Perea Elementary School


Board Meeting

Date and Time

Thursday July 18, 2019 at 4:30 PM


Westberg Meeting Room, Church Health, Third Floor C,rosstown Concourse, 1350 Concourse Ave
Perea Elementary School will prepare all students academically, socially, and emotionally for success by creating and maintaining a classroom and school environment that is student-centered, with high academic expectations and where all students feel welcomed, appreciated, and valued.

Directors Present

D. Moses, K. Nichols (remote), K. Perry, M. Sturdivant, S. Elswick (remote)

Directors Absent

M. Boyd

Ex Officio Members Present

A. Norman

Non Voting Members Present

A. Norman

Guests Present

Cody Stephenson, Deadre Ussery

I. Opening Items


Record Attendance and Guests


Call the Meeting to Order

M. Sturdivant called a meeting of the board of directors of Perea Elementary School to order on Thursday Jul 18, 2019 at 4:30 PM.
Mike introduced new PES Prinicpal, Deadre Ussery.


Approve Minutes

D. Moses made a motion to approve minutes from the Board of Directors on 05-30-19 Board of Directors on 05-30-19.
K. Perry seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.

II. Development



  • No comments/updates at the time. Committee is working to come up with a development plan. 
  • Mike asked the Board to come prepared with suggestions on how to provide a target amount for funding that's reasonable and attainable for the development team. 

III. Education


Update on 2019-2020 School year

  1. Enrollment
    • 71 expected to roll over to the first grade
    • 75 applicants for kindergarten
  2. Community Engagement
    • PES staff is equipping community stakeholders with brochures about PES
    • PES is hosting a Back to School bash 
  3. Curriculum has been overhauled 
  4. Bridge Update
    1. all employees working in the Bridge classrooms have been hired 

IV. Facility


Update on Improvements including HVAC.

Mike updated the Board on: 
  1. painting touch ups happening in the building and floor cleaning 
  2. landscape work around the building 
  3. bids on the safety flashers on the street
    1. we've been approved for solar flashers 
Further discussion - note made to include detailed notes about monetary transitions when using checks 

V. Finance


June 2019 Financials

Cody reviewed the May financials with the Board. 

VI. Human Resources/CEO Support And Eval


CEO evaluation update

Mike will sent an email to the Board to get feedback and comments on the evaluation. Once the composite of the report is complete, it will be shared with the Board. 

VII. Other Business


Bus Transportation of PES Students

Shandra has worked to get three bids: Durham, Harmony and Premier Transportation. Alicia provided a one-page summary sheet with all financial details concerning bus transportation. 

Board discussed other topics regarding transportation: marketing, regulations and challenges for parents. After further discussion, the Board agreed that a vote is necessary but at the moment, there isn't enough information to be fully informed and thus motion a vote. Board agreed that 15 -20 students (parents) would need to make a commitment to utilize bus transportation services in order to be in a better position to make a vote on bus transportation. 


Case Studies/Kayon Montaque

Mike shared the purpose of working with Kayon Montaque. Mike informed that Board that she will send related information to the Board and stakeholders. Board discussed how information will be handled and distributed. 

Board further discussed how to use this information. 


PPS 20th Anniversary Celebration

Alicia asked the Board if they could help celebrate PPS's 20th year in operation. 

VIII. Closing Items


Adjourn Meeting

Board minutes were submitted by Jamie Kennedy. 
There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 5:30 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
M. Sturdivant