Perea Elementary School

Perea Elementary School Board Meeting

Date and Time

Thursday February 27, 2020 at 4:30 PM CST


Perea Elementary School, 1250 Vollintine Ave., Memphis TN 38107; Exact Location: TBD
Perea Elementary School will prepare all students academically, socially, and emotionally for success by creating and maintaining a classroom and school environment that is student-centered, with high academic expectations and where all students feel welcomed, appreciated, and valued.


I. Opening Items
Opening Items
  A. Record Attendance and Guests
  B. Call the Meeting to Order

Welcome members and guests.

  C. Approve Minutes
Approve minutes from January 23, 2019 meeting of the board.
    Approve minutes for Perea Elementary School Board Meeting on January 23, 2020
II. Development
  A. Update on progress and future plans.
Alicia will report on Development Committee.
III. Education
  A. Update on Education Committee
Kelley Nichols will introduce Principal, Deadre Ussery. 
Ms. Ussery will also report on assessment plans, summer programming and committee report.
IV. Facility
  A. Facility
No Report.
V. Finance
  A. Monthly Budget Summary
Cody Stephenson with ED Tec will join us by phone.
Ms. Ussery will present further information on busing of students.
Ms. Ussery will discuss plans for recruiting of students and staff.
Ms. Ussery will present travel and educational plans for staff and faculty, end of year.
VI. Governance
  A. Term limits

Committee Report to be given.

  B. Presentations by staff members offered quarterly to educate board members related to different areas

Martha Boyd and Darnell Moses will present suggestion to include staff presentations on a quarterly basis intended to enhance knowledge of board members related to key area of Perea.

VII. Human Resources
No Report
VIII. Other Business
  A. Executive Session
IX. Closing Items
  A. Adjourn Meeting