board must vote on audit before Dec. 30. Draft will be sent to all board members.
Cody continued with monthly financial report provided to each member.

VII. Governance


Board Member Recruitment

Suggestions for 2 additional board members were requested. Dr. Elswick will resign from the Board effective Jan. 1. Mike will approach a potential Board member about serving. 

VIII. Other Business



Darnell inquired about hiring process for next school year. D. Ussery suggested waiting until January to apply as better idea of who needed at that time. Applications will be on website.

IX. Closing Items


Adjourn Meeting

The Committee went into Executive Session to review Human Resources/CEO Support and Evaluation.
There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 5:45 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
M. Boyd