The Leadership School


TLS May 28, 2024 Board Meeting

Date and Time

Tuesday May 28, 2024 at 6:00 PM


The Leadership School

1785 Pennsylvania Ave

Pagedale, MO  63133


All board meetings will be fully in-person.


Attendees can still join via Zoom using the link below. 

Or the following:

  • Meeting ID: 936 4830 0851
  • Passcode: TLS2021 

Per Missouri Revised State Statute Section 610.021, the Board of Directors may close this meeting for an Executive Session to discuss permissible subjects.


This notice is published at our school site (1785 Pennsylvania Ave Pagedale, MO 63133) and on our website (

Directors Present

A. Williams (remote), G. McHam, L. Hunter, R. Langrall

Directors Absent


Ex Officio Members Present

K. Townsend

Non Voting Members Present

K. Townsend

Guests Present

C. Moulder, L. Moody Seymour

I. Opening Items


Call the Meeting to Order

L. Hunter called a meeting of the board of directors of The Leadership School to order on Tuesday May 28, 2024 at 6:11 PM.


Record Attendance


Public Comment Section

No public comments

II. EdOps Presentation


Draft FY25 Budget

A. Nichols presented the draft FY25 budget for the board's review.

  • Discussed major changes from Year 2 to Year 3.
  • Budget projects a 16% fund balance at the end of Year 3.
  • CSP grant supports the large increase inrevenue and expenses. 
    • Increase from approx $2mil to $4mil budget

III. Action Items


Approve Board Meeting Minutes from April 30, 2024

G. McHam made a motion to approve the minutes from TLS April 30, 2024 Board Meeting on 04-30-24.
R. Langrall seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.


Approve April 2024 Monthly Financials

G. McHam made a motion to approve the April 2024 financial statements.
R. Langrall seconded the motion.

Chair acknowledged that treasurer, D. Henderson, resigned from the board 2 weeks ago

Chair shared that we are monitoring monthly expenditures.

The board VOTED to approve the motion.


Approve revision to Enrollment & Lottery Policy

K. Seymour discussed the proposed changes to the enrollment and lottery policy to allow employee children to attend TLS even if they reside outside of the boundaries. TLS would be exempt from any and all state funding allocations. K. Seymour does not anticipate a negative impact on the budget, as additional teachers would not be required. 


Chair asked questions about the tipping point of needing to add another teacher to cover additional students. Co-EDs asked about adding a clause about the impact. Board asks them to consider how to deal with a large number of potential students. Board recommends that the policy will be reviewed annually and is subject to budget determinations.


The vote will be tabled to the next meeting. K. Seymour will update the policy to address the questions/concerns brought up in this meeting. 

IV. Board Business


Introduce potential members

Potential board members are not ready to be approved at this time. The board will hold a special meeting Monday, June 10th at 4pm to approve new board members. 


Summer Board Meetings

Chair offered a suggestion that June and July board meetings are done virtually instead of in person. All board members were in agreement to move them virtual. 


Organization Annual Registration Update

K. Townsend shared that all next steps had been taken and she will follow up with legal counsel this week to ensure all reports are completed and names are transferred to the new EDs. 


School leader and board succession plans

L. Hunter discussed the need for transition planning and review proposals from a firm that can support the board to create succession planning. 

V. Board Committee Reports


Governance Committee

  • G. McHam offered a potential board member emeritus status that he would like the board to consider adding to the by-laws for the June meeting.



Finance & Facilities Committee

  • A new treasurer and committee chair is needed due to Deanne's resignation. 
  • The modulars will be rotated 90 degrees. 




Development Committee

  • Trivia Night event was successful. Raised about $6,000
  • The committee is planning some summer events and will need support.


School Performance Committee

  • R. Langrall met with K. Seymour to discuss the NWEA and iReady reports.
  • Discussed the importance of having a school library to nurture independent reading
  • Discussed creating learning progressions to discuss how to scaffold the grade level expectations, and create more precise targets and assessments.

VI. Executive Director Reports


Mrs. Seymour - 2024-25 Student Recruitment & Enrollment

Mrs. Seymour gave a report on student enrollment for 2024-25. The board asked for the report to combine the numbers for returning and new students so that the progress towards 210 students enrolled was more clear. 


Ms. Moulder - 2024-25 Hiring Process & Updates

C. Moulder shared an update on hiring. 

  • 4 positions remain open: 3rd/4th Science, 3rd/4th Math, office manager, principal in residence
  • Teachers were hired and took another position. 


Dr. Townsend - Progress towards 2023-24 Goals

Dr. Townsend reported on the EOY iReady and NWEA Assessment Data. The board asked for a spreadsheet that showed the progress of students who have been enrolled for the last two years. 

VII. Closed Session


Closed Session

G. McHam made a motion to enter into closed to discuss personnel pursuant to RSMo. 610.021.3, which states: Hiring, firing, disciplining or promoting of particular employees by a public governmental body when personal information about the employee is discussed or recorded.
R. Langrall seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
Roll Call
G. McHam
L. Hunter
A. Williams
R. Langrall

No actions were taken in the closed session.

G. McHam made a motion to end the closed session.
R. Langrall seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.

VIII. Closing Items


Next Steps


Adjourn Meeting

There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 8:30 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
K. Townsend